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Everything posted by Chas
Impressive as always HWR! Is that the Reliant inthe background? I've got one of those too. Haven't started it yet though -not sure if I want to do all the work to make it accurate or just build right out of the box. Makes for a good size ref for that valk though, Wow that is a big kit! hadn't realised the size of it 'till I saw these pics.
I was just restating an offer I made earlier at, what I thought was, an apropriate time.I'm leaving for the weekend todat so I won't be able to work on the images 'till next week, but as I'm no longer working I should be able to get it all done on Monday. Are you interested in both sets of illustrations - Mecha & Characters or just one of the sets?.
Hey Izzy Are you making fun of Me!
I've seen resin kits where solid parts have had channels dremeled out into which the Fiber- Optic cable has been layed and then puttied over and sanded smooth. Couldn't tell from looking that it had been done. Although this is not a technique I would recomend to begginers!
DAMN! It's all in Japanese!
Well the way I think of it is like this: there are the Brown (C.F.) valks on the bottom tier then there are the main character valks, in their various colours, on the second tier and then on the third tier we have Hikaru, whose valk is distinguished from the other mian charcter pilots by having a coloured heat shield. Now this hypothesis does have some sticking points i.e Max' 1-A having a blue heat shield. And I think that the norm is to have the Hero-Ship traditionally distinguished with a special weapon as well as markings. But for me, for now, this idea works pretty well. --That is unless one of you thinks about this colouration glitch Waaaayyyy more that I have (which isn't too hard) and pokes my hypothesis full of holes.
Is anyone here familliar with the concept of the 'Hero' ship in Anime? I think this may explain why Hikaru's colour scheme is different from the other 1-s sqod. As he is the protaganist and the 'Hero' of the film his craft gets singled out with it's own colour scheme indicating that it and he is special. What dy'a think?
O.K I've seen this around for a while and never really thought much about it. But where the F#*K did HG come up with this 'character' (quotations indicate that I don't actuallly consider this marketing ploy a character). Now It has been years since I've seen Robotech and I don't remember any such vehicle or 'character' in any of the storylines. So I'm left with the conclusion that HG just wanted to sell some more CRAP - I mean MPC's- so they thought "hey lets make a black valk with lots of head lasers and call it a stealth. Yeah and we'll come up with a new 'character' and background story to reallly sell it!" But as I said it's been a while since I've seen Robotech, I only ever saw it on T.V. and I haven't ever seen any other incarnations of it i.e. Sentinels, novelizations etc. so, I'm willing to be wrong here. But did this character show up anywhere prior to the release of this toy? Or are my suspicions about the purpose for his invention correct.
O.K. Kylwell -SPILL THE BEANS!- How did you get this incredible effect, I mean the bubbling and cracking! and the discolouring and flaking! absolutely AWESOME! HOW! HOW! HOW! you gotta walk us through this step by step! PLEASE!
Yeah that sampler pack is realllllly worth it! what agreat deal!
Sitt'n pretty in the centre of the universe.
Hey all, I just discovered this great site with lots of available info. for anyone who does their own casting/mold making from the absolute beginner to the seasoned por. Plus they have a gerat line of products! ( i discovered them 'cus we just started to use some of their products at work!). Check them out here.
O.K I just photograhed both sets of these from my originals with my digi camera. I've got to leave for work right now, but when I get back ( around 11 hours or so from now) I'll download them to my computer and I can make up a couple of Acrobat documents like I did for the FlashBack 2012 Graffitti book. But I'll need someone to host them. That is if enough folks want them. So let me know if I should bother. And if someone could volunteer some web space that would be great. If nobody has any then I'll PM Rob (samuraim)and see if he can host them as he did with the Flashback 2012 stuff.
I think if they are only going to do one then the 'kite' logo is the obvious choice. But if that sells well and they make more I would love to see the Skull Squad. insignia as well as the Zentradi insignia and is there a Meltrandi equivelent? If so that would be great as well. I think all of these would work well in the standard circle-shaped base. (edit: here's what I got if some wants to photoshp it, I gotta go to work now. back in 11 hours.)
Sorry, I had tabbed through their site but most of the shots are dead on top viwes of the already painted bases so I couldn't tell. I guess I just didn't see the image on the home page DOH!
Hey Grayson thanks for asking. I think for my 1/72nd scale valks a 12 cm base would work well. Do you know if the detail on the top of the bases they make are done in relief or is it just printed on? Do you think that 12Cm would work for the 1/72nd battriods as well? I don't have any built up yet? For a good ref. of the size I am suggesting have a look at the nearest CD. Well that's my two cents worth.
That's what I love about this place - you guys just keep giving and giving. Thanks geecie30.
Thank you! That's exactly what I wanted! I don't care what anyone else here says about you MechTech you're all right by me . Seriously though, thanks alot for taking the time. Charles.
Hey y'all. I need some pics form anyone who has a Max or Millia gerwalk from the 3rd mission Gashapon set. Specifically I am looking fo detail shots of the legs from the side and from the back. More specifically I am interested in the area from the air-intake to just below the 'knee' joint. can anyone help me out?
The library idea is, I think, a good one, but as far as I know in order to make your own decals one needs access to an ALPS printer. I know that there are decal sheets out there for use with 'inkjet' printers but I thought that one of the problems with that idea is that inkjet printers can't print the colour white as they don't have any white ink ( which, I believe, is something one needs to make decals.) Perhaps I'm wrong here, but I don't know of anyone who has actually made their own decals using anything but an ALPS printer. Anyone who knows different care to chime in?
Yeah, I am pressing them down but I was trying to make the coat of future as thin as possible to avoid it going on unevenly. I think your tips will solve my problem. Thanks.
Well I am using future for the gloss coat and applying it with conventional brushes, so that might explain why I got some silvering in certain areas. Oh well 'Live and Learn' as they say.
Thanks guys. I was wondering, because I tried using just microsol and still got some silvering, and didn't know if it was because I didn't use it with the microset or some other reason. I can see now that I probably didn't have a sufficient coat of future on the model. As for the canopy I didn't think it would any harm just being cautious as I've already lost one canopy. Anyway, thanks for your help. It is much appreciated Charles.