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Everything posted by treatment

  1. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Them pics just reminds me how much I'm rolling my eyes at Bandai for making the upcoming HM-R Roy a TWE item instead of a regular release like the Hikky-1S. Especially with that vs-pose against the Regult.
  2. RocketPunchArmy video-review of MP-28: https://youtu.be/UTuZhMPYwhQ
  3. I like the Zero and all, but the current Arcadia version in battroid-mode just looks like a hobo wearing some hiked-up farmer bib overalls next to a Skull Leader VF-1S battroid. Prolly just need some straw hat to complete the hobo look...
  4. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Heh! That's not even an MII Monster. It's still the Matchbox Monster. This is the MII Monster, however... http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross2/destroid-giantmonster.htm You missed it. However, Amiami is one of your remaining options: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-017242 You can also try Anime-Export (pay-now-only) or N-Y, too, if either one still has it.
  5. I still have the old Manga-Ent dvd. MII was not a great Macross anime. Weirdly enough, after several other Macross anime over the years, MII anime is actually a better story watch than 7 and Frontier for me. No annoying loli or bizarro flower girl or Basara, no stupid 'shipping wars or hodgepodge fold tech, etc, etc. Mash was even a kewl character, despite being heavily stereotyped for the era. It only really falls apart at the final part of the final episode as the boss was not really fleshed out properly. Could be the producers were told to end it prematurely since the story itself could've gone on for more episodes. Macross Zero was a better Macross anime than MII no doubt, but Zero also fell apart in the final bizarro part of the final episode. We all panned the english-version, but it was actually not that bad given the time and era in the US when it was made.No Tenchi or Ranma or Macross Plus, yet). MII english actually got better as the series went on. The english-songs were just terribad and they should be expunged, but that was again due to the time and era in the US where everything has to be in english. We won't get the excellent Macross Plus in a number of years after MII, and we won't get any Macross in the west after Plus. Isthar is love, and still is... :wub: As such, the Metal Siren is ok, but still a fugly gundam in a Macross show. They really should've just gone ahead and put the V-fin on it to make it look better...
  6. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    duplicate post. oops!
  7. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Not sure about Miyatake's own size/scaling in real life is, tho. The MWF japan-contingent should know, tho...
  8. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    You should still see the Cancel-button on your order in your accounts-page. It usually takes a couple or so hours before the Cancel-button disappears and it becomes an official order that you can only cancel via emailing them. edit: Just checked on mine, and yup, the Cancel-item button is still there. So check your accts-page right now if you want to easily cancel without going thru emailing them. The Cancel-Item button will disappear within an hour or so. When it does, you'll have to go thru emailing them to cancel your order. CDJ's pretty easy and good with cancellations, regardless.
  9. Don't Mike have a 1/2 or 1/3 in his collection?
  10. Yeah. This is the usually scaling-thread. The heavy display-pr0n is at the Macross Collection Display thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34339
  11. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Geezus! South America shipping yo! You prolly better off with N-Y or Ami with that kind of shipping-fees. CDJ packs excellent, tho.
  12. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    welp! Order Stop at HLJ for the Monster now, as of this posting. Wait a bit or tomorrow to see if they open up again.
  13. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Why don't you just do hlj-pw if you don't mind waiting?
  14. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    whoa! Did HLJ just kneecapped the other japan-shops with their unusual lower pricing?
  15. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    hlj. 22,500yen https://secure.hlj.com/product/BANN05211/Act
  16. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    I think most of us will choose EMS for the Monster. There will only be a few that can afford the mental anguish of a 2-week wait for it...
  17. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Experience with buying from them over the years? Here's a recent comparo from no3ljim in another thread: Of course, I'm only talking about usual EMS fees among the regular Japan-based import-shops we use here at MWF. You may select Reg-SAL if they offer it for the Monster if you so choose a 2-week delivery-time/wait for it. That'll lower the fees, but not sure if the pricing-difference will be significant or negligible. It'll go live in about 10-mins from now...
  18. she's, uhmm, big... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-017370 1/4 @390mm and she's supposed to be a kaiju...
  19. I tell yah, man. Honestly, Skull Leader VF-1S still just totally embarrasses every valkyrie (especially in battroid-mode) Kawamori ever designed afterwards. He simply just can't top his old design.
  20. Dayummm!!! Skull Leader VF-1S is STILL just totally BOSS than the 4G and 0S combined!!! Without even wearing his FPs, too!
  21. ::sigh:: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-01724 don't think it'll sell out since it's YET-ANOTHER-DAMN-MAZINGER-REPAINT!, but po opens tonite...
  22. Speaking of which, hlj is pricing the Nexx quite lower than what they're charging for the Faerie: Faerie is 30,800y Nexx is 27,720y http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SeriesID=934&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&Sort=std&qid=TPY87FXUA6&set=1&Maker2=EVT I went ahead and po the Nexx since I could always cancel before release-time from HLJ... edit: here's ami's po-page for those interested: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-017372 25,400y watch out for their shipping-fees! and they'll rudely scold you if you try to cancel...
  23. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, here's ami's po-page for those wanting to pay their second-highest exorbitant shipping-fees... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-017242
  24. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    You guys sure really think there'll even be a madness and scalpers buying multiples with the current expensive item-pricing of the Monster?
  25. Well, it does have the blue stripes...
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