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Cannon Fodder

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  1. I have all of the ExoSquad episodes on dvd. I do seem to remember a few battlepod-esq and fighterpod-esq ships in the series. I also quickly ran out and bought every one of the "Robotech Defenders" ExoSquad line of toys. They mand but never put out a "Heavy Assault Eframe" that is the spitting image of a Battletech Clans Timberwolf. That HL shot looks like a mod to me. A mod I ould not mind having.
  2. On the cover of the "D20 Mecha" book by Guardians of the Order , there is a huge robot with RDF symbols on it's knees. Here is a link, the pic is sort of small but you can see what I am talking about. D20 Mecha w/ RDF symbols
  3. Yep it is. I have never seen the Leader-1 tho...
  4. If I where going to buy all of these... Super Dimensional Fortress: Macross Macross Flashback 2012 Macross Plus Macross 7 Macross Dynamite 7 Macross II: Lovers Again Macross Zero Who would be the best to buy from? In regards to quality and price. And where could I find all of them in one place?
  5. I completly forgot about my Monogram model of the Go-Bots Cy-Kill, it's a big ass Saber Cyclone.
  6. RichterX: I'm sorry too man. Didn't mean to get all defensive. I don't have the underlying hatred of RT that many members here seem to have. I like robotech, macross, megazone, orgus all that crap. Wrong or right I have been calling them VTs since I was a kid. So, it's nothing personal it's just habbit. If I offend anybody, I'm sorry. Also, in an old (like '88-'89) issue of Warhammer 40k magazine there where rules on making combat robots. There where 2 or 3 sample designs and one of them was a very close semblance to an Raider X. It had the RX's body but one arm was from a Gladiator and the other was from an Excalibur. It's funny where robotech/macross stuff pops up. There was this side scrolling arcade game from the mid 80's (can't remember what it was called) and you played a Veritech. You could transform from jet, to guardian, to battloid mode. The enemys also looked familar but did not come from robotech.
  7. Do you know what episode it was? I have a few SF episodes on vhs laying arroud. I'll suffer through them and see if I can spot that part. Oh and wat is this "Rawbooteck" is it like a derogatory slag for robotech?
  8. So, sticking to the subject... Battletech was already mentioned but it was not the first game to use robotech mech designs. An old and very obscure game that predated BT called 'Warbots and Death Machines" also used robotech mech designs. Mostly the destroids from the macross saga. I think the battlepods male and female powersarmors where in there too. It also had stuff from dougram and a couple of other 80's anime. I lost my copy of the game years ago. It was designed to allow you to take whatever giant robot toys you had, give them stats and then fight with them.
  9. Yeah, I freaked out when the reflex cannons popped out of Megas. That show is great for cameos of all sorts. Another place RT stuff has popped up recently was in the 50 cent machines in supermarkets. Ya know the ones that you get super bounce balls and gum out of. Well, about 6 months ago my kid wanted 50 cents to get a toy out. When he comes back he has this tiny (about 1 1/2 inches) unassembled model in one of those plastic bubbles. When he finaly gts it out together he brings it to me and much to my suprise it's a friggn' Gladiator Destroid! So, I go back to the supermarkes and empty that particular machine. Yes it cost a sum of money that would not tell my wife about. Anyway, I end up getting all of the macross VTs and a few variants of the Galdiator! Thesr things are so cool. I don't have a digital camera but if i buy one for x-mas I'll post the pics. oh and RichterX, relax dude. I'll call 'em what ever I want, right or wrong. How obnoxious do you have to be to correct someone on something so trivial.
  10. Hi everybody this is my 1st post here. Here is some old school stuff regarding RT poping up in odd places... Garbage Pail Kids series 3 had a card titled "Hot Head Harvey / Roy Bot" that was a Armored VT with a GPK head on it. The link will take you to a page with a rough sketch of the original. Check it out... GPK: Hot Head Harvey / Roy Bot, Armored VT
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