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Everything posted by Raya1823

  1. Raya1823

    Hi-Metal R

    Any word on the next Hi-Metal R release yet??
  2. OMG!! I've done really good staying away for the reissues but this one... Look out MW, time to start selling my extras, TF 3P and anything else I can get my hands on, LOL.
  3. Hell yea!!! Ok when does the preorder madness begin??
  4. Raya1823

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope so but it not, let me just bookmark this page.
  5. Raya1823

    Hi-Metal R

    Nnnooooo!! I thought this was today!! Damn, so late to the party.
  6. Raya1823

    Hi-Metal R

    FINALLY!!! I was able to get one form HLJ. Thank you again for the links. This one was a HUGE pain to get. LOL
  7. Raya1823

    Hi-Metal R

    Any word on pre-sale date??
  8. NNNOOOOOOO!!!! Damn it I missed out!!!
  9. Score!! Yeah I'm a bit behind on my purchases, lol. Hi-Metal R Max and Milia plus my missing CM Max.
  10. But I still have a long way to go, lol.
  11. Soon the missing pieces will be here.
  12. HA!! I got one from NY as well!!! YES FINALLY!!!
  13. Wait!!! Preorders are up??
  14. Any word on a PO date yet???
  15. OMG!! I received my VF-2 this weekend and what a POS!! I'm so glad I got it off Yahoo Jap and it pay retail. Not sure if I'm going to try to sell it or just leave it in the box, LOL.
  16. Oh well, I'll get this one then wait for the HMR version, lol.
  17. aagghhh, I must still buy it. Anyone know when or if it's available? Thanks all. -- Oh I see its a convention exclusive, rats --
  18. Raya1823

    Hi-Metal R

    AE is fine, I've ordered from their in stock items the past. I've preordered the last two Hi-Metal R VFs from them.
  19. Raya1823

    Hi-Metal R

    There was some hope, I picked one up from AE. Damn this is the second VF I had to order from them.
  20. Raya1823

    Hi-Metal R

    AAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!!! I slept in today, NNNNNOOOOOO!!!!! :(
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