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Everything posted by newbie

  1. Now that is very disturbing! What's worse is that I thought of a more disturbing one I could do with the Vampire Savior gashapon! Inquiring minds want to know! I could put Basara's head on the Morrigan body, or on the Lilith body. Blergh, disturbing indeed. bariaburu faita seems to have started some interesting creativity maybe we need a new macross discussions category ......rated.."R"
  2. newbie


  3. newbie


    but her boo.....sters... are.... magnificent .....can't stop
  4. newbie


    Millia revenge Noooo!!! stop don't look at them directiy!
  5. don't get caught he's the jealous type
  6. newbie


    I'd like to make everybody one, but I'm not set up for it. It would be pretty pricey by the time I bought both figures, put it together and shipped it. Maybe there's another way, if we can convince "exo" and his friends to reproduce the Gashapon Manga After figure. That would definitely reduce the cost.
  7. newbie


  8. newbie


  9. newbie


  10. newbie


    I was in a Japanese import toy store when I saw a figure from GASHAPON MANGA AFTER it reminded me so much of the pose of Miria in the book Macross Perfect Memory. A bit of work switching the heads and the alterations to the body and to Miria's hair it came out pretty close. See pics. I can post some pictures and a brief description on how I made the alterations because I firmly believe everyone should own a special Miria. P.S. It took a week before the wife noticed it. Now Miria is in hiding.
  11. newbie


    Ok, ok my wife was right, I should have made a bikini top. No offence intended.
  12. newbie


  13. newbie


    Hey all, I've been reading your posts on the forum for a few months, and have thoroughly enjoyed the pics and customs. I thought I'd participate and send a pic of my latest creation. What do you think? I may get kicked out right off the bat for this but hopefully not.
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