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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I don't know if anyone knows about when the Alpha is going to be released..And is it going to be a lot better quality than the Blue Alpha? I had so many loose joints and its so ridiculous... Please let me know guys!
  2. Nemesis

    HCM 1/72 VF-1S

    How much is the HCM 1/72 VF-1S going for if it is in mint condition? I think I asked this a while ago but I just want to check to see if anything changed on the prices or whatnot. Thank you guys!
  3. Hey guys, I don't know if asking to where I can find some torrents is allowed here on the forum of MW. But I'm looking for Girls Bravo Season Two. I watched season one and just need to finish watching the entire series. BTW if you guys know some good animes, I'd much appreciate the extra hand! So yea, where are the torrent sites? haha SOrry if this post isn't allowed here.
  4. Yes, it is a 1/72 scale.
  5. Well guys I really appreciate all your input. It wasn't because I wanted to sell my newfound "joy" (corny I know) but yea. I really appreciate it for being such a vintage item, especially a macross vintage. Well I do have the 1/48 yamato Hikaru 1S and the the 1J. Some models too. Not much of a collection right now, but I do cherrish what I do have.
  6. If it is cheaper, I wonder how much cheaper it would be..haha That VF-1A is only going for 50 bucks right now on Ebay. Certainly nothing like what I have. But I'm curious as to how much cheaper it might be.
  7. Graham, Thank you for your helpful response. Well I'm gonna assume for now based on what you said that it wouldn't be too much of a difference in pricing on this HCM for either in Japan or here in the U.S.
  8. Hello guys, I don't really post much but I do read up on all your very interesting post topics often. I wanted to know if you guys could help me out here. My cousin dropped by the other day and said that I could have his HCM: VF-1S Hikaru 1/100. The box is about C8.5 condition and the actual model or toy or whatever it really is, is about a good 9.5 condition. He kept very good care of it I'd say. All stickers and unapplied and model pieces still in the tree. The foam is actually in very good condition as well. (Don't ask me why he gave this to me, but he did mention it was because he knew I really like Macross a lot). So, in any case. I want to know if you guys can help me estimate how much this HCM is worth? Thank you!
  9. Nemesis

    Help please?

    Does anyone have a wallpaper done w/the hasegawa model kits built? I think i've seen a couple before but i cannot seem to find it anymore. Thank you! Btw, i was talking about the battroid mode hasegawa wallpapers..
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