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Everything posted by treatment

  1. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Wait, what? It does not include this adaptor I highlighted in red? pic from http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/51965940.html edit: here's another pic of it in fighter-mode with the adaptor from that blog: Is that adaptor really missing from your set?
  2. It was awesome to me with my xb360. Pretty straightforward and exciting shoot-em-ups and no weird shenanigans like those in AH. I remember playing AH at Fry's and couldn't figure out why the boss was still alive after I alpha-strike hit the motherlovin' out of it multiple times.
  3. ShadowHawk captures an Ostscout...
  4. Interesting. Will this be like the previous AC (assault horizon?) shenanigans with the helicopters, which was quite sucky from all reports? or will this be like the awesome AC6?
  5. That said, maybe I should've taken better care of the box if I ever wanted to try to scalp sell this...
  6. Not sure if this has been posted, yet, but Charles has had a video-review of the Metal Build Strike Freedom for a while now: https://youtu.be/NQrYV-2p-Eg
  7. Why are you so always continually avoiding posting your questions in the stickied Toys-FAQ thread??? I don't understand how you can miss that thread. It's at the top of this forum. As such, if you posted there, you would have been given pertinent replies like: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_toys_bandai.htm http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/takatoku.htm Don't take it the wrong way that we keep referring you to post in the appropriate thread. The Toys-FAQ thread thread is there exactly for questions like your's for easier access. As an addendum, please post pics of your current 1/55 collection or any macross-stuff you currently have in the various pic-threads here. We all like to see your collection, too.
  8. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I won't have mine til next week (hopefully), but could you guys post comparison pics with the 1/60v2 Hikkie-1S? All angles and stuff, if you can. Thanks in advance.
  9. Ok. I'm gonna be THAT GUY. Like your awesome pics and all, but could you guys please _not_ post any NON-Macross toys in this thread that does not include a Macross toy being feature more prominently? Seriously. We all know non-macross toy pics gets posted in the Anime-forum. I just don't want us losing discipline in this thread (and other threads in this forum) by posting pics that does not feature any Macross toy as the main foreground. Thanks in advance.
  10. Yeah, but only a G-rated castoff. Wonder if the licensors will EVER allow anybody else (Orca, OrchidSeed, Griffon, etc...) to do a, uhmm, proper castoff-enabled version of Yuki (and/or the other girls) ...
  11. They can go further and provide some quick video of testing the part with the issue.
  12. I'll try again when I get home. OOB was like that. Gotta be something misaligned.
  13. WTF are you talking about? WTF are you be a sensitive prick all of a sudden?
  14. Yeah. Fail at color. Fail at QC by checking and posting pics of parts with no known issue instead of actual specific part with known issue. Fail at PR damage-control...
  15. My MP-25's hood: not quite appreciatin' it...
  16. They're evidently so very diligently doing final inspection on the wrong part with those pics...
  17. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Can't recall exactly, but how about in the hangar/bay scene where everyone was putting on the FAST-packs and scrambling to get a valk out? Was gonna do some snaps when I get home, but found this post from DanBickell back in 2012 with snapshots of the hangar/bay scene I was referring earlier: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=e97905ba85eb884cda29fda1956061a6&showtopic=36371&page=9#entry972501 Vi-RS also had the same snaps: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36371&page=9#entry972513
  18. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I reckon he's saying a minor pinkish-hue Arcadia valk is just simply better than the HM-R's part-swapping shenanigans, therefore "best" regardless of Arcadia's exorbitant pricing...
  19. well, apparently, HobbySearch finally unveiled moar Yuki-v4 pics... http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10340513
  20. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm getting the HM-R stuff just to do my own Battletech\Mechwarrior line. Not really using it for Macross line stuff. Too small for it...
  21. Like I said before, nope. Not on official ones. The only ones that contains english-subs will be hk-engrish bootlegs and/or bootlegged fansubs, which you don't really want to buy since you can most likely get the grammar-correct fansubs for free with other means. There is also no "TV" version of DYRL. There is only the official "TV" version of Macross, which is the original SDF:Macross. Animeigo and ADVFilms (or Madman from Australia?) used to sell their official US dvd-versions, but I'm not sure if either one is still being sold, tho, but you can try amazon and stuff. As such, either one contain english-subs. I don't think the official Japanese blu-ray version of Macross TV from BandaiVisual contain english-subs.
  22. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai is just inconsistent with their own products regarding landing-gears and stuff. For example, I got the Soul Of Chogokin GX-31v Voltes V, which is a combiner of five transformables. The individual ships are even tinier in size than the 1/100 HM-Rs. Yet, within that GX-31v team, some have integrated landing gears (Cruiser, Frigate) (example from Chachi's review: https://youtu.be/Ryakyc7Ji7U?t=4m13s and https://youtu.be/Ryakyc7Ji7U?t=8m7s , respectively) , while one (Bomber) uses a separate detachable/attachable landing-gears (from cdx https://youtu.be/UB8atUxD5B8?t=9m51s ). I think it's the same stuff with another SOC combiner (GX-03/GX-50). It's quite a ridiculously head-scratcher design decision for landing-gears within the same bot-team, as much as with the HM/HM-R... ... Can't recall exactly, but how about in the hangar/bay scene where everyone was putting on the FAST-packs and scrambling to get a valk out?
  23. Welp! Finally delivered. He is pretty kewl for the most part. The only negative for me was the hood not being flushed and streamlined when in car-mode. As such, my pictarz! arrival in his flying-thingy mode: hood up (coz it's not flushed as I like it to be): and finally, his fabulousness...
  24. No idea. You may wanna ask in the Frontier movie thread, instead: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=a6bc120fceb1d64baefa31c6b16b005c&showtopic=40402
  25. Only the middle one is the DYRL re-release. The top and bottom links are Frontier and not DYRL. DYRL does not come with english-subtitles. Unless it's a bootlegged fansub...
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