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haro genki

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Everything posted by haro genki

  1. ZZ Gundam had both of them in the opening for some reason... dunno if that counts though.
  2. You may be able to find some stuff here... Pretty good collection of openings and ends, even has some toku stuff if you're into it...
  3. The SEED Astray OVAs were promotional commercials that played mostly in model shops... about 5 minutes each. It's a shame, since Astray is probably the high point of SEED...
  4. Odd question: How much are you guy's boxes weighing in at? A lot of my friends are saying 5.70, yet mine wieghs in at EXACTLY 2 pounds less at 3.70. Needless to say, I'm getting a tad concerned...
  5. All this talk of raping my childhood raped my childhood...
  6. Both openings right next to Zeta Gundam image. Ending's kinda hard to find though
  7. Yep, Shawne from TRSI said that Bandai sent out the boxes in waves. And my Star Trek Season 3 box shipped today too!
  8. DYRL here. Saw if via fansub, loved it, and the rest is history... (DYRL still remains my favorite form of Macross period )
  9. And according to a post on the shipment thread on Anime on DVD, credit cards have been charged... Let's hope it ships today!
  10. The same place as Giant Gorg, under their rears. They've been sitting on these shows since... 2001 was it, when they announced that line of classic anime?
  11. Amen. Seriously, the thread for the edits on Anime on DVD grew about 15~ pages within 3 hours. Granted people have a right to be mad, but this is borderlining on insane...
  12. heh, Reccoa looks like a man in that illustration I'm really liking the cover that Jerid and Maua got though...
  13. Most shops are shipping now. Even Animenation has it "Usually Ships Next Day" The only shop that has yet to ship now is TRSI... odd.
  14. According to a post on the Early Release thread on Anime on DVD Forums, Zeta Gundam has shipped from Deep Discount DVD.
  15. Well, TRSI updated their orders just now... still no shipping or processing on this end.
  16. Mine still says On Order From Manufacturer... Hopefully it'll change to "Processing" tonight...
  17. Yeah, I noticed that too. I asked on a Amazon.com thread on Anime on DVD, but no one replied. Meh. To be honest, I think Amazon.com is confused right now because they never changed their November 30th release date to December 14th. Also, if what Hikuro said holds true... and if Bandai really is asking retailers to pay up, then it is ready for it's release. Lastly, keep in mind that the delay that pushed it to the 14th was an act of god of sorts. Bad weather struck, and it screwed up their shipping order. And news of that delay was broken by Jerry Chu on Anime on DVD the day it happened. I highly doubt that Amazon.com "knows something we don't" if they didn't even manage to hear about the rescheduling to December 14th.
  18. That was one of the reviewer's prime complaints actually. It didn't meld well at all according to him. But on the plus side, he did say the mecha looked really nice.
  19. Oh well. :/ Guess they were just rumors afterall.
  20. Any news about the Zeta movies, did the first one came in Japan yet ? Nah, not yet. However, it was shown at a film festival. Gunota managed to get in contact with someone who attended and saw it... (and his feedback wasn't very promising ) I don't think they're going to be done as well as the MSG Trilogy, but that's almost expected when you decide to make a compilation 20 years later as opposed to 2 or so like they did with MSG...
  21. I was waiting for one of those robots in the first clip to have their heads pop up. That really would have made my day. That Mazinger bot looks pretty cool, but... it needs to be able to do the rocket punch.
  22. Indeed, I envy those who never saw it... I prefer the movie trilogy to the series myself. The plot's intact, most of the characters are still present, and it flows a lot better IMO. There's no "monster of the week" mecha present either... (even though I kinda liked the Zakrello... ) Thanks
  23. I came across the vid a few days ago, pretty good.
  24. No one's certain as of yet. Bandai's made a few allusions to it, but seeing as they aren't too hot with releasing older titles... (still waiting for them to do something with SPT Layzner and Giant Gorg which they licensed a few years ago) I really don't know what to think. You'll still be able to enjoy it, yeah. Though you may get confused in some spots and you won't notice the returning characters... it'll still be an enjoyable experience.
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