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Everything posted by newbie

  1. I wonder how the SDF would look in relation to this Zentrodi resin model, would it be close enough to the correct size? Because, if they did I think they'd look pretty cool together - positioned or posed. Does anybody have both of these? If so, could you take a photo of them together? Cheers
  2. I have vague memories of seeing some really cool battle damaged Valkyries/toys...I was hoping to do some customing on one I'm working on. Does anybody have any pics of theirs or somebody else's? I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on the best method of ageing or weathering toys; I'm more used to doing it on models as opposed to toys, is there anything special I need to know? Cheers, Newbie
  3. newbie


    Hopefully these pictures help, the pictures I used for reference were pretty much straight from the television episode. Hopefully you have some pictures of your version soon. Cheers
  4. Sure I would greatly appreciate that because I don't own a vacuuform mold & no idea how to even use one. Let me know what the damage would be, I'll even throw in an old model - the Revell Robotech Changers. I still have several of these models, I bought them way back in the early 80's when you still couldn't get a lot of Japanese models in North America. Still one of my more favourite models to build, probably more for the nostalgia value than the actual detail. Cheers
  5. Great idea on Hobbyfan - I sent them an email & explained what happened, hopefully I hear back from them. It's funny to hear all the other stories about cats, my wifes 25 pounder only seems to go after my Macross stuff. If its not stored in cupboards & glass cabinets it'll be dragged off & eaten somewhere. Ah well, when I get the response back from Hobbyfan I'll fill you guys in. Cheers.
  6. I finally got some time to work on my fan racer, laid the pieces out on the table, turned my back for thirty seconds and found the cat chewing on the cockpit plastic windshield. Can anyone give me a hand in finding a replacement or making me a copy? Willing to trade or purchase. Any suggestions would be helpful. Cheers, Newbie
  7. I was checking out some of the wonderfest links and I was hoping somebody out there would be able to tell me what these are called - where I could find them - are they for sale anywhere?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Newbie
  8. "It's bad enough that I have to grow old, why should I have to grow up?" 368480[/snapback] HERE! HERE! 38 next month
  9. one figure (and if so which version) or one set? 360233[/snapback] Two standing figures would be perfect. Cheers, Newbie
  10. I'll take one.
  11. newbie

    Valkyrie Girl

    To answer your question on what I used for the knees - I moulded it out of plastic, filled up any blemishes & dents with epoxy, sanded it and grinded it, bored out the back to fit the knees and glued and painted. Well done on the figure but it looks like you ran into some of the same problems that I did. I'm sure you noticed that the chest plate didnt fit very well, I'll give you a quick run down on what I did to fix this. On my figure I removed its chest - thats right I took her boobs off! This allows the chest plate to sit deeper into the figure. I also removed some more plastic from the inside of the chest plate with the dremel. Then I took the chest plate, warmed it up with the heat gun & bent it slightly over the handle of the tooling knife. This pushed the edges back, making her look like shes boobs again under the chest plate, thrusts back the shoulders & gives it a tighter look. Because I cut the sides off the chest plate, the backpack & the wings were too large & too bulky to match the scale & made everything look disproportional to the front. So I removed all the parts that held the backpack together, cut the wing housing & cut down the center removing an equal amount of mass from the centre as to what I took off the front. (see pics) This reduced the width, giving the figure a more unified shape. Once I removed all the excess clips & removeable parts to the back of the backpack it flattened out enough to have everything fit together & appear functional & to scale. So I glued everything back together & thats it for the front & the back. Glad to see someone else is working on one too - hopefully there's more out there! Hope to see more posts & pics soon! Cheers Newbie
  12. newbie

    Next Project

    Minmay Guard project
  13. newbie

    Valkyrie Girl

  14. newbie

    Valkyrie Girl

    I was hoping somebody out there can give me a hand with finding a figure. I'm trying to make a very tiny VF girl...approximately 2.5 inches high to sit up on my 1/48 VF gun pod. I'm trying to replicate the attached picture. I have the 2.5 inch VF but I can't find a small enough figure to cannibalize for parts. The figure needs to have arms & legs extended from the body, and also has to be 2.5 inches high and bare skinned like in a swim suit. Would appreciate any feedback. Cheers, Newbie
  15. I'm still interested in a launch vehicle.
  16. newbie

    Valkyrie Girl

    Yes I used a Banpresto figure & a japanese collectible figure - I'm not sure what the name of it is but here's a pic - maybe someone can track the name down or translate the name. As for the Millia figure in the background, it's an old custom from last Christmas. There's an old thread about it on here on how I made it etc. By the way, has anyone ever finished one besides me? I would like to see some pics! Thanks for all the kudos, Cheers, Newbie
  17. newbie

    Valkyrie Girl

    Just to start off, past couple months I've had some problems trying to access online so my apologies to those who have been trying to get hold of me. My thanks to Graham to getting me back up & running. Now on with the post... It took me a couple weeks, couple hours a day Frankensteining/modifying two figures to make the VF girl. It stands approximately 5" tall with no moving parts. I tried to make it the same size & configuration as what the macross cm figures are. I haven't finished the back of the legs, I need to modify some black pieces, other than that it's done. p.s. Merry Christmas
  18. I would bet Samurai M Shiney Nickel that Cm's comes out with 4 and 5 due to the fact that they only came out with one bridge bunny this run or maybe this is just wishful thinking on my side.
  19. I'll definitely be in for one!
  20. damn sweet
  21. newbie


    He's absolutely right. If you ever want to get high quality Macross items on ebay, definitely get it from Chachamaru (Hong Kong). I've bought some incredible vintage Macross books and magazines in new condition from him. He's a great seller. You guys are hilarious. That's why I love this site.
  22. newbie


    Just posting this as a heads up for everyone. I checked the past postings to see if this has ever been on our thread before. Macross figure set #1, I bought and paid $45.00 for it and found it to be a knock-off. The boxes are perfect but when you open the boxes the figures are in clear plastic bags not black. The figures are poor quality at best and covered in fingerprints and a bad paint job. The best picutre I can show you is Minmai head and hairstyle. See picture below the knock-off on right side has a bad paint job and chunky with bubble marks. On left hand side you can see the difference in quality. on ebay there are two people from Hong Kong selling these figures now as high quality originals. If you go to ebay Item number: 5962200039 and scroll down to the picture of Minmai you will see she has the same hair as the knock-off. Letting you know so that you don't get stung like I did with cheap knock-offs. :angry:
  23. With the slow demise of Yamamoto toys, the only hope we may have to get 1/60 toys are the model makers. Maybe the captain can save us and produce some resins in 1/60, especially the Battlepod. I would buy several. Please????
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