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Everything posted by Chas
All in all I'd say it looks good (pics are a litttle small so kind of hard to see details but overall impression is good.) The one problem I've always had with weathering mecha that are variable (regardless of if the model is variable) is trying to figure out what the wear patterns would be, given how the thing transforms, i.e. which parts rub against which? And also the weathering pattern would probably look inconsistant in the different modes. What I mean here is (using your Tread as an example) when it is in it's aircraft mode some of the weathering may be in a direction which differs from the direction of flight because some weathering takes place in the robot form in-which the various panels are in a different alignment and configuration (i.e. what was once horizontal is now vertical etc) Anyway none of that is realy relevent just something that's kinda puzzeled me for a while. If you could post some bigger pics it might be easier to get some constructive critique, and some ideas of what to work on for your next model. But all in all I'd say well done. (but I'm no expert! LOL ) Charles. (edit=Typo)
Well I just got the notice from HLJ that my two canopies are on the way. The cost is 500 yen each plus 580 shipping (sal) so the total is 1580 yen. I think it's worth it. it would have been better if it could have been combined with my earlier order, but I guess that's asking too much. Anyway for those who were interested in the cost now you know.
Is the motor that's operating the fan in-line with the air flow? 'cause if it is you better make sure that the fumes from tne paint your spraying are not flamable (Inflamable?) or else your taking a fairly serious risk there - Kaboooom!-.
Daisy Duke Is NOT! Blonde
I believe it is in episode two that Obi-Wan tells Anakin that love is not forbbiden to the Jedi, indeed it is a primary requirement, to love all living things, to love your enemies as you love your friends. But this notion of love is significantly different from that which we commonly have in mind when we talk about our loved ones, or our mates, the love he is talking about is: love WITHOUT ATTACHMENT. I think what Anakin never understood was that to fear the death of a loved one is a selfish act; because the fear has nothing to do with that person dieing but everything to do with us having to go on living without them. Death is not a loss for those that have died only for those left behind. To love without attachment a Jedi has to be reconceiled with the transient nature of life, with the inevitability of death -all things pass-. For the Jedi death means becomming one with the Force which surrounds and penetrates all living things. Why would a Jedi fear that happening to anyone? Why would a Jedi mourn the loss of a friend (or and enemy for that matter) who has become one with the Force? This is why Yoda says he would not hesitate to sacrifice Obi-Wan to end the war and why Obi responds in kind. To love without attachment does not require that one be an emotionless droid. It does require that one think of the other person and not oneself. If you love something let it go. (edit-typo)
No problem Bertt, when I find out how much they charge I'll post it. I tried casting them myself but the originals were cracked (which is why I can't use them) and so the mark from the crack was transfered to the mould and ergo the recasted parts. I thought about sanding the marks, and then buffing the recasted canopy, but after building the mould and casting the part all the sanding and buffing just seemed like too much work. Then there is always the possibility of marring the part again with all that handling, so I figured I'd just order some new ones. (and then make a mould of one of them- for future accidents!) Now on their website I believe it says something about a possible Three Month wait time so it may take a while before I get the info. Oh Yeah they also say you should be prepared to pay up to 30% of the cost of the kit. Oh, and Stamen0083 thanks for the tip, I'll look into it!
Hey Gabe, I've got two canopies on order from HLJ. Don't know when they'll arrive, but thanks to the advice in this thread I may only need one. If it works ouy that way I can pass on one of the pair that I have on order to you (for the cost price plus shipping). Think of it as a last resort if nothing else here works out. HLJ says it could be up to three months wait time. Charles.
