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Everything posted by Chas

  1. Funny you guys should mention them. I've been trying to decide if I want to do Millia or the bridge bunnies next. But first I have to finish Misa, and I don't have a lot of free time so my drawings have been known to take a while. Keep your eyes on the Fan Works Forum in the next few days for the results.
  2. OMG! someone actually replied Well a big THAAAANK -YOUUUUUU! polidread. I'd completely given up. To tell the truth I wasn't too hopefull that any pics like this existed. The reason I was asking was because in the pic I'm drawing I have turned it into a zip-up turtlenek (well more like a zip-down) and I dind't want any canon Nazis to freak out on me if it turned out that they're were pics showing it with buttons or somethimg like that.
  3. As I don't have a copy of Perfect Memory (& haven't seen inside of one since around 1987 or so ) I don't know if you already have these images - they are from TIA 11, Macross DYRL.
  4. Howdy Folks! I was wondering if any one has, or could direct me to, any images of the Macross bridge crew uniform with the jacket opened or off. I need to see what the Tutle-neck shirt that is worn underneath the jacket looks like. It is for a drawing that I'm doing of Misa. It would be ideal if I could get a pic of her in the uniform from Flashback 2012 with the jacket open but I don't think such a thing exits.
  5. O.K. been here a few months, time to post. I just got the FX DYRL before Xmas. (It was the first time I'd actually evere seen it; although I've had a copy of This Is Animation: Do You Remember Love since about 1986 or so) and I would love to fix the subtitles. Here's my problem though - I don't have a DVD drive on my PC. But I do have one on my MAC. So Hurin any ideas as to how I can do this on my G4 ?
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