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Everything posted by Chas

  1. I do not think this will work with Mori Mori as the openning on the small black bottle is larger than the openning you get on the tube. The instructions say the volume of hardner that should be used is 2% of the volume of the white stuff. I, myself have found that I can use the cream hardener that I get with the light-weight automotive finishing compoun that I use from my local auto supply store. Which is a lot cheaper, but, because it is only a paste, I still use the polyester putties for some stuff. If you wanted I've heard of some people thinning Mori Mori in order to 'paint' on thin layers of it, although, I don't know what they use to thin it with. Try googling 'Mori Mori polyester putty' and you should get some useful hits in english with hints and tips from folks who have used the stuff. P.S. there is some info at SSM (they also offer it in both sizes at a good price in ther store -- cheaper shipping than HLJ too I'll wager!) good luck and let me know how everything turns out.
  2. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccee! Is so great to finally see one of these big boys with some clothes on! can't wait to see the weathering. Any plans to lay some rust-all down on this?
  3. This was the chase vehicle that Misa used to go after "loverboy" and "the tart" when they went on their date to the rings of Saturn.
  4. Obscure hunh? Well if ya like obscure what would ya say to seeing some of the DYRL Meltrandi Capitol Ships done up in Resin? I always thought they would make better lookin models than alot of the more popular Zentrai stuff.
  5. If that's too big how 'bout this from DYRL?
  6. So Mike don't tell me you had to clean the oily, sticky, half-cured resin out of the large mould? tell me you tested it out on one of the smaller moulds first.! One of the worst parts about casting is when you get a bad shot and have to clean out the mould. It can be kind of trichy to if there's a lot of fine detail in the mould trying to get it clean without damaging the mould can be tricky business.
  7. Yeah! Wow! nice job so far Omeaga One! looking real perdy!
  8. Well that shouldn't be too difficult it is one of the decals. As is the other vertical stripe.
  9. When I was back in Can. I worked at a tool and die shop in Windsor Ontario for a while where I was casting polyurathane resin prototypes for 8-12 hours a day every day. some of the parts were quite large, I'm talking 150lb+ silicone mould kind of large. We always poured our moulds as one piece and then cut them open and either removed the master or smashed it out. If you are interested in the technique shoot me a pm and we'll talk. It is rather complicated to explain here. Suffice it to say we would build a box for the molud and suspend the master inside it with copper wires which became the vents, and a copper pipe which became the sprue. The parting line was marked with scotch tape which was coloured black (so it could be seen through the cured silicone).
  10. Memmon: that looks realy interesting (and kinda wierd!) what the hell are those? fiber-optic cables? Noyhauser: I knda thought I'd do a bastardized version of the Jolly-Roger's coloud scheme. Nothing quite as thought out as what your going for just "winging it" (ha-ha ) David: What the hell man! If I was in your position (storage space wise) and did that my wife would FREAK OUT! and I'd be sleeping on the roof for like a week! What scale is that anyway? like 1/24th or something. that is just nuts!
  11. Sorry for the double post but after seeing the images I realized I wanted to show you the colour scheme with the fast packs. these are just for a colour test the Strike set are not painted yet.
  12. HWR MKII That is some trully fantastic work! Well I told myself that I wasn't going to post in this thread 'cus My stuff just aint up to par . . . but here I go anyway. This is going to be a fixed pose Hase. VF-1S Strike Gerwalk costom. (If I ever finish it) Now it got a little banged around on the trip from Canada so the paint is a little chipped but here it is anyway.
  13. Is it me or does the size of the VF-0 Battroid look like it would have been a better match for the Regault and Glaug, and maybe in hand to hand with a Zentradi soldier?
  14. Yes the good old Barbapapas. I loved that show as a kid. Whenever they were going to change shape they would say "Clickity-click . . . Barba-trick!"
  15. Damn! I still can't post an image! try this to see what I'm talking about. ]imageshack[/url] Yeah! at least you can all see it now. Yes cobywan I suspect it was used for exactly that purpose. D.H. the packages that I have seen come in a variety of colours. I think the coulours correspond to the different widths. I think I'm going to get some of the .5mm stuff soon, just to try it out. It's so thin, that I think it would be fairly tricky to work with. Thanks Big F. I've got abetter version of the same image I'm going to upload soon. "Clickity Click..."
  16. (edit: Arrrrrgh! when i try to post with a pic. it tells me that the server was reconnecting or some crap like that and it won't post! I've tried it like seven or eight times! )
  17. Well the stuff I've got doesn't have a manufacturer's name on it but I was just out at a department store and noticed another stationary store that carried a different brand called Toyo. Now I figure that it is the same Toyo that I know as an ink/toner manufacturer, which is based in Japan. Unfortunately I don't think that you can get Toyo products in N. America. But the stuff that I bought is not Toyo brand it is some other company but it is made in the U.S.A. so I figure it is probably available in N. America. I got The digi cam back and took some pics. Oh yeah the stuff seems tobe available in widths of .5mm, 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 3.5mm and 4mm - haven't seen any other sizes.
  18. Hey all, I was just checking out my local stationary store here in Seoul, and I came accross theese rolls of masking tape in different colours that come in different widths. I picked up a few rolls that are 2mm x 16m and boy does it make masking fine detail lines a whole lot easier. Just thought I'd post this up as I don't recall seeing this product mentioned before. The package says Made in U.S.A. on it and they are approx 2" square,made of clear mylar with a vellum insert and red markings/lettering. The product name reads: GRAPHIC TAPES. Sorry I don't have a picture (my wife lent the Digi-cam to a friend. So has anyone else ever used this stuff?
  19. Impediments to model building, hmmm . . . let's see . . . I know! How about packing everything you own into boxes and stowing them with various family members spread over an 800km area. Everything that is except for two suitcases + 1 carry-on bag worth of stuff which you take with you half way around the world to a completely empty appartment (I mean Empty ie. no fridge, no stove kind of empty) and then not getting paid for the first month you are there, so you can't afford to buy the stuff you need to set up a workbench so you can build the models you packed in your luggage instead of useless things like boots and shoes and extra clothes. Hows that fer impediments. Well all that said. Moving to Seoul wasn't all that bad. I'm actually having a Blast here! Thanks to Valk009 I've found a fairly decent mode-shop that has a good supply of Macross kits ( Thanks Valk!) although I'm looking to see if I can find any other shops that might be cheeper. And I finally started to set up my model bench this week! ( I've got a whole room to myself - Complete with window even! ) So hopefully this means that you all will be seeing some finished kits from me soon
  20. Haven't benn around nuch lately - intermitant intermet access due to travelling. ROY'S HAIR ROCKS!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics.
  21. Your welcome. Glad you got it. I was worried you wouldn't see the post until lit was too late. It's always fun to help someone get something they've been searching for. Just be sure to post pics when you've completed it! If you don't mind my asking, how much was total price in Cannuk Cash after shipping?
  22. Hey Spatula! You can find that "Ingram 2" kit on the Mandrake sight. It looks like a good price too!. Good Luck. http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/searc...t=1132095710175
  23. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...ii_fortress.htm Check the models section on the main sight folks. It's quite educational!
  24. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to wait for at least a couple of months as I'm in the process of moving to South Korea and visiting with various family members untill the end of October. Nut when I'm settled I 'll be ordering 4-5 for the first batch and more a few months after that.
  25. LED's are also the best option because they don't create a significant amount of heat, which is a major concern in the small confines of a model kit. Any other of the small bulbs that I've come accross have been too hot (when left on for a couple of minutes) for me to consider using in a model. Led's and Light Sheet are pretty much it for me.
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