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Everything posted by treatment

  1. The animators just didn't shade/color it properly. It's not quite as egregious as Roy's 0S missing it's entire arms or magic gunpod in some of the battle scenes, iirc.
  2. There's actually a bunch of that kind of animation-error stuff in the whole anime. I don't think it was ever fixed in the dvd or blu-ray versions.
  3. just either dim your lights or just use light from the tv from where you're displaying 'em to get the deep-colors effect...
  4. Well, the old yammie 0A/0S do have good articulation, too. It just have an extra feature of exploding arms to perfectly replicate the anime...
  5. photoshop would've been nicer to use, but it's just simple nef/raw post-processing. I actually wanted to reproduce the paler colors, but didn't have the right lighting equipment...
  6. Chris Yukine black bunny edition : http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-010899 1/7 scale at 220mm quite nicer than the original pink version. --- Another bunny girl... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-010898 1/4 scale at 320mm !!! nice little tush...
  7. welp! it's up for pre-o at ami now. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-010900 1/8 scale at 200mm Character-name is Mio Naruse.
  8. upcoming from Vertex: http://blog.livedoor.jp/vertexblog/archives/43850271.html I reckon a Rias clone from another recent anime I've no idea about. Looks quite nice, tho.
  9. While we wait for Yuki v4, here's one of the pics from the pictorial of Yuki v3 at ameblo... http://ameblo.jp/mappamundice/entry-12004301270.html Nicely done, but I'm skipping this version since I'm just not a fan of non-castoffable bikinis...
  10. From his review, the funniest thing was that extra sword-handle. For an extra part, it was so thin and stuff that am not sure how this figure can actually grip it securely. Not really sure why TT really cheaped out on it. Charles didn't do it, but for anyone else that has MP-24, have it do GERWALK mode and post a pic.
  11. Yuki v4 with cast-off option? ahahaha!
  12. Minmay and Ishtar stand on Macross-stands...
  13. A'ight, guys. Is/Was there ever a Tamaki (toheart2) figure that actually looks like Tamaki? I mean, very close to the lineart in the anime and/or game? Specifically, the face. I haven't really seen any. Some either looks like a glorified Kotori of DaCapo or the usual artistic renditions/exaggerations. I think the the closest lineart-accurate Tamaki figure I'd seen was the 2007 Kid Tamaki from Wave figure.
  14. I want a RG Kampfer and a RG Rick Dias. Make it happen, Bandai!
  15. What gets my goat most of the time is that I believe most scalpers are not really actual Macross fans. At most, they're just temporary fans. They're actually just really in it to make a profit at the expense of the fans they've most likely deprived of the chance of getting the valk during pre-o and/or during release-dates. As such, can't really blame them scalpers, either. Sadly and unfortunately, some actual fans agrees and are willing to pay the scalper-pricings.
  16. Apples and oranges. As such, if I can use my valk-toys to go work and stuff, i prolly tolerate and pay the price-jacking. Coz going to work in an valkyrie is just priceless...
  17. Yeah, but what/who defines the actual "market value" other than the manufacturers? As we've seen with Ami's preorder-madness, most scalpers that got the items from Ami got it at a very generous pre-o discounts from the actual msrp. Most of the scalpers will then flip these items at significant price-jacking. No one really buys at msrp unless it's specifically a TWE item. As such, I still say screw Bandai. Ain't playin' their artificially/deliberately-induced supply-limitation. Just go without, I say!
  18. Anything $20 over the original msrp that is not in new/mib/misb condition is scalping to me. I don't resell anything, so I couldn't care less about how/why "resellers" or scalpers justify their price-jacking.
  19. Yamato 1/60v2 VT-1 Super Ostrich available at Jungle for 41,040y (excluding shipping-fees): http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=121&id=1091873 Get it soon if you're more than willing to pay that scalper-pricing...
  20. SRC MazinKaiser-SKL is scheduled fore release this week, and here's a blog with pictorials: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/51944128.html here's a size-comparo with the original SKL and the regular MazinKaiser: http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/hacchaka/imgs/2/1/21fa3c6d-s.jpg
  21. 1/1000 Yamato kits box-comparo: Original series and 2199 versions. Only the middle one's hastily completed. Haven't had the time and motivation to finish the other two...
  22. Just got Yuki Mori v1-renewal: :wub: :hail: Much better and more excellent paint-finish in contrast to the lousily/lazily-painted Yuki v2 released last month.
  23. Must be coz of... http://www.abcb.com/laws/law_34.htm
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