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Everything posted by treatment

  1. https://youtu.be/8WQVb_nuKvs
  2. Bummer. You can try going a bit ghetto by using some foam tape. Cut it up in tiny square or rectangular pieces just to jam the hole a bit. It'll prolly be thick enough, I reckon. Yeah. That's what she said... Kewl beans! Glad I could assist.
  3. Yeah. I can't see the yellowing on 'em from the photo. oh, and blood??? Was it really? I like to think simple overspray, but damn blood? dafuq, Arcadia?!
  4. That's f*ed up! Yeah. Waiting for a pic of that. Somebody oughta twat Arcadia and Mr.K about the shenanigan!
  5. Great shots, dude! You got a good handle on 'em since that's how these valks are thoroughly enjoyed. Especially in battroid-mode.
  6. Yeah. It's like that on mine. Bandai seems to make it depend on whatever fictional friction it can somehow generate. They will keep/stay in place most of the time, but they are stupidly insecure and will easily fall out if touched slightly.
  7. I can remember wanting Soundwave soooooooooo bad when I was a kid much more than I ever wanted OP coz I thought SW can actually be a radio and play cassette tapes or something. Then I saw Blaster at the dept-stores display. He was much bigger and bright colors. But his deck didn't open and I was like WTF? FAIL! I never did get any of them, tho. Too expensive for my folks. I believe they did make a functional SW and Blaster radio/player years after.
  8. Got Enhanced-ZZ the other day and discovered from a month ago was a bit lacking in some details. So here's to supplement it: enhanced ZZ (left) vs regular ZZ (right) front-view: Shoulder-wings were a bit longer. Skirt's now got tails. Also, not sure if just my copy, but Enhanced-ZZ has tighter arms/shoulders than regular-ZZ out of the box. back-view: Enhanced-ZZ now has a backskirt! Also, the back-thrusters are lowered further to the heel area, but are now grey instead of red. box: Enhanced-ZZ (179) has a slightly longer box than the regular ZZ (133). inner packaging stuff: Enhanced-ZZ has pinkish beam-saber, while regular-ZZ's purple-ish beam-saber. Also, Enhanced-ZZ does not include the stage-act stand and does not include extra beam-saber handles like the regular-ZZ. backpack: Enhanced-ZZ's backpack is a bit larger, has movable handle and of course, incorporates missile/missile-doors now. There you have it.
  9. That Yuki v4 is just Rei v2 still looks like a trap...
  10. Someone hasn't twatted him about this issue, yet? He prolly won't give a useful reply, anyway...
  11. I think showing prototypes equipped with the SAP in all modes will improve the interest level on this valk. Otherwise, meh.
  12. I reckon at least it's not yellowing like the Bandai 1/55's and others. Which reminds me, has any yammie and/or arcadia white valk ever yellowed or reported/shown as yellowed?
  13. Is the new GBP armor darker or the same as the old one?
  14. White? I thought that was Arcadia's "grey"...
  15. Yeah. Thanks for the pics, Anubis.
  16. Uhmm, the valk on the right does looks pinkish from your pics. Oh, and the two old Yammies from your pics still look awesome and correct...
  17. color-correcting eye-wear...
  18. I reckon the best way to make sure about this "pink" is to have a side-by-side comparo with the old Yammie. Under whatever lighting conditions, and possibly inside and outside (sunny) the house. One thing I noticed from the pics is that the "white" on the Armor is a little different from the "white" of the 1J.
  19. Saw Dijeh's PO at ami was up earlier this morning, but I'm just posting it here now: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-GDM-2813 As such, still unsure if I want it...
  20. So, guys. Regarding the upcoming RE 1/100 Dijeh. No inner-frame or what? Is it just a glorified 1/100 HG?
  21. Decided to cancel my po for this Rei-Rei. Just really boring and not impressive enough even for the discounted po-pricing.
  22. Was the option-pack (seat/etc) included in the original Yammie 1/60v2 GBP? Not sure if this Arcadia includes it. At any rate, saw this post at toysdaily earlier: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=226384&pid=7513711 attached pics from : http://mactama.com/mt/toy/macross/takatokutoys/76_armored_series/76_armored_vf_1j/76_armored_vf_1j_top_.htm Apparently, the old 1/76 Takatoku GBP actually had the option seat thingy even back then? Never knew!
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