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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Man, can't help be thinkin' that Arcadia will troll everybody with an actual anime-colors accurate 0D Shin in 6 months. They wouldn't do that, right?
  2. pre-o for Rei v2 is up at ami: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-010560
  3. I don't think there is any. Not sure if it's a good idea or not. You'll just have to suffer like the rest of us...
  4. I don't have a VF-19 or the Arcadia YF-19, but Veef seems a bit pessimistic (resigned?) about the ball-joint ankle in the video-review's gerwalk-mode segment. Are you or anybody worried about it at all getting loosey quick or something? Also, I'm still watching the video-review, but can someone else confirm that Arcadia did away with the pilot-seat recline/rotate feature?
  5. I'm 6mins into the Veef's video, but how's the gunpod-placement in fighter-mode? Looks a little pointing to the left on the video? (your right when valk's facing you). Reminded me of the gunpod-placement shenanigan of the yf-19v1. --- updated and added pics.
  6. not sure if CRYO's posting over there, but toysdaily-thread with pics and moar pics: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-235671-1-1.html http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-235671-1-1.html
  7. i386 ftw! Pentium III is just way too rich and fancy for me...
  8. eh? Nobody folds their DYRL VF-1 wings in their right mind. Unless out of available display-space. Folded wings are only for TV VF-1.
  9. btw, think i'm the only one still using w1namp...
  10. I dunno, man. She look terribly malnourished... Srsly, tho. The face looks misproportionedly big from that colored promo-pic. Still wishing MH would release the long-haired Rei v1's to the masses, too...
  11. The rush prolly hasn't gone down on a few. Plus, some are still prolly waiting for the second pre-o window to open at ami and hlj.
  12. was this ever posted, yet? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-010545 castoff-enabled, except for the goggles...
  13. Man. Imagine the chaos if only Arcadia's VF-0D was under 18k pre-o and has the correct blue-grey...
  14. --doublepost--
  15. Oh. That's a little different, then. fwiw, I got a PO-box at usps just for my imports, especially ems stuff.
  16. The what now? I see EMS, SAL-Parcel, Registered Air-Mail and Registered-SAL for this item as shipping options. fwiw, EMS is 4300y and Reg-SAL is 1810y.
  17. It's too expensive at 18k for the scalpers...
  18. prolly N-Y and/or their agents or some other shop camped out on ami and cleaned them out quick.
  19. Do they? CDJ only do upfront-payment if you use paypal, afaik. They don't do upfront-payment for visa/mc credit-cards.
  20. btw, CDJ is still up. 18k yen. GO! GO! GO!
  21. My order for the RD Turn-A _just_ completed _just_ now! Ami's site was just damn slow. Can't imagine how anyone outside of Japan could've secured this YF-29B at all. If there's any who was successful at ami, congrats!
  22. roflmao!!! amiami pre-o closed down quick! AGAIN!!! HAHAHAHA!!
  23. Just your regular and usual MWF shenanigans.
  24. /me shakes head Stacks is more of an homage to UM. MP-22 _is_ the UM of the movie and the tv-series.
  25. Well, this is MWF afterall. People are quite passionate about blueness of certain colors... You can try to get snapshots and stuff of UM from the dvd of the movie and/or the S3 of the tv-series if you're not convinced. It's like the Alto's VF-25 has Hikaru's color, but it surely ain't a VF-1...
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