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Everything posted by treatment

  1. You're joking, right? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-008624 http://www.hlj.com/product/ACA82075/Sci
  2. Ya know? The upcoming YF-29b's grey/blue scheme color is actually much much closer to that than Arcadia's own 0D: vs hmm...
  3. Yeah. Looks like just some shadowing that makes it seem grey-ish, but it's really just regular white plastic. Is it really that difficult for Arcadia to use jet-black backgrounds for more proper contrast when photographing the valk?
  4. Wow! Really dark blue. Nice, but really just wrong for Shin's 0D blue. Maybe Arcadia will officially name it as the "1/60 VF-0D Not-Really-Shin-Kudo-but-some-other-unknonw-cannon-fodder". Also, that Roy VF-1 looks pinkish. Especially at the nosecone and wings.
  5. Here we go. A couple of very nicely-sculpted and castoff-enabled 1/6 bishoujos... Ai (11,720y pre-order pricing) http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-010191 Sakura(10,650y pre-order pricing) http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-010278
  6. Woody's enthralled...
  7. I have no idea about Combiner Wars and the shenanigans involved in it, but the minibot apparently goes inside UM's chest per pics on Seibertron...
  8. whoa! CW leader-class Ultra Magnus pics at TFW from Hasbro Toyfair 2015: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/toy-fair-38/leader-class-ultra-magnus-at-toy-fair-hasbro-event-2015-182101/
  9. Sorry about that. Got too excited. Darn cruel tease. Pls close thread.
  10. Dunno if already posted, but just saw this at taghobby: http://www.taghobby.com/9-0/9-2/mynavi-2015年02月27日發售-書-超時空要塞macross-sdf-1超時空號-徹底解/ edit: Wait. Is this just a damn book???!!! what?
  11. The seat rotate on my old Yammie-0S.
  12. So the VF-0 seats don't rotate anymore? Or did they just completely forgot/remove that old feature now?
  13. I reckon those attendees were actually referring to the Macross series of 1982 and that the tint is really close to Max's 1A of that show...
  14. Arcadia just needs to make and sell the Ghost X-9 already...
  15. Nice! You oughta hunt down the FastPack, too...
  16. Sharon's quite resilient...
  17. from http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=234803&pid=7429643 we interrupt your regular programming to bring you... GODDAMMIT, MEGAHOUSE! SELL THESE TO ME REGULARLY VIA AMIx2 OR HLJ INSTEAD OF PRICE-GOUGING ME THRU SOME ANNOYING YC SHENANIGANS!
  18. I think those hip wings on the Arcadia 0S is a mistake. I think only the 0D has hip wings.
  19. Yeah. Wonder how much Arcadia will gouge for their version of QF-2200D-B Ghost Booster this time. My guess will be about 12,000y before shipping-fees. Better save up now for it...
  20. It's a bit challenging to discern details with those overhead show/stage lights regarding the Arcadia-0S head, but I think it's quite flatter than the Yammie. At the same time, the chest-area of the Arcadia-0S looks smaller/more-compacted and more curved/rounded than the rather flat Yammie chest-area of my 0S. Also, even angled like the pic, the back cape/wing-area of the Arcadia-0S is not as wide an area as the old Yammie-0S.
  21. Here's a quickie snap I did for you...
  22. Kinda funny. The Toysdaily-thread I linked here is also linking this specific MWF-thread to itself! Awesome circular dependency! Hello to the ToysDaily people from us here MWF people!!! Post more WonFest-2015 Macross pics! Long live Macross fans worldwide!
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