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Everything posted by rocco_77

  1. I don't know if this question has been asked... I haven't visited this thread for a while... but... How close is this project be being ready for the composite? I'm still interested in helping with some of the Photoshop work.
  2. So now we send the message to kids that it's ok to divorce or whatever.... how sad our society is becomming. Blaine23: that was some funny s**t!
  3. I would like to accomodate you here, but I don't have a good shot of the Hory Froating Head to work with. I can't believe this is still being talked about. I realize the magnitude of the news here, but this is just a lot of chatter now isn't it? Do you think we will hear anything from anyone who really knows how this happened and what it will mean for future Macross products? I for one don't claim to be a purist, but I would hate to see Macross products with a Robotech label slapped on them... I think there is room for both productions, but let's keep them separate.
  4. Ah, thank you DrClay.... I was hoping someone would show the 1/60 line some love... I have 5 1/48s also, and about 18 - 20 1/60s. I still love my 1/60s, and I don't think that will ever change. 1/48 is great, but for me I'm happy with all the valks I have...Including the not-so-loved YF-21FP.
  5. All I want to know is what could happen with us being able to get toys from Japan? Could this "first step" of HG producing DYRL? merchandise be a prelude to us not being able to import toys from yamato anymore? Or could this have the opposite affect and possibly allow companies like Yamato to import their products to the US and worldwide? I've read most of this thread, and these questions really haven't been addressed except by Kevin from Valk Exchange. So would someone please comment about this? Thanks. rocco_77
  6. oooooooo.... I would venture a guess that if you get the VF-1J with the Armor that there will be a pilot.... I don't recall, but I'm pretty sure my Super 1J has a pilot. Haven't seen the box in a while.
  7. Pilot figures and ground crew, with groud crew vehicles... Some people have constructed their own dioramas with figures and such from other models... The ones I've seen look really cool... But it would be great if Yamato made a set of figures.
  8. Hey Cyc, I remember seeing somewhere that the Shadow Alpha WOULD be made accurate... Not like the Superposable head-swaps... I don't remember where I read this, but I know I did read it somewhere. As for MPC Cyclones: I don't mind if they use the IMAI kits as a guide for the Cyclones. There is a thread in the model section here of an IMAI model someone built, and it looks a lot better than the Gakken version IMHO.
  9. wow... that's pretty.... um..... big.... 'n stuff.
  10. Pretty cool, but no thanks... Hey, I thought the SDF Macross Series is only 9 DVDs? Where do you get 12?
  11. Actually, the Alpha is truely a 1/55... The sculpt was based on the IMAI kit, but has been scaled down and modified. I saw a preproduction at the San Diego Comic Con, and it is smaller than a VF-1 at 1/55 scale.
  12. I second this sentiment.... Why am I posting here?
  13. rocco_77

    Macross 0 toys

    I was also a little disappointed at the scale announced for the VF-0 line... PVC doesn't bother me too much, but I do with it was another material... I will probably wait and see what other people think of them before taking the plunge into this set of toys.
  14. It's offical that Toynami has stated that any Beta produced would depend on the sales of the Alpha. If the demand isn't there for the Alpha, they're not going to make the Beta. Yeah but will the Beta connect with the Alphas? Tom Bateman said that if a Tread/Beta is made, then it would DEFINITELY link to the Alpha... I believe his exact words were something to the effect of: "What good would it be to make a Beta if it didn't link to the Alpha?" So I would say that is the plan if the Tread/Beta is produced.
  15. I must admit, I was one of the panic-ers... But honestly... This is the only reissue of the Alpha in many years, and I have been looking forward to Mospeada toys for a LONG time... I think some panic is justified. maybe. But just a little.
  16. I voted for 1/60... I would really love to see it in 1/48, but I just think for most people it would take up too much space, and the price would no doubt be pretty high. 1/60 is a good solid size that allows for sufficient detail. And with the size of the VF-0, a 1/60 with perfect transformation may be possible.
  17. English version of their site would be great. The Engrish version is a definite!
  18. Hey, I really love the color scheme you chose for this one... The fast packs look really great! Great work.
  19. I hope you are right mechaniac... It would really ruin the appearance if the cockpit stays blue... <_
  20. Well, I didn't order a Dragon, so option 2 doesn't affect me... I am happy that the refund will be coming for the VF-4 I ordered though... I don't have a recommendation as to what option should be taken, so I will let the people who ordered the Dragon decide... Thanks for the update Jesse!
  21. You could always just order from Kevin... Save the 5% and then some on shipping... Unless you live in Japan or Europe I suppose.
  22. I will also have to voice my disappointment... I was really hoping that Yamato would stick to the 1/60 or of course, 1/48 scale for the VF-0 toys. As I'm sure this will be a nice toy, I think I'm going to hold out for the next version, that I also believe will come in time... There is definitely enough stuff to buy to hold me over until then.
  23. I won't be jumping into this game so quickly either... I liked Battlecry ok, but it definitely could have been much better IMO... I'll wait and see what other people say about the game... I REALLY like the Mospeada or (New Gen.) theme though... CYCLONES!
  24. Wow... that is some amazing work... I wonder if it transforms?
  25. Oh man, I can't wait for this sucker.... I really hope they make all the Destroids..
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