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Everything posted by Chas

  1. Its not Macross, but its pretty cool.
  2. Might be easier to print off an image and do a forced-perspective scene in a box behind the 'windows', as it would only be viewable through them. Plus you could put an led behind the box for lighting.
  3. Classic 1:72 Imai.
  4. I think it fits with the retro direction I want to go with these. That kinda cheesy 80's extravagance. Gonna either decal or Stincil the Mospeada title logo on the red Base in black and white. Man I gotta find me another one of these to do up as the green Iota!
  5. Nearing Completion of the Zeta and Eta, I figured it was time to start working on a display base. Found some broken headphones and a plastic Easter egg that went together nicely and came up with this. I was thinking of painting up the pink egg half to look like the earth. What do you think? Too cheesy?
  6. Wow! Spectacular Enterprise. Are there any blinky lights on it? We may need video.
  7. Wow. So much going on here! Electric Indigo, looking solid and smooth ( as always) someday I'll be patient enough in the early stages to get the paint down that smooth. Gabe Q nice job on that VF-1 how are you planning to mount it? Convectuoso, I can't get over how great that little kit looks after you've had your way with it. Almost makes me want one for myself. Peter, you are a gluten for punishment! Those look like they're from a Klingon starship graveyard. Hey ZOMBIE K'TINGAS! Greyson, man you make me wish I'd stuck it out when I was trying to teach myself 3D modeling back in 2006. Looking forward to seeing more. Macross Junkie. Hope the transformation process goes smoothly man. Got my fingers crossed for ya. Made some progress on the Legioss Eta. Just about ready for decals. I'm glad I switched out the lumpy pilot blobs that came with the kit for some modified 1:100 scale figures. I dry assembled one of my Wave 1:100 VF-1 kits to compare and I think the Legioss scales better at 1:100 than the stated 1:72. Anime stats be damned!
  8. MT. Your builds always look museum quality in the level of detail and how clean the lines are. Always inspirational.
  9. Agree completely, really clean colour separation and smooth paint application. Looks real sharp. Are you gonna leave it clean or add some subtle weathering?
  10. Already did. It's somewhere round here. In a box under my work bench I think.
  11. Sorry, Closest I've got is a 1:24 Eve Tokimatsuri
  12. Thanks MT. I really try to avoid using straight black on models. Those 'black' stripes are actually painted on with tamiya sea blue.
  13. Thanks MT. After I posted about the XF-9 I realized it is an acylic and I didn't want to go with trying to do and acylic panel line wash over fruture. I've yet to be able to do that and get satisfactory results, so I mixed up some Light Rust oil with a little bit of Starship Filth. Hopefully this pick shows it a bit better.
  14. Yeah that's neat lookin. What is it? Finished the Zeta. Pics with and without flash. Now to finish up the Eta.
  15. Gonna try out Tamiya's Hull Red. And see what that's like.
  16. Love that red and white. I started building the Zeta (red) a few weeks ago, then, just as I got to the stage it's at, I got the Eta (blue) in the mail, from Thom on a trade. I was at a pause in the Zeta build as I was contemplating what colour to use for the panel lines. So instead of figuring it out I stated the Eta. Now I need to figure out what to do about the panel line colour on the red.
  17. Almost ready for take-off.
  18. Hmmm I see two Exsedol and Klan- Klan (I think) haven't seen all the series and films, so not sure who everyone is. I'll have to leave it for other more well versed aficionados.
  19. @Convectuoso thats a cute little guy! @MechTech > might be awhile before I start the gunships. Working on the 72nd legioss eta and a Zeta right now.
  20. Max and Milia. Nice find! What's the overall length?
  21. Thanks Gabe! Yeah I've got the Bandai Gunship, and Mowe ( posted in my stash pic earlier), but I wanted a second gunship 'cus I hope to build one with wings folded and one in flight. When I saw this Tsukuda edition I thought it'd be cool to compare it to the later Bandai that I already have, so I pulled the trigger.
  22. Just got delivery today on some more vintage mecha kits.
  23. Yes, I have the song on one of his records, so I recognized the lyric immediately.
  24. THIS IS KINDA OT but I thought it was interesting OK. So I'm building my Aoshima re-release of the old Imai legioss zeta and I decided to scan the decals to print my own given the age of the included set. While looking at them and trying to figure out orientation for placement of a couple, I decided to break out my cellphone to get an idea of which way the letters were placed on the decal. The pics turned out better than I thought and what I read on one was quite funny and on another was kind of bizzare. Here are the pics: The 1st is kinda bizzare. Like what a strange thing to choose to put on a decal ( someone must have been awfully proud of his new Honda). The 2nd is just funny. If you are having trouble I'm pretty sure it reads " HOW MANY TIMES MUST THE CANNON BALLS FLY" bloody peacenics! So now I'm gonna go through all my old kits and see if there are any more of these wierd inscriptions on decals.
  25. Japanese kits of that era weren't shrink wrapped. It is still in it bags though, but I got this one cus I really wanted to build it and still do. P.S. Great now I'm browsing Mandarake for old-school anime vinyl. Just what I needed something else to start collecting! Thanks MT
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