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Everything posted by treatment

  1. https://youtu.be/SQBvrGa9BlM :hail:
  2. Nothing against your awesome gif-wizardry, yeti, but these things that Delta had shown just has: Too much cg shenanigans. Not enough real artistry. Looks just like a modern flight game. The character designs are mediocre, too. No anime soul... --- Maybe I'm just really appreciating even more now how Plus was created and produced all those years ago...
  3. 200mm is darn tiny.
  4. :lol:
  5. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    here, just for you:
  6. Well, it has some precedence. The VF-4 (ops 2012-2030) replaced the VF-1 (ops 2009-2015) in 2020 as the main variable fighter.
  7. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I rather think it was the 1/60 M7 valks that sank them, rather than the 1/60 VF-1. Kaki and Max (both dyrl and tv) were lingering in the discount-bin, but damn Hikaru and Roy were always out of stock! In contrast, all the M7 valks shared shelfwarming space for months, if not years. The original M7 HiMetals didn't do Bandai any good, either, fwiw. We'll just see if Bandai re-introduce their M7 valks into the HM-R line.
  8. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Minus SAL-shipping, I paid 9710yen for a Hikaru-1S and the FP. HLJ ran out of the single-pack thanks the dorks here at MWF buying multiples, so I had to do separate items. Even so, it was a pretty neat deal despite the horrid exchange-rate and the lack of private-warehouse feature.. In contrast, I never bought any HiMetal 1/100, but I recall that it was almost always near-msrp at hlj back then. Almost no discounts, if at all. It was just not a good deal price-wise and features-wise with the parts-forming, and the tiny size. Was there even a Strike/Super 1S HiMetal 1/100 back then? Ami says the HiMetal Strike-Roy was a 2010-release. As such, these are all just perspectives now, but we had it good back then. The HM-R nowadays are a good deal coz there really isn't any direct or even timely competition anymore. I reckon the exchange-rate is far more favorable to the US$ nowadays, too, compared to back in 2009.
  9. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't think you can even find any new 1/60 at the regular shops like hlj. Most are most likely sold by re-sellers like jungle or users, and/or your regular scalpers at ebay and yja nowadays. At atrociously exorbitant pricing. I saw somebody trying to sell a Kaki-TV for US$220, and a Max-1j for $720ish the other day at ebay. The HM-R GBP-1J was available for a while after release, so I think the upcoming Strike-Hikaru will have good longish availability after release-date as well.
  10. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Honestly, I think the HM/HM-R had their same old yen-pricing as the old Yamato 1/60v2. It's only Arcadia that jacked the pricing up to stupid high...
  11. I think technoblue or eriku or one of the others were the ones that commented that the pinkish-hue was similar to the old yamato kits pinkish-hue when the pink-nerdrage was happening. here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=39641&page=29#entry1097546
  12. I'm not wishing anything. It is you who is wishing. Keep it straight. You got some official stuff, tell us. Otherwise, shutdown the license-lost wishful thinking.
  13. I don't wish that Arcadia has factory issues; rather that is what their current release-data is revealing to all of us and what Mr.K's own tweets has been giving us to chew on some of the reasoning behind their release-schedule and pricing. I do not quite understand why you want to insist on regurgitating some homebrew rumor of your's that you can't even (or don't want to) provide any confirmation of other than your "belief" and "your sources". Like I said before, just tell us straight if you have official stuff.
  14. Mine is based on nothing but what we can all see. Hope or anything else doesn't play anything on it. It's pure speculation, not rumor-mongering. It's not gossiping about an unconfirmed lost license.
  15. My speculation based on existing verifiable patterns. It's not based on any " unknown personal sources"...
  16. I prefer the non-pinkish ones...
  17. Nobody ever had the Cheyenne license before, tho. If they follow through, then I would like to get the Ivanoff. I specifically kept away from the old Yamato due the issues reported here. Trouble is, Arcadia's pricing is damn expensive that I rather get a Soul of Chogokin mech...
  18. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, to be fair, I think they did upgrade at least the arm/shoulder-hinge thingy to metal in the HM-R line. Chachi of RPA noted it as he stated it was just plastic before. Other than that, yeah. Not much of an advantage over the old 1/60v2 other than pricing and availability. It doesn't really replace the old 1/60v2 most of us already have. Even if Arcadia re-do their VF-1 line, it'll be such a high-priced valk that majority will get seduced by the relatively lower pricing of the HM-R valks. Plus, if Bandai really follows through with it, it'll be a more complete line than the old Yamato 1/60 due to the expanded destroids and enemy mecha options.
  19. I don't think they can do the Cheyenne since I think Bandai has that in lieu of Frontier and Delta licenses. Other than the Reactive Armor, Mr.K did teased about trying to re-do the SV-51.
  20. It could be just a matter of manufacturing-schedule. I reckon Arcadia does not have all the factories, tooling nor even the capital to do what even Yamato used to be able to do to churn out multiple lines at regular schedule. As far as we're seeing, they can really only do one line at a time. Therefore the seeming delays on the FPs and the VF-1 lines. edit: Additionally, I think Mr.K seems to have already alluded to the difficulties of basically re-training their current factory staff on how to do even the basic proper coloring and stuff. Other than the garish 30th-anniversary valk, the only VF-1 they've released so far were the white VF-1 that required possibly the minimum of coloring and tampo-printing stuff. These white VF-1 were prolly from their old unsold stock of the unfurnished Yamato-kits since we've seen how the pinkish hue effect were somehow kinda similar.
  21. The issue with you is that you keep parroting it as if it is true. We've already read your speculation. You keep repeating it. Why? Even if you had personally sold all of yours already, it still doesn't serve anybody aside from people scalping Yamato toys right now.
  22. The problem with gossiping and rumor-mongering is that it spreads beyond here. I know I've read about it at TFW already. There is so much more to talk about different Macross stuff than to keep gossiping and rumor-mongering that Arcadia lost the 1/60 VF-1 license. We all don't know if they did or not. If jenius or anybody else has an actual confirmation, then just tell us all about it. Otherwise, stop the gossiping and rumor-mongering.
  23. DX-Chogokin are non-scale.
  24. ET got nothing to say since they got a fugly rendtion and don't even want to include the SAP until much later (if ever). Bandai's got the SAP on their's on the get-go.
  25. Doing it repeatedly is harmful. Especially if it's completely unconfirmed. It'll drive up the pricing of the remaining Yamato 1/60 stuff even higher than they are now. That's not what we all want, unless you're really just trying to maximize your profit in reselling your Yamato 1/60 stuff that people are wanting and trying to influence people to buy now instead of later when a re-release might just actually occur. Since Arcadia announced the VF-4G re-release, the pricing on the Yamato-version has plummeted from 75k-yen to 68k-yen at least at Jungle. Dunno how much it plummeted the ebay and other scalper pricing everywhere else. Heck! It's actually around just 48k-yen now at B-grade.
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