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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Honestly, I'm not really sure if ET is doing any actual innovative engineering or even original designing on this VF22SS. It's like they're just copying the old Bandai 1/100 almost wholesale, albeit in a bigger scale and connecting the parts to make it non-parstforming. Has anyone identified any new stuff on this other than it not being a partsformer like the old 1/100 Bandai?
  2. You into dolls now? You gonna be tasuke-v2 here?
  3. Have you check their FAQ? http://www.anime-export.com/page/faq
  4. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's a quickie shot of the Q-Rare and the HM-R. With Kreo-Screamer:
  5. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I'll dig up mine to take some pic, but I think the RD Q-Rare's a bit small and even more anorexic than the HM-R.
  6. I think MP-Shocky's might have the same purple as your beloved and not-found-yet Trypticon-reissue...
  7. Why would you be? The 1/60v2 VF-1 are quite light and tight, even with the FPs on. Quite sturdy. It's prolly the only valk that you can really swoosh around without fear of things/parts falling out and stuff. Arcadia just needs to implement the screw/spring stuff on the clamp of the old Launch Arm to do proper DYRL launch pose!
  8. Strangely, side by side like that, the old Takatoku looks better proportioned than that abnormally-stretched Bandai Hi-Metal or something
  9. Wonder if ET will decide to use their magnets stuff on this. They're pretty much so into magnets with their gokins and stuff. As such, they should prolly hire a more competent engineer(s) to redesign this product to make it more worthy of the 24k-yen they're msrp'ing it for.
  10. You guys can email ami to cancel your preorders. They will cancel it since it's just a preorder still. They'll just give you their usual standard guilt-email crap response.
  11. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross2/vf-2ss/vf-2ss-fighter-lineart.gif
  12. At least it's not pinkish, tho...
  13. I reckon the only thing it is superior to th 1/60v1 is that it's not a parts-former. Other than that, it looks inferior in pretty much all modes against the stupid 1/60v1. However, it is quite superior in all modes to the even more stupid MPCs...
  14. I have both. The Launch-Arm is pretty, but quite stupid and way overpriced back in the day. The "claws/clamps" are just lame deco and don't really provide any other purpose. If they ever want to re-issue it, they should re-engineer it so that the claws/clamps are actually useful and can be use the way it was used in DYRL. The Mighty Blocks are actually more useful and should be re-released. You can do some pretty nifty dynamic poses with it. It just didn't support the SV-51 and VF-22 adaptors, tho.
  15. Yeah. I don't particularly like the underside-shenanigans, tho...
  16. Pillows performing their classic oldies... even wearing their old blazers, i reckon... ;
  17. from http://tf.takaratomy.co.jp/toy/search/masterpiece/mp29/index.html
  18. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

  19. It's not on their english-site, yet, but here you go, Mike... http://www.amiami.jp/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-012799 1/8 only, tho.
  20. Shosa Motoko Kusanagi Arise-ver pre-order up on ami: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-014291
  21. Uh-oh! I reckon it is really going to be pinkish...
  22. 15k-yen msrp if it has the SAP...
  23. I think they really should put their naked VF2SS at the 10000y msrp range.
  24. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Revoltech Regults standing in coz the HiMetal-R Regults are not out, yet...
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