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Everything posted by ARAFAT209

  1. i will post more later iam tired of this crap
  2. more pictures
  3. dont expect more replies of me
  4. more pictures
  5. more pictures
  6. these are some pictures of my molds , you dont know how hard i look for them , but i will post more and more pictures just to shut your mouth
  7. I told him that he can keep the money from the very begining , but he never answer any of the e-mails afte like 7 days then i decied to call paypal , he NEVER provided any kind of proof That it was sent that is how paypal knew that he never sent it , if he still want his money and i think that is what this is all about i can send it to him in no time , I guess that is what he wants , dont expect any other reply from me but the pictures of all the molds
  8. I already said that i will post the pictures of the molds and other resin parts , as for rob i told him many times that he could keep the money you can ask him your self , and as far as recasting i even ofered you a $20 k job a year for recasting becuase i didint have the time to do more molds , say if iam liying or not
  9. mrjessee , actually i dont have to show any pictures of anything if i dont want to, but i will once to get to my house to shut everybodys mouth , becuase iam tired of stupid things like that
  10. I ACTUALLY ok at recasting i have some elintseeker heads , gbp parts , and orstrich parts too , also some chest plates , and hips for any valk , sorry if i havent asnwer before but i have been very busy lately , and please stop with all the aligations iam really tired of that i will post all the pictures once i get to my house
  11. I really like the red alpha boxed i hae had blue, and green boxed but not red
  12. i dont reconize any of those toys , do you have any idea or what are they?
  13. yep i recasted myself and not only the armor also the back plate and the waste also
  14. I just start this project guys look at it
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...4&category=4694 LOOK AT THAT
  16. ARAFAT209

    Jm Regult

    VERY GOOD JOB , ARE YOU PLAning to sale it when you finish?
  17. this is the coolest thing i had ever seen
  18. WEll i have to say if you dont like the item or the price just DONT BID, he can put any price he wants on his auctions becuase are HIS
  19. hehe i know about snipers i hate them too as far for orguss i need his paypal adrress so i can send him his money back he dont need to send the item back but i want him to clarify that i offered compelte refund from the begining and i cant help you with a shock trooper because i dont have any extras but what i do have is a scout trooper and if you want it its yours just pay $5 for the shipment
  20. about buddhafabio just to add something yu said that I overcharge or that someone told you that , ok give me the name of that person and ak him what did he get from me ,to see if I really did it and if I did wich i dont think so i will give a full , YES A FULL reimburst of his money whiout sending anything back
  21. YOU know what orguss or soundguy on ebay give me your paypal account i will send you the money right now and you can keep the item also , but next time ask before you bid and please allways put the complete info about my emails , from the very begining i offered you the refund of your money
  22. copy of one of the emails. I would like to get the refund but i am not sure about your rep. ... a thread was started regarding this matter..some guys say i should just sell it..others say you should be willing to split the shipping..?? this was your mistake because i asked you about the little wings before i sent payment,... a few people says this should put you back on the BLACK LIST @MACROSSWORLD....the pics you had didn't much, any way i went off your written description..some guy told me you sometimes use old/stolen photos and to go off your written description.... again if you would like to refund my money you need to do that first, i will post that you have sent my money back at MW and will ship the next day...unlike you i don not care to be BLACKLISTED at MW... ANOTHER E-MAIL Here is and an attachment...the little wings on the side of the cockpit, little wings on the sides.."" go ahead and refund my money...if you dont have these. or maybe we can work something out , you have a few alphas right..?? i will get tracking ..and give to you when i ship....
  23. By the way i only take commenst from people that had deal with me in the past not from anyone else , I hope you be a man and really post my responses to you, and also post the comenst that you sent me
  24. I just noticed this post , and my answer from the very begining was offering the complete reimburst of the money , i also told him that he should of seen the pictures , and not ask questions after he won the auction already, I dont mind about your complaint but next time put the complete info of everything no partial one THIS IS A LINK OF MY FEEDBACK http://cgi2.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?...serid=arafat209 THIS IS A LINK OF THE AUCTION http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...MESSO%3AIT&rd=1 THIS IS A LINK OF HIS FEEDBACK http://cgi2.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?...id=soundguy1031
  25. try to use a recast part of it , with a white resin ( very strong for fragile parts)
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