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Everything posted by treatment

  1. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Not sure if N-Y was supposed to open their PO before the other shops...
  2. Nope. Not that one. However, I might get what Bandai hinted as an upcoming SRC Getter in the moar ridiculous My Melody scheme... edit: also, Chogokin Kitty Z is alot more interesting buy than Z himself... http://tamashii.jp/item/11260/
  3. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    here's ami's po-page for the Glaug: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-015945 11,900 yen cdj and hlj don't have a listing, yet.
  4. This just in from the WTF, Japan?! files http://tamashii.jp/item/11261/ ...
  5. Awesome pics!
  6. I reckon it's just really creepy for grown men to be doing that If they're not doing it for the lulz...
  7. treatment

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Yup. Very nice pics, GundamEFSF!
  8. Don't get me wrong, but let's try not to kid ourselves. All the different series in Macross were/are marketing ploys. I fully agree that M+ maybe the pinnacle for some of outside of Japan), but tragically, that alone did not make it a runaway financial success in Japan like M7 and Frontier did.
  9. I'm not doubting it. There are lots of pictures online and stuff. But data is data. It is part of business. Bandai and/or BW and/or Victor must have some public data showing which demographic bought their stuff the most.
  10. It's not about just "liking" more. It's about who actually purchased more stuff. People buy stuff. There should be some actual data about it.
  11. Did japanese women actually bought that? Maybe you should rephrased your reply since my post you quoted is not really limited to "luxury goods"...
  12. I'll be very interested in any data that shows that the japanese young women actually purchased more Frontier and Delta merchandises (concerts, manga, cd's, dvd's, valks, etc) and stuff.
  13. OH Really? I see, Maybe Japanese old men differ from us the ones from the rest of the World. I wonder if these japanese design geniouses are also you know, anti criticism people you know the way depicted by Tak Mashido in the real steel robots Movie. It ain't really Japanese old men, imo. I reckon most of them don't even care about anime and stuff. They most likely don't even watch any anime at all. It is squarely the japanese otaku (most likely, the japanse idols-otaku) that the Delta-commitee are aiming and pandering heavily to. That otaku-demographic seem to be the biggest merchandising purchasers of this new phase of "trend" over there lately. See Love Live! and other similar stuff being sold heavily on japanese collectible-shops like ami. Money talks. Especially, cash...
  14. Phobos has a valid point. Will Delta suddenly become a GITS-SAC at ep2 and beyond, or will it just continue to be AKB48+valkyries until the end?
  15. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed. Looks like the dude used a gm-01. Rather heavily. Prolly should've used a gm-02 instead, and lightly...
  16. Honestly, it's not that far-fetched that Bandai can make and release an AGP Macross Girl with that concept/design...
  17. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Somebody over TD is showing off his panel-lined HM-R Strike Hikky-1S: http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-245934-1-1.html A bit thick, imo. Also, didn't realize the jolly roger is a bit crooked on the tail until his pic:
  18. Ronin Boba Fett is so damn awesome and very highly recommended! His helmet-visor style kinda makes him a samurai VF-1S...
  19. It is on the small side, but it's not that bad if you also already collect small mecha-lines like Super Robot Chogokin and Robot Damashii, which the HM-R is actually noticeably bigger. Anyway, moar pics!
  20. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    should be 1/100 like the other HM/HM-R mechs.
  21. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    The Glaug preorder is up on 1/6. The tamashii-page has this info. Nothing on the Monster preorder schedule, yet.
  22. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Tamashii's official page for the Glaug: http://tamashii.jp/special/hi-metal_r/glaug/
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