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Everything posted by treatment

  1. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Might as well repost this here. I think the HM-R has some range issues with the arms when in DYRL-style battroid-mode (wings deployed with missiles) in contrast to the 1/60v2...
  2. I wish there is a better guarantee that they've actually resolved/fixed the stupid ankles-joint issue. Heck! Jenius ' review of his copy also had that very annoying insecure hi-speed mode wings stuff.
  3. Classic STs? There were a bunch of comparo-pics at TFW forum, but can't find them right now. For the First Order STs, haven't seen any pic-comparos just yet. fwiw, you should just switch over to Meisho Samurai SW figs, tho. Mucho better.
  4. Charles recently posted video-reviews of the latest Masterpieces (MP-14C, MP-21R, MP-26): MP-14C Clampdown: MP-21R Red Bumblebee: MP-26 Roadrage:
  5. Might be it just me, but this valk seems to have some proportions issue in battroid-mode with its really huge clown shoes in particular...
  6. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I dunno if EXO posted this, yet, but just saw this pic from toysdaily: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=243475&pid=7634355
  7. Latest TWE as spotted over at Toysdaily-forum: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-245724-1-1.html Bandai really just doesn't want me to buy their kewl stuff new either from hlj or from ami (in non-scalper pricing)...
  8. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's the reveal over at TD: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-245719-1-1.html
  9. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    As nice as they are, it seems a bit fishy to me that the M&M placed 2nd and 3rd in the voting. They're gonna be mostly an easy recolor of the existing HM-R 1J mould and the FPs. Can't believe both the Q-Rau(tv) and the Spartan lose out to them. Heck! Armored-1J (tv) placed higher than the Spartan.
  10. not sure if ABP, but it's just hypnotically awesome... https://youtu.be/vsVCqsC5bcY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsVCqsC5bcY nicely done animated dancing girl --> http://imgur.com/GGc1Iyt
  11. Basara might be the one seeding of other races. Just still don't get the donkey-ears obsession by the character designers, tho...
  12. Hopefully, it'll finally make the always-obnoxious bw-fans to stop their insufferable and incessant whining once and for all...
  13. I reckon Mike needs moar tentacled sword-wielding busty warrioress... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-014738 1/6 (265mm) fully castoff-enabled
  14. Welp! Better save up on troop-building coz your mighty mighty favorite Zaku-II in the new A.N.I.M.E. version is coming on 5/16: http://tamashii.jp/special/gundam_anime/#productRzaku Moar stuff!!!
  15. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah. Those SAs are functional enough for the HMR. Don't really think the awesome Yeti-stand and other better stands than SAs are quite cost-effective for the HMR line. For the bigger Glaug and the probable Monster, yes. but just not for a 1/100 valk.
  16. Wish hlj just gone a bit more crazy and put it at the 15k-yen mark instead, so I can feel a bit better justifying of getting it even with the hip-joints issue...
  17. They finally fixed the ankle-shenanigans on it?
  18. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    lol! Also, it bears stating the obvious that the backpack-FP are not secured like the yammie 1/60v2, so the hmr will do a slight pac-man due to gravity when you do a vertical take-off swoosh while using the backpack-fp to hold it. It will not dislodge/flip-out completely, but just be aware of it. I think the only way to swoosh it successfully via the backpack-fp without pacman-ing is by horizontal-angled swooshing. Horizontal-level swoosh may be ok, but gravity rule still applies.
  19. Found this Yuki v4 gallery from toysdaily forum. For those that missed out or flat out skipped Yuki v4 (like me )... http://ameblo.jp/mappamundice/entry-12105452306.html sample: enjoy!
  20. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmm. Thought it did. Reckon the stand was prolly from one of my Robot Damashii Gundams and was just laying around. Oh, well. Guess I stand-corrected. Bandai should still have included a stand for this new HMR line.
  21. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    So far, mostly ok. Like I said earlier, the left right leg-armor doesn't seem to secure itself enough to the body's back tab. It's not loose; just not secure enough to my liking since I'm used to the old Yammies 1/60v2 which had secure-tight tab-connections. edit: just re-checked and it was actually the right backleg-armor:
  22. ridiculously awesome figure! :hail:
  23. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    welp! Got my Strike-Hikky HM-R today. Unlike Duymon, I'm more bothered by the complete exclusion of the basic Stage-Act stand than just the missing flat flight-adaptor. Dafuq, Bandai? Quick thoughts for now: The naked HM-R 1S valk seems to be a bit tighter than the HM-R 1J out of the box. At least on mine, the left right backleg-armor somehow does not quite secure itself enough that it disengages rather easily from the wing-tab connection in valk-mode. The left backleg-armor seems to be securely connecting, in contrast. No included Stage-Act basic stand, unlike the HM-R Armored VF-1J. HM-R line doesn't come with any stand, except for the Tamashii Exclusive Roy. The default wide head-lasers were ok at first, but it's annoying me now. Here's a quick shot: I only took one photo for now since I'm instead alot more impressed (and playing more) with the awesome Ronin Boba Fett that was delivered today, too... edit: checked again and it was actually the right-backleg armor on mine that does not like to secure itself better than the left-backleg armor:
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