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haro genki

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Everything posted by haro genki

  1. Greatest song ever. I vote to have that as this thread's official theme! (or as the anthem of the Earth Federal Forces... )
  2. Wow, I remember a looooooooong time ago I saw one of those in a local Rite Aid/CVS, (they had some good toys back then) I can't believe I passed it up... worst decision ever. Ah well, at least I still have the Interceptor...
  3. So, is anyone planning on painting and flaunting their Balls by posting photos of them all over the internet? I'll flaunt mine, but I have to appropriate some from HLJ first.
  4. Hmmm, tonight's the night. Looking forward to seeing how this goes... Sci-Fi has been running Battlestar Galactica marathons all week, today and yesterday mostly made up of Galactica 1980... what an awful sequel that was...
  5. Has that "randomly packaged" thing been confirmed yet? I was really hoping there'd be a way to get them all in one package or without having to hope you get a different once each time...
  6. Eh, I guess the Xenosaga fans can just stick to *watching* the game
  7. Nice And that black mold actually looks decent itself... if it were a model, I think I'd try for a black color scheme...
  8. I still can't get used those new Base Stars... there's something about them that just doesn't look right. They look... well, organic, like something the Shadows and Vorlons would churn out... Other than that, the ships look pretty good. I'm liking how they brought back some of the old ships... nostalgia value
  9. I didn't even know it was coming on NBC... by the time one of my friends told me it was on it was at the end credits. Eh, I'll just catch it when Sci-Fi shows it again...
  10. my 7 year old brother's doodles ( 1 210 results) versus Okawara's SEED MS designs (70 results) The winner is: my 7 year old brother's doodles
  11. Hikaru Ichijou (109 results) versus Rick Hunter (1 850 000 results) The winner is: Rick Hunter Nooooooooooo! Reba West ( 205 000 results) versus a goat (7 520 000 results) The winner is: a goat
  12. "Gordon Freeman" ( 128 000 results) versus "Master Chief" ( 300 000 results) versus "JC Denton" ( 25 300 results) versus "the Doom 3 guy" (34 results) Winner: Master Chief. (I was hoping Gordon would win it )
  13. the borg (3 500 000 results) versus the cylons (31 600 results) The winner is: the borg Wow, the cylons got owned... space battleship yamato (43 700 results) versus uss yamato (22 700 results) The winner is: space battleship yamato argama (5 700 results) versus archangel (1 100 000 results) The winner is: archangel Mirai Yashima (1 210 results) versus Sayla Mass (3 850 results) The winner is: Sayla Mass No love for Mirai Bright Noah (500 000 results) versus Adama (1 270 000 results) The winner is: Adama Awwww
  14. Anyone remember Thousand Arms? It was a fairly obscure PS1 RPG... it had a dating sim system in it. It wasn't the main point of the game, but it was there nonetheless... Well, point is, that game didn't sell well... so I don't think dating sims will get very popular here with that as an indication
  15. Mario (26 200 000 results) versus Luigi (7 160 000 results) he winner is: Mario
  16. Well, there's the Devilman live-action movie. Don't know how bad it is, but I can tell you that it's severely watered-down, as it carries a P-12 rating in Japan. And it looks like it was a complete eye-candy show... every cap I've seen has been CG.
  17. Hell yes, I practically worship those (well, except for the MK-IV episodes... they aren't really as fun as MK-I and II)
  18. Here's a link to a domestic shop carrying the EX Argama. (HLJ has it too, but the domestic site has a lower shipping price) And here's the EX Archangel at HLJ. As for the American made toys, I haven't seen those around in ages...
  19. I take it that you have never seen Quess Paraya? (Wonder if I got her last name correct...) Kou Uraki is a wishy-washy character, but if you have not see Quess... You have no idea what a "worst Gundam character" is like. Yeah, I know Quess. I suppose I'll change my wording to "worst OVA Gundam character"
  20. Nice... not a bad price either
  21. It's the other way around for me... I can't stand to watch 0083 and 08th MS anymore. 0080 however, I always find myself able to rewatch. In 0080, I found myself liking all the lead characters. Bernie, Chris, even Al to a point. 0083 had Kou, the worst Gundam character ever. And 8th MS has Shiro, whom I lost all previously non-existant respect for when he ditched his men for Aina. That said, 0080 was teh win for me.
  22. For Re: Cutie Honey? It was 3 episodes... each about 42 minutes long. I think the one brought out by ADV is fairly old... maybe even before Cutie Honey Flash (the latest full-length CH series)
  23. The entire DYRL soundtrack And the (original) series opening, of course
  24. Oh, don't worry... I meant that more as a good thing than anything else I know this and the original series are two whole different things. I had that mindset when I saw the miniseries back in December (03)... In fact, the only thing that bugged me was, as posted previously, the possibility of Cylon infiltrator plot device abuse. It happened once, and they already hinted at the end of the pilot (?) episodes that it was going to happen AGAIN. They can only do it so much before it gets old...
  25. I'm gonna watch it, loved the original series. My only hope is they don't abuse the Cylon infiltrator plot device too much. That'll get real old fast...
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