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Everything posted by treatment

  1. Uhmm, yeah. Just confirmed that my copy's left knee joint is also loose. So, left-knee and left ankle both loose, with the left ankle free swinging. Can't leave it in Battroid-mode on my shelf as it tips both forward and back. No balance and can't hold a free standing neutral pose unless I put the legs in ultra-wide stance. Even then, it still seems like a shelf-diving hazard. I've put Future on the joints and just hoping it'll add enuff coating stuff to give both joints some resistance. I now really envy Jenius' tighter Yamato version. :sigh:
  2. Got mine last week, after sitting in my pw for awhile. Noticed the left-ankle/flap a bit loose, but ignored it as normal. Transformed it to Battroid-mode last nite. Left-foot is totally damn loose. Not just the ankle-flap, but the whole tilt assembly. No friction or whatever. Right-foot assembly is totally fine, in contrast. Think Future polish can fix the looseness?
  3. I heard you guys like Shockwave. So I got Shockwave showing Shockwave handling Shockwave...
  4. My Mighty Shockwave MP-29 arrives! It is so damn fantastic! Still wish Takara included the classic annoying sound-effects of my old AstroMagnum/G1...
  5. Uhmm... Yo, Mike! a figure fer yah! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-018377 1/6 9/16 release includes Tentacles as accessory...
  6. Thanks, man! I reckon mechaninac paid about the same amount. Thanks, dude. I don't usually trust virtual shipping calc, but it's appreciated.
  7. You kinda didn't specify the actual shipping-fees that they charged you for your SAL. How much was your actual shipping-fees in yen?
  8. Anybody actually bit on this? How much is N-Y actually charging for shipping-fees on this with that discounted pricing?
  9. If Arcadia ever re-do the 1/48, they better make sure to improve upon the stupid chicken hands.
  10. Business-wise and in these economic times, it'll be more profitable for Arcadia to do a bundle rather than to sell FPs separately.
  11. So, they're going for the TV bright-white now instead of the old DYRL dirty-white for this DYRL Roy. Hopefully it don't have the pinkish-hue shenanigans this time...
  12. Nice! So they didn't lose the license, then?
  13. Whats next for Arcadia? Get bought by TakaraTomy. So I can have an official 1/60v2 Jetfire in Jetfire-colors again. What?
  14. Heads up! Sentinel/T-Rex's Black Getter and Getter 1 is getting re-released in 9/16! Both up on ami for po now! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-018303 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-018302 This is your chance if you had missed out on the initial release. Go! edit: a couple more japan-shops now open for po of the re-release: hlj: www.hlj.com/product/set88711 www.hlj.com/product/set88712 cdj: www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-185556 www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-185557 hobbysearch, n-y and ae don't have them, yet, as of this posting.
  15. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    RPA just posted his review of the Hikaru Strike VF1S HMR: https://youtu.be/_ckwqXVE88E
  16. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Interesting. I should try that if I try them again. Last time, tho, the item gets cart-jacked by the time I hit the final order button...
  17. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, the preowned items that Ami pulled the EMS-only shenanigans on me was priced way below that. One was the preowned RD Tallgeese III EW that I caught them pricing at around 2500y a couple of months ago. Got it in my cart and the shipping was EMS-only at around 3000y or so. WTF?!? No SAL or even R-SAL option. There were several other under-4k yen items from last year that I tried to get, but ami pretty much blocked me by only offering EMS shipping on any of them. It's not all the time, tho, but it was enough that I pretty much stopped purchasing any preowned items from them.
  18. I like to get it, but it's just too expensive. Same priced-out territory like Sentinel's uber-nice but uber-expensive Mazinkaiser...
  19. Hi! The po pages just went up just today actually...
  20. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Actually, CDJ always does this with expensive stuff. They'll heavily discount an item, then offer very expensive EMS or SAL-Parcel shipping only. It's like they really discourage importing from them or something. Possibly some kind of hidden retail-rule in japan. Ami pulls this EMS-only stuff with some of their preowned items from time to time. Pisses me off every time.
  21. Yer Munkey's now ready for po... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-018262 http://www.hlj.com/product/tkt86177 9/16 release. Does not include banana-bundle accessory, tho... edit: added hlj link
  22. welp! Madoka Ayukawa from MH. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-018268 Much nicer than Wave's 1/10 BQ version. non-scale, but about 220mm 9/16 typical MH overpricing...
  23. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup. That they did. And they jacked the shipping fees way up accordingly...
  24. RPA review of MP-29 Shockwave: https://youtu.be/iQGRSc4mr2Q
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