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Everything posted by treatment

  1. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    welp! Got my Strike-Hikky HM-R today. Unlike Duymon, I'm more bothered by the complete exclusion of the basic Stage-Act stand than just the missing flat flight-adaptor. Dafuq, Bandai? Quick thoughts for now: The naked HM-R 1S valk seems to be a bit tighter than the HM-R 1J out of the box. At least on mine, the left right backleg-armor somehow does not quite secure itself enough that it disengages rather easily from the wing-tab connection in valk-mode. The left backleg-armor seems to be securely connecting, in contrast. No included Stage-Act basic stand, unlike the HM-R Armored VF-1J. HM-R line doesn't come with any stand, except for the Tamashii Exclusive Roy. The default wide head-lasers were ok at first, but it's annoying me now. Here's a quick shot: I only took one photo for now since I'm instead alot more impressed (and playing more) with the awesome Ronin Boba Fett that was delivered today, too... edit: checked again and it was actually the right-backleg armor on mine that does not like to secure itself better than the left-backleg armor:
  2. coz it's just so cute... https://youtu.be/qKesS1dIn-E live... https://youtu.be/9-r1H4BScEw
  3. w00t! another busty bunny grrl... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-015793 1/4 (300mm) May/16 release nice proportions. castoff-enabled on teh luscious b00b13s, of course...
  4. One of the standout songs in Space Dandy (half-version and in anime scene, tho): I'm Losing You by BTB The other one was Anatato by Luvraw. I reckon yt took down the various full-versions of both songs, so try to get either at itunes or something...
  5. Yeah. No macross stuff, except for that stupid Frontier booklet or something that they just can't get rid of...
  6. no idea who this is, and it's only listed on ami's japan-site as of this posting... http://www.amiami.jp/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-015757 edit: up on their english-site now: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-015757 1/6 (260mm) scale may/16 release fully castoff-enabled. well, except for the stocking and the shoes...
  7. While on a SChamploo binge, here's Minmi singing her very sexay song Who's Theme live! https://youtu.be/wr0wAu52SWY I kinda like the background dancers, too...
  8. https://youtu.be/WpAYPh4mFKo
  9. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    from banners in http://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/item-1000100290/
  10. Well, here she is in color promo pics, finally. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-015753 BQ 1/10 (160mm) I commend Wave for even trying, but their effort just does not look like anywhere near the Madoka Ayukawa I've seen in the old anime and stuff...
  11. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I really really like his reviews, they are really really entertaining. Alright! Cool, cool!
  12. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Charles just posted his review of the HMR Hikaru Strike-1S: https://youtu.be/q-7sQ2fX6B4
  13. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh yeah, huh? The head-arrows are indeed missing, too. missing red dot. missing head arrows. missing flat-adaptor for flight. So what else is/are missing from this product? Dafuq, Bandai?!
  14. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Along with grayish paint, yeah, pretty much it. Oh, and it also comes bundled with the GBP...
  15. Good packaging can only protect so much , this also depends on where your package have been and how your local postal office sort and load the boxes . The worse is normally when it goes through a post office sub contractor facility that sort and load those boxes in containers . They will make that box Fit if you know what I mean. for me this normally happens when they sort my packages to east coast by mistake and when I get it , damage box for sure .
  16. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Sweet pics, Saburo! Still can't believe Bandai left out the red dot. That said, give us with moar sweet pics!
  17. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Just wait for the ones with the missile-rack options and stuff?
  18. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    We all got tricked until Duymon raised the issue. Not sure if it's intentional, but the other blog (hachaka?) didn't quite show it, either. They both might have just totally missed the difference, too. The newer adaptor can be used like shown in the pics. Just not sure one really should. Bandai should've just provided the sleeker non-fp fighter-adaptor along with the other adaptor. Shouldn't have cost them much, if any at all...
  19. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I took a quick snap of Hikkie-1J: now compare the adaptor of the Hikkie-1S pic of the fb-guy: See the difference now? edit: fwiw, I don't have the Hikkie-1S, yet, but here's the flight-adaptor from my HM-R Armored VF-1J by itself: Duymon (or whoever else that already have it) can then post a pic of the Hikkie-1S flight-adaptor for comparo.
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