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Everything posted by Chas

  1. Pretty sure I've got an unused Hase. 1:48 Ground crew set. You're welcome to the pilots from that if you want 'em. It's a pretty old mold, so they're not that great. Just shoot me a PM with your address if you want 'em.
  2. Your welcome! Glad you got some. I have no personal experience with Tamiya poly-putty, but from others who have used both it, and mori mori, they say the hardener are compatible/interchangeable (intercompatible??). Either hardener can be used with either putty. As far mori mori being discontiued - I haven't actually read that anywhere, just my own supposition based on it being out of stock everywhere.
  3. Love Mori-Mori, but I thought Wave stopped producing it. A while back, when HLJ still carried it, I got a larger tube of the hardener. Here's a link to what I got (from a different seller) https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/606004571 I can't find any sources for mori mori (that have it in stock) anywhere aymore. Wish I could, that stuff was the perfect consistency when it dried and soo easy to sand and shape.
  4. Umm you guys know that Bondo autobody filler is polyester putty right? Still pretty widely available in its original formulation ( in Canada at least).
  5. That's a really full bench @derex3592 ! Good news Hobby search is having a sale and the Doyusha Boxing of that Academy B1 is 27% off and same goes for the Acedemy 1:72 blackbird. Gues what I just ordered? @Rock is that 1:20 Gundam a scratch build? Looks awesome. Would love to see some pics that show the relative sine of the build ( maybe a pop can?) @Urashiman you seem to know what you're doing so I'll just sit back and enjoy the beauty of your process. Looks great so far.
  6. Always loved that bird @derex3592 ! Your gushing about how well it goes together has got me seriously considering picking one up.
  7. The face looks pretty good, albeit perhaps a little to soft and rounded in places, but waaayy better than I could do. I think redoing it is the right choice as it is proportionally too large for the body. Perhaps build up the body 'till you get it where you want it then sculpt the head to match? Currently on my bench is the Bandai HG 1:144 UFO Robo Grendaizer. I'm filling in all the extra panel grooves in the kit to try and get closer to a more screen accurate look. Essentially taking this: And trying to get closer to this: This is where I'm at so far: And just for fun some posing. The hips aren't going to be the correct shape, but it should look better than the base kit (I hope).
  8. Very, very nice! Classic war-time diorama design, (set in the world of SDF Macross) flawlessly executed. Cudos to the builder.
  9. Beautiful display Mechtech. Looks like it belongs in a museum - very professional! Another stalled build off the backlog. Started this one a while ago, but had some paint reaction nonsense, so I put it aside. Nothing special build-wise pretty much straight out-of-box (just some very small changes). It's Academy's re-imagined God Phoenix from Science Ninja Team Gatchaman. Wanted to get this done 'cus, while there are things I like about the redesign, I've always wanted a model of 'the real thing', so I ordered one of the Wave kits that came out just after this Academy was issued. Anyway couple of quick pics.
  10. Did you take any pics of the marks? Not sure what 'injection points' are. Maybe ejector pin marks? Regardless, that's not the best news, not a deal breaker mind you, but still disappointing to hear.
  11. Thanks for the warning. I used Krylon Cryatal Clear gloss over tamiya acrylics on my Cordoba without incident, but the Tamiya colours had been on for about a week. I'll have to keep your warning in mind If I decide to use it again. The colours look good! Love that mix of cool gray and orange.
  12. Always love seeing your builds come together electric indigo. That looks superb. @Thom the Yamato builds you've been posting look Saweet! and they're whetting my appetite for more. I've got a 1:1000th 2199 assembled and waiting for finishing on my shelf, maybe that'll be my next project. Calling the Cordoba build done for now, just gotta work on the stand. Gonna leave the mini Minerva and other ships on the spruesfor now. Edit: the full sun obscures the metallic nature of the paint. This is more representative of how it looks on the shelf.
  13. Got my pre-order for the moderoid in.
  14. Beautiful! Unbelievable and beautiful.
  15. Yellow's will have to be a compromise if you want to do it without mixing and in a spray can. The instructions call out a 90:10 mix of H56 intermediate blue with H5 blue. So a little bit darker, more saturated than straight intermediate blue. In Tamiya's Ts spray paint I would be looking at ts57 blue violet. It may be a little on the lighter side in tone, but in that line it's the closest I can see, and it doesn't look that far off.
  16. Hey 505th I meant to comment on this earlier. The Mospeada is looking really good. What colour did you decide to go with in the end.
  17. No plans to do any weathering right now. Struggling to rescribe some of these ultra fine panel lines before I do the clear coat, panel lining, and decals. Pretty much resigned to losing a lot of the smaller shapes on the surface. The lines are just too fine, and have rounded corners - always had trouble rescribing rounded shapes.
  18. A quick shot with tha base coat down and most of the detail paint done most of the markings (yellow and red) have decals. I'll give them a try, but I don't have a lot of confidence that they will turn out. If my fears are correct I'll have to do them with a brush.
  19. Nothing quite as 'out there' as Chris Foss' s colour schemes. The instructions call for an all over light gray, but I think I'm gonna do a 1:1 mix of flat aluminum and light gray with some dark gray details ant the standard yellow markings.
  20. https://evergreenscalemodels.com/collections/plain-opaque-white-polystrene-sheets Scroll down and look for the thickness you want. Most brick and motor hobby shops and model train shops will carry a variety of evergreen products or find an online shop that has what you want in stocks. That Mospeada is looking pretty darned sweet 505th, and electric indigo I completely agree with you about that chopper! ( of course your modelling skills and great photography go a long way in swaying my opinion) Just about done the assembly on this 1:3000 Hasegawa Creator Series Cordoba model from Crusher Joe. Definitely one of my favorite Kawamori designs!
  21. Had the dull coat on the 1S go cloudy and had to to deal with that before I finished it off with the clear bits. Calling it done now. Here's a slightly blurry phone snap of the pair as they sit now.
  22. That's some great, clean detail. How much of it will be visible when it's all closed up?
  23. Holy crap! That's some fantastic engineering and machining. You've got an awesome set of skills. Love seeing your stuff- always leaves me dumbfounded. Here's a look at the 1:100 VF-1S before and after oil weathering. And the torso done wings not. I have a problem. I cannot leave decals unscuffed.
  24. Thanks. ⅓ jar of Tamiya XF2 white with 6 drops of XF24 dark Grey from a paint brush.
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