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Everything posted by Chas

  1. This is just . . . well just damned incredible! What's the crate for? Where are you shipping it? tell me you are not sending her away. I mean you are keeping this no? You should try to get a copy of the video to Kawamori-san & Kazutaka-san. I'm certain they would love to see it.
  2. Yeah from comparison with pics of the Yamato 1:3000 online I'd say this Hasegawa version has a 'smoother' look to it overall - less knobbly. Some really good pics of a build up of the Yamato 1:3000 to compare to the colour pics posted above can be found here. As an example :
  3. This looks pretty darn good so far. I think I'm gonna enjoy following this build thread.
  4. Wow! That looks worlds away from what it started out as! Fabulous work there.
  5. Cool link. Nicely done build video. Thanks.
  6. for single small parts I've often used two part epoxy putty to make a mould and the used the same putty to cast the part. Works just fine. I've done two part and single moulds. But Isince I got my hands on Oyumaru I just use that over and over again.
  7. Sounds a lot like Oyumarubut in a slightly different form.
  8. nel2012 this is very good work. The digital work is EXCELLENT. You are very accomplished in this area. The initial drawing however do have some issues. Theses are mainly in the proportions and anatomy of the figures. From looking at your work I would hazard a guess that your initial figure construction is off. In fact, for many of these, it appears as though you are not doing much if any figure construction before adding the clothes ( hence the radically long necks, legs and hips that don't connect properly with the torso etc). Also the foreshortening on the arms of your figures tends to be hit or miss with the result that often they appear to short. With a little work ( studying anatomy and more figure drawing) I'm certain that you can overcome these small issues and improve you work quite a bit more - The skill is clearly apparent. I would suggest drawing out the figures first, to get the construction and proportions to look right, and then adding the costumes etc after that has been accomplished. My apologies If this is unwanted critique. It's just that you obviously enjoy what you do and I get the feeling that you want to be the best you can be at it So I thought I tell you what I see as areas where you could stretch yourself a bit. If this post in anyway offends you ( I know this is a fan site not an art critique site) I apologize and you are (as everyone is) absolutely entitled to ignore everything I've written here. Just to be fair, As you have shown your work feel free to have a look at some of mine, if you want. Some of it may be found at http://chas.portfoliobox.me. Please don't let anything I've written discourage you in anyway. If you ignore everything I've said your work is still very good - as evidenced by all of the comments here and you should feel proud of it.
  9. I would use another clear coat after the decals, not a dull coat, then oils over that, to blend the decls in with what came before them. then when you are happy with the way things look go with the dull coat flatten everything out. The reason I would clear coat after the decals and before treating them with the oils is because the dull coat creates a rough finish and applying oils over this will, I suspect, highlight that rough surface and look 'wrong'. Test out both methods with some spare materials first and see which one works best for you.
  10. Ummm, yeah . . . that is just NOT accurate info. While there are some parts of the Hasegawa 1:72nd scale kits' assembly that are snap fit. It is by no means a 100% snap fit kit. (which is why HLJ has it listed as requiring GLUE and paint to complete). Now the 1:100th Wave kits can be built up without any glue, but I would recommend having some at the ready if you want it to STAY together.
  11. That's a 'grown' kit, rapid prototype, 3D print call it what you will. Definitely interesting, but I'll wait till I see some sprues before getting too excited by this. It's still a long way from production and lots can happen 'twixt now and then.
  12. Nice! Is that official? Wouldn't it be nice if the wings came with optional parts for a flaps down build like that pic?
  13. As I am interested in the Gaianotes paint line as well I emailed that "place in Australia" and asked if they would ship to Canada. Here is the response I got just now. "Thanks for your question. We can ship upto 6 jars of GaiaNotes and Gunze paints for each parcel to Canada. If you would like to order over 6 jars, you may need to place separate orders or use Sea Mail instead. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards," Granted Australia is a little far to go for model paint, but not that much further than Japan.
  14. Well it's a good deal considering what I paid for my 3 Hasegawa gerwalk kits.
  15. Why do I remember them being more expensive than that? Anyway still a good deal.
  16. Anyone know if the Gerwalk kit is complete? or is it just the parts needed to convert a fighter kit to a Gerwalk? I ask 'cus the price seems really cheap for a whole complete Gerwalk kit from Hase.
  17. Wow some really nice looking builds there! Oh and thanks for the twitter link lots of really good stuff there too, plus a link to his(?) ameblo blog site! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!
  18. Yep. That looks about right to me as well. Just to the right seems to be info bout the weapons set too. No dates there that I can make out. Sure would be nice to get better scans of that page.
  19. Umm . . . So . . . About the tweet and the account that it came from - credibility? I mean who is this @megaroad01 and where did this info come from? I can see no mention of it on Hasesgawa's own twitter feed in the last 12 days. I want more info on the source of this news before I get all worked up. Granted my Japanese reading skills are so bad as to be almost nonexistant, but I can recognize 1:48, 1:72, and VF-1 and I don't see them in any of the tweets. Can someone get a more official source for this? Or more info on the @megaroad01 twitter account?
  20. As a place to start you might consider using paper model layouts as patterns for styrene. Find a subject you like in paper model form print out the sheets cut out the parts and trace them onto styrene sheets. It won't be pefectly straightforward, but you'll get a good start and a good idea of what you need to consider in terms of stucture and support.
  21. Found this http://www.starwraith.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=9042 with Google. maybe it will help?
  22. Cool. I've got two of the old Imai Blowsperior kits and one of the Stick version, plus a 1:15 Stick. One of my favorite things to do is taking old kits of modifying the proportions and posabliity of them. As I said I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out, so don't forget to post those picks whenever that day comes.
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