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Everything posted by Chas

  1. Hi all. Is it neccessary to use both microset and microsol on decals to get the 'painted on' look or will just one of these suffice? and if so which one? Also are there any known issues with either of these products damaging canopies? Thanks in advance for you responses. Charles.
  2. Wow, it keeps getting better and better.
  3. OMG! Talk about abundance! Now i just have to figure out which sizes and types I need. Thanks so much guys. (I Love these boards!)
  4. Wow! I didn't think they would be sold just on their own, but since you mention it, it makes so much sense. Thanks!
  5. Me too. Oh, and guys you do realize that I just made that name up, it's not official or anything. So if you do finish it Ryuji, you can call it whatever you want
  6. Hey Folks, I'm planning to modify a couple of kits to make them more articulated and I can't think of a substitute (an abundent substitute) to use as a source for polycaps. Has anyone hear found something to use, or have you heard of anything? Im just getting into modelling again, so my scraps box is really non-existent at this point, so I don't have any spare ones.
  7. Chas

    Paper Monster

    What about good old fashioned Bristol board, you know the stuff we all used for our Science project displays? That'd probably work. (Edit-Typo)
  8. Yeah could someone Photoshop some nametags or something? Who's who here?
  9. Wow! looks like it was a blast. More pics. please
  10. Oh! that's what that symbol must mean Thanks grayso. That is what I was going to do, but then saw this thread and figured someone here would know.
  11. Well speaking of details for the cockpit. I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what to do with the P.E. 'Joystics' (sorry can't think of what else to call them right now) from the Hase. P.E. set. Am I supposed to cut off those two stubs of styrene infrot of where the instument panel sits? Can anyone tell me wkat it says inthe bottom right corner of this pic?
  12. No. I'm pretty sure that HO =1:87 And O =1:48
  13. I thought 'N' Scale was 1/160th.
  14. Well I know that HobbyLink Japan has 1/100 scale hands for sale in their Gundam line You might try them to see if there is anything that will suite. I think these are the closest in appearence to the T.V. Valkyrie hands. http://www.hlj.com/product/BCL2059. As for figures just try a search on ebay or google for 1/100 scale figures and you should be able to find something. In the Models section here at MW ther is also this set, however I don't know what the availabilityof it is like, but maybe you could look for something simillar.
  15. Well as I write this I'm listening to my 12" singles. At the moment Shiekback's 'Nemisis' is playing. Just finished 'Small Town Boy': Bronski Beat and before that it was Yaz - 'Nobody's Diary'. Comming up is 'Fade toGrey': by Visage, and 'Living on Video' by Trans X. I would go on but if you recognize any of those I think you get the picture. Oh! also a huge beatles fan and a H-U-G-E Joy Division Fan. 'Nuff Said.
  16. Oh, what a shame! That Minmay was something I would actually consider buying. - Thought it woud look great next a Hase. Minmay Guard Battroid.
  17. Wad'ya mean there are shots from 360 degrees in the first post?
  18. Yeah I'm with you on that Renato. I never got the semi-nude pre-pubessant anime girl sculpt thing but I think it's the fact that this is so well done .( I mean it looks just like the original image!)
  19. Does anyone else find it amusing (read ironic) that a thread which began with a bunch of guys ogling provocative drawings of a cartoon character soon turned into a confessional about how they can't attract women and then out came the ideas of how women are shallow and have to be tricked into relationships? I mean if this thread were a T.V. show it would be Hilarious! Fellas There are no Tricks to meeting and attracting women That's your First Mistake! You've all heard it before JUST BE YOURSELF. Mistke number two: Women are not any particular way, Just as men are not any particular way -WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!. When you start to think about the opposite sex in terms of generalizations you stop relating to individuals and start relating only to the generalization. -YOU CAN"T HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH A GENERALIZATION. Oh yeah and in case you missed it LowVis, your ideas (I refuse to call them Theories!) are simplisitic, juevenile, inane, deluded, insulting, poorly thoughtout, lack any kind of intellctual rigor or thoroughness, and proceed on false logic. I think it would be best if you kept them to yourself. (Edit- Typo)
  20. kazuki IIRC it was inspired by the decal on the Hase. kit. not vice-versa.
  21. Maybe somebody broke into your place and took some photos infront of your monitor, then left?
  22. Hey Folks I was just clearing some space on my hard drive and found this image I saved way back when from some site or other. Can't remember where but I thought you folks might like to see it and possibly know where it's from. anyone ever see this for sale anywhere?
  23. Google is your friend I just googled the first in your list, (Dengeki Hobby Magazine Subscription) and came up with the following link : http://www.animebooks.com/dehomaoneyes.html. I'm certain that If you do the same for the other's you should be able to find what you are looking for! It's really not that hard, just a little bit of effort is all it takes to get what you want.
  24. Chas

    First time

    Why are you going to do that? it looks fine the way it is. You don't need to strip it in order to do the lanel lines. Just put a sealer over top of the paint ( a clear coat like future or something) and then try using an oil or acrylic panel lining technique then when your satisfied another clear coat to seal the lines and then a dull coat if you want a matte finish. I don't see why you would strip it and repaint. what is it you are unhappy with?
  25. Chas

    First time

    panel lining is simply a process by which the lines on the model, which represent the recessed point where different panels come together on the 'real full-sized' item the model represents, are darkened in order to set them off from the rasied flat surface which forms the 'skin' of the vehicle. This is done because in 'real-life' these recessed grooves would tend to collect dirt, grease and what have you and thus be darker in appearence. There are various techniques for achieving this. In fact there have been a number of threads recently about this very question - namely how to do panel lining - plus it is a very talked about topic in the scale modelling world. For a good place to start try cheking out the Tools'n'Tips section at www.aircraftresourcecenter.com here http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/
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