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Everything posted by treatment

  1. A couple of last shots before they get boxed away... 2ndGig-Arising or something... Ika-Ayanami, de geso!
  2. Ya know? I don't quite trust Arcadia's promo pics. Remember seeing the grey-goggles on the GBP promo-pics? They even had the correct slate-blue on their 0D promo pics. Yeah. I call shenanigans...
  3. I was wondering about that. I tried pulling out the lasers off mine, but there seems to be some kind of catch that prevents it from getting released easily, unlike the other yf-29 (alto? anniv?) from your channel or somebody else's. I stop pulling 'em thinking it'll damage something.
  4. I'm a little confused here. The restock hasn't happened, yet. Maybe they misunderstood your email-inquiry and thought your order was from the not-restock inventory, which was OOS on release-date?
  5. lol! Seems like it, huh? Arcadia removes one part while jacking up the pricing... edit: The promo-pic at ami shows the missing part, however. Somebody prolly just messed up in that HobbyManiax pictorial DWC had linked... maybe...
  6. Just got the new MS-09 DOM and it's DAMN AWESOME!!! :hail: Just a bit shorter than the old Sazabi, but alot more nicely proportional and stuff. Excellently fat and chunky. Accessories are sparse, tho, but it's all good. Hope the Gelgoog will be similar in proportions if Bandai ever release it...
  7. Decided to cancel my preorder on this, as it is already stupidly overpriced and quite clear it will not even include the Arcadia stand. I'll prolly bite if/when the Booby Duck version gets offered. Still in for the M&M and Ostrich if they ever offer them, tho...
  8. It will be so totally hilarious if it turns out it is indeed the same "simple stand" from their unsold clown-valk. Well, tragically hilarious given the pricing of their Strike-Roy even in yen...
  9. Not sure if that is the "simple stand" they meant. I remember their 30th-anniv clown-vf1 included a very mundane "simple stand".
  10. Team Zaku-II... Not sure if Char's Zaku-II is 3X slimmer, but it ain't as lovably chunky fat as the others that came before. I reckon Ramba Ral's upcoming Gouf will be just as slim in sharp contrast with Norris' Gouf there. Also, a bit disappointed with Char's, as his wrist-pegs does not really secure a couple of his holding-hands/fists.
  11. At around 20k-yen (hlj-pricing), I still don't get why this Strike-Roy doesn't seem to include the stand. Iirc, the non-FP Roy and Hikaru 1S they did before both had included the stand for around 15k-yen (hlj-pricing). Did somebody here mentioned the stand will be included via Arcadia's web-store purchase only?
  12. I dunno. I'm not impressed at all. Looks eerily like a weird updated but horn-less 1/65 DX VF-17. And I actually like them old 1/65 tanks, in contrast... edit: Also, saw the better hi-res pics in the MW fbook page and...dafuq going on with the right knee??? It's really bugging me now. Cannot unsee!
  13. Scaling 1/60v2 Hikky with TF Masterpiece MP-29 Shockwave...
  14. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmm. Just got this from hlj regarding the CF-1A. They're enforcing limit-1. Unlike you crazies, I only ordered two for separate TV and DYR versioning.
  15. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    FAST-packs? TV version has different lighter green shade and the arm-armors are of different style design.
  16. My old Yammies are still good, but preordered this Arcadia just the heck of it. Even tho it's bright white with pink armpits, it is still the excellent v2. I really wish they release the TV booby-duck edition since it's one variant I've been missing. Bring on the M&M's and Sunset Beach as well!
  17. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    6120y at hlj.
  18. treatment

    Hi-Metal R

    It's the CF. Not quite sure why there would be any madness for a CF. :shrugs:
  19. Well, "proof of purchase" can be relatively easily faked as opposed to an actual defective part...
  20. Prolly from a prequel ova. For those that didn't know, the "TV" version looks like this:
  21. They could at least offer the option parts separately. Those should not be covered under any Macross-IP license from BW since they were originally fan-made and acquired by Yamato themselves. Just include them with the stands.
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