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Everything posted by rocco_77

  1. I'll also pitch in for shipping as well.... I just want know who is getting what, but I understand Jesse that this is not what you had in mind... so take your time... As for recasting... I don't care to keep that quiet anymore... I say go ahead and recast. As for us waiting and paying for these models and the trouble we went through? I'm not saying it was not a big deal, but by now.... who cares? As long as I get a model or two to compensate my order not even getting made is fine with me. And as for letting others get the models from recasts? That's fine with me... spread the joy.... we are all fans after all. As for paying less for the recasts... Who says they would have to be cheaper than the originals? At least not too much cheaper anyway...
  2. ARRGG!! Just finish the damn thing would ya?!
  3. I really just don't see the big deal.... Why has Yamato dragged its feet on this toy, but is able to get all these other toys to market? I realize that the -19 is a tough one to make, but Yamato has done some really incredible work, and I just can't understand why the -19 is THAT much more difficult to execute... Plus, I've been watchin the poll here, and you guys are really picky! Perfect transformation would be ideal, but detachable landing gear would be a small price to pay to actually get the toy rather than it be scrapped... Are there any other MAJOR issues preventing perfect transformation?
  4. JsARCLIGHT - Actually, my comment about objectivity was NOT directed at you at all... In fact, I think that you complains are legit... albeit very spirited, but legit nonetheless... I am mainly addressing the people that just seem to get on the complaint band wagon just for the sake of saying.. "YEAH... WHAT HE SAID!" and not really having anything to complain about other that a tiny paint smudge.... As I've said.. I realize that there are some major problems with this toy, and some people got some real lemons... And so, again I'll just let you know, that at least my comment was not directed your way. I agree with what the Captain and Felix are saying as well about lowest bidder manufacturing facilities. So to wrap up... I was just trying to say that the people with the little problems should should try to remain objective and not add any unnecessary fuel to a fire that's already as hot as the sun. It's just overkill and starts to sound like.... WAH WAH WAH... and the people with legitament complaints get grouped in with the whiners and the true complaints get diluted. If we really want Toynami or any other company to listen to the fans about quality and the like, then our complaints and suggestions should be as concise and objective as possible, instead of just bashing Toynami just for being Toynami.... I hope I made myself a little more clear.
  5. FINALLY! Jesse.... I think if we do make money on this, then it would be a great idea to give Rob a model, or some cash, and some funds to Anasazi for decals... I look forward to your PM. Dragon.... Cats Eye...... 1 of each.... I HAVE CHOICES!!! (hopefully) Grayson - I think I said recast at some point... then I retracted it.... and now I'm saying it again.
  6. Felix: Thanks for posting your comments.... Well said... A few pages back, I also made my feelings clear that although the Alpha has some issues out of the gate, that I think some people here could stand to be a bit more objective and not overly critical.... If customer service is accepting returns and/or exchanges without hassle, then I don't see a problem... I know there are more than a few that were disappointed, and there are issues admittedly so.... but the Alpha over all is a pretty good toy... I agree with Felix's grade of 80%.
  7. I voted for removable landing gear... I don't know if that would take care of all the problems or not... For me, removable parts are TOO big a deal... Having to remove the legs on the 1/60s was a bit much, but I would be more than happy to have removable landing gear on the YF-19FP if that would make the rest of the toy transform perfect and look really good in all modes. As for scale... AT LEAST 1/72.... 1/100 would be stupid... If all the other M+ Valks are 1/72, then why change it now... If they did that, THAT would piss me off more than any removable parts. Ok... so 1/48 would be really great though.... LOL!
  8. Geezus... someone is trying to sue??? LOL! Man, get a freaking life... Return the toy for a full refund and be done with it.... The only thing I would be upset about if I had to return my Alpha, is if they didn't cover the shipping. $10 for a toy I'm not going to keep is B.S.
  9. lol... Jesse: Now... I kind of forgot what is supposed to happen with my missing model... I was the only one that ordered