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Everything posted by treatment

  1. now up for pre-o at ami: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-015092 4/16 release-date.
  2. hah! didn't know the official full-length mv was finally released, so just sharing the full awesome... https://youtu.be/OnepkYIkFgE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnepkYIkFgE :hail:
  3. yo, mike! don't you have this already? if not, cdj still has one for you as of this posting... http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-136814 better have some points to use coz 7k-yen for EMS...
  4. I reckon Bandai just has the better ankle-joints...
  5. I appreciate that, dude. Thanks. Most people here at MWF (or outside of japan, in general) simply don't know if Arcadia is aware or not. Most of us just don't know if the Japanese fans have also noticed the same defect/issue of these new Zero valks.
  6. Somebody over at TFW said that Tryp's in stock and readily available in stores. In Australia...
  7. Movig on... Also, Domon of G-Gundam really is the only really likable lead of any Gundam show, UC and non-UC. He's pretty simple and quite uncomplicated. And this is with G-Gundam's even more simplistic setting and storyline. All of the other lead characters of the other Gundam shows have some moronic flaw(s) cooked up by the writers out of their collective asses to tie up some drama or plot-line that really don't make any logical or even common sense. But if you really want dramatic and kickass Gundam storyline, just watch 0080: War in the Pocket anime. The plot is pretty lame, but the storyline is linear and cogent, and the characters are mostly tolerable. However, it has this frakking awesome BLUE enemy suit called Kampfer. Yeah. You just gotta see it in action. Next up will be the 8th MS Team anime. Again, the storyline is pretty lame. The suits are quite boring in specs. The characters are sometimes too stupid for their own good. However, it can be quite engaging once you accept that. Especially the battles. Jungle-battles, urban/city battles. Etc, etc. Just don't watch the epilogue (ep-12) (which is a stupid add-on from Tomino) since that pretty much completely ruins it. End 8th MS-Team anime at ep-11 Shuddering Mountain II. It's more epic that way. edit: I forgot to mention that both 0080 and 8th MS Team anime does not have the standard Gundam storyline shenanigan of having some wonder kid as a lead and/or some mysterious character wearing shades or masks...
  8. re: Age and Unicorn Those threads are pretty much dead and forgotten. No need to do anything onto it. Let it rot. I reckon it'll be locked if somebody stupidly resurrect either one for whatever reason to make it to page-1 of this forum.
  9. Always start with G-Gundam. It's very funny and quite entertaining. Pretty straight story, too, compared to much of any of the Gundam franchise. Domon is just awesome. G-Gundam doesn't require you to know or even care about what happened in the so-called One Year War of Universal Century storyline or the various derivative non-Universal Century storylines. All of it and all of their characters don't make any sense, anyway. It's all shenanigans to just perpetuate the "need" to be buying those endless gundam kits.
  10. Hey, Tochiro. Could you forward ChaoticYeti's video and pics to Arcadia and Mr.K regarding their current Zero valks' thigh-issue? Thanks in advance.
  11. Yeah. The Schwarzesmarken girls. They look hawter. Already got the previous muvluv figma girls.
  12. MP-25 Tracks video-review from Chachi/RPA and Charles: https://youtu.be/FBVuPZc74kk https://youtu.be/dScRO0pKnh4
  13. You should re-post the youtube or pictures you have about this issue so that some fan(s) here or in japan can forward it directly to Mr.K and Arcadia. Maybe even re-post it at ToysDaily or Hobbylog.jp or some other high-traffic site/s. This is quite an unacceptable defect for the exorbitant pricing they're charging for it.
  14. It's always been 10-days returns-window since at least when HLJ started implementing their PW feature, iirc. Kinda weird you didn't know about it after all these years. Maybe you just forgot about it? At any rate, yeah. Somebody(ies) start twatting and pestering Arcadia and Mr.K about this issue since it appears to be a manufacturing defect affecting at least some of the Zero variants released so far. There's a high probability that the upcoming 0S will also have this particular issue.
  15. back to oversized b00b13s... 1/6 240mm 4/16 release cast-off enabled (duh!) http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-014980
  16. Got Darth Stewy Vader nendoroid today and I'm surprisingly disappointed with it. Very very loose torso out of the box and the helmet doesn't even secure. WTF, GSC?! Otherwise, it does have more hands and accessories than Nendo Storm Trooper. So pics... darksiding with the empress umaru-chan: darth ewok...
  17. forgot to mention it's a 4/16 release for MP-30. and here's a couple of colored promo pics...
  18. A'ight. Surprised you guys are lagging in posting these preorder-pages for MP-30 Ratchet... 8k-yen at http://hlj.com/product/TKT83395/Act 7500-yen at http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-014956 I'm sure the other regular japan sites already have their po-pages up, too. Go!
  19. Not sure if we have a Nendo-thread, so putting this here:
  20. welp! Nendoroid Storm Trooper got delivered today finally. Squidy just couldn't resist, tho...
  21. MH should make it do an Iron Man pose...
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