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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Still overpriced even with that 50% discount...
  2. dagnabbit! Just paid mine from ami. Should've paid last week instead to save a couple of dollars or so. Thought the exchange-rate will improve by today. It keeps tanking down, instead. Oh, well. I get SDF1-TV in two weeks. Wonder if MH will do the DYRL-version, too. It would be totally sweet if they do.
  3. Charles' review of the MP-29 Mighty Shockwave. in english, alright! kewl! kewl! https://youtu.be/X5QsiFimS3o
  4. I received payment request for it from Ami this morning when I check my email...
  5. so close to 4/1/. [as] be epic trolling, i say...
  6. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Guess who's piloting my HM-R now?
  7. FINALLY!!! In-hand pics of the MP-29 MIGHTY SHOCKWAVE, as posted at tfw-forum: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-news-rumors/1052100-masterpiece-shockwave-revealed-prototype-images-post13456899.html?s=73fc2ae773c39370e571ba70348bd5b7 direct link to the chinese(?) blog that revealed it: http://blacklai1979.blogspot.tw/2016/03/takaratomy-masterpiece-mp-29-destron.html GO GO GO!
  8. Charles got his review of MP-11NR Ramjet up and available now: https://youtu.be/esokqptQgXM
  9. Not really. Kinda kewl, tho. Just got tired of the usual being way too plain...
  10. Close. Try The Temptations doing "My girl" poses. Well, when I complete it with the rest of OYW figures, that is...
  11. Honestly, it's boring. Then again, I personally think all kotobukiya figures are boring and way overpriced. I'm wishing waiting for GSC to make the inevitable figma versions. Fortified suits FTW!!! Them girlz are just mucho sexay wearing their suits...
  12. HM-R VF-1J scaled against the Robot Damashii/Spirits RX-78-2 (old and newest editions)...
  13. Waiting on better exchange-rate before paying for my Char Zaku, but here's Amuro's Gundam RX-78-2 new A.N.I.M.E. edition (alongside the previous Hard-Points edition): This new version is just much MUCH better! A bit bigger and with better proportions. Better balancing. Better coloring. Better hands and wrists/joints. And stuff don't go pop out easily to get lost like the previous version. It doesn't come with additional weapons like the gundam hammer, but it's all good. I can still use the ones from the previous version. As such, it's still a bit meh compared to the HM-R...
  14. SRC Jeeg is officially a GO! 8/2016 will come with the drills (at least)... http://tamashii.jp/special/pickup/201608skss/ http://tamashii.jp/special/pickup/201608skss/02_01.php
  15. Even with this spring sale and the sucky exchange-rate, you guys really just have too much disposable income...
  16. Chachi's very entertaining review of DX Great Maz: https://youtu.be/4nmt3KZ4qfA where he just about almost lost it with the DX-Maz's shenanigans when trying to do the handshake with DX-GM, and other funny stuff...
  17. Getter Robo is my fave gattai... https://youtu.be/Nhjds5BtY68 https://youtu.be/9BA_jDx2LrA Unfortunately, Bandai hasn't perfected the necessary engineering to make a perfect transformation SOC version. Their various Getter Robo and Getter Robo G SOCs are parts-formers instead, as reviewed by Charles: https://youtu.be/dLsFl-KyLhw So for now, the best Gattai SOC for me for the money is the recent GX-31V 40th-anniversary edition: The GX-03 Combattler V above is a bit wonky compared to GX-31V. I don't think the updated GX-50 Combattler V really has engineering improvements to be in the same class as GX-31V, but it's been commanding a very hefty scalper-pricing right now as is the original GX-31V release. That said, you oughta check Charles' yt-page ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0nKp-HJ_ZF2kTZGZHGJoA) for Soul of Chogokin stuff, especially Voltes V and the other gattai SOCs that are bigger than GX-31V.
  18. The 1/100 HM-R Regult scales nicely with the 1/60 Destroid, 1/55 MadCat, and 1/72 Dougram for a nice Battletech Star unit. Waiting on the Glaug to field a full heavy star...
  19. Merc Star of Heavies and Medium... Waiting on the Marauder to field a full Heavy Star...
  20. My SKL-FC arrived... No issue interchanging Wingle and Cloak between my SKL and SKL-FC...
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