Chas replied to the white drew carey's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Hey i was just browsing the net and found some real world (alternate) versions of the Hikaru, Max, & Millia Colour schemes. Thought you folks might like to try them out on a Valk. -
Spot-on observation there Hurin! The funny thing about language is that it only refers to itself. Thus when one takes any definition and presses it for ever more specificity/clarity there is slipage, and the line of demarcation between one thing and another (usually it's opposite) begins to breakdown and the two things move closer together. Your 'Die-Cast" example shows this perfectly. Whether or not an "Anime-Style" truly exists is, I think, a moot point. What matters is that we have made that distinction and it has become well known and consistently used. Therfore the distinction in fact, and, in practise does exist regardless of if it makes sense. (just my two sents worth. (Edit - type-o)
Hey TSP when you finsh that Macross city model with the pic of Minmei be sure you post lots of pics. from lots of angles with some close ups of the concert arena (edit- OOPS! guess I should have Checked your thred before I wrote that oh well nevermind then. P.S. Your model is truly impressive. )
Your welcome everyone .-- valkyriepm it may take a while for me to get the files for TIA #11 to Rob - got to help my wife with her Thesis Defence over the next couple of weeks - but let me just say it is absof*%#@inglutey worth buying. I love that book one of the best decisions and probably the best $40.00 (Can.) I ever spent. I can't wait to see the contents of some of the titles you mention though, looking forward to it.
Yeah I hope to be able to get better pics. but I mostly end up working on it at night so I have to use artificial lights for the Photos. But I'll postmore as I go along - hopefully they'll get better.
Hey all well, as it says this is my first model in 20 years - SO BE KIND -. I am using artists acrylic paints thinned with a touch of isopropyl alchohol (95+%) and water, with a future clear coat and it's all going on with a regular old fashioned paint brush. As this is the first time I have ever atempted any kind of emphasizing of panel-lines and weathering I am unsure as to when enough is enough. I am not using a typical Macross paint scheme for ths model, hence the colour but is this too much panel lines and weathering? (edit- typo)
Sorry for the Double post but I couldn't resist it. I don't think I'll scan the entire book (think I'll skip the 'Film Story' section -just screencaps with Japanese written description after all - ) But definately the entire Line Art section plus the extras Pastell drawings etc.
Can anyone say This is Animation #11 Do You Remember Love? (Edit - Typo)
Rob, Sorry about this but I had some company come by unexpectedly and had to leave in the middle of sending you these files. I just e-mailed you the final installment - the line art an back cover. Thanks for putting this up for everyone. Charles. (edit -Doh! too Slow )
Beautiful! Stunning! Dramatic! A truly inspiring Custom (Inspires me to do my own. . . but I know it wouldn't turn out nearly as good. Hell, I'd probably just scrap the kit! ) I think you have a very well developed sense of colour, your choices are perfectly balanced. Excellent craftsmanship.
O..K. that explains it then. Thanks Gammera I didn't know that about Hikaru and the VF-X4 Before. Where did you learn this? JSaint25 - thanks for your kind words. However I don't know if it will ever be finished. I have a tendancy to start a-lot of drawings that I never complete. I just get bored with them before they're done.
If he had one in the series as well how early on had Kawamori developed the design? and I wonder why he waited untill Flahback to show it off? Any one have a clue?
Does anybody have pictures of the movie costumes?
Chas replied to VF-1James's topic in Movies and TV Series
Yeah, all of the uniforms are . . . er. . . uniform except for the colours and insignias. And your welcome! -
Sorry, GabeQ I just got carried away in photoshop and could't help myself. As penance here's an unfinished pic. I was drawing of Misa a-la Shirow (ripped off one of his Galhound images).
Heyall. I was just flipping through my copy of TIA#11 looking for images for VF-1James when I noticed the attachd image. Is it me or is that a model of a VF-4 lightning in Hiki's ouarters?
Does anybody have pictures of the movie costumes?
Chas replied to VF-1James's topic in Movies and TV Series
Well stil no word from Kazuo. Perhaps he/she is away. Can anyone else host the .zip file?
O.K. I just finished scanning the book. I've done pretty much the whole thing except for about 17 pages of siepia-toned images from SDF Macrossand DYRLas well as about 6 pages of interviews in Japanese text. The pages are all in order from front cover to back cover, including those that I've already posted, and they are combined into 1- 46 page .pdf document in a .zip file which is 26,516kb in size. I've pm'd Kazuo, who offered to host it and am waiting for his response. So you can all stop holding your breath now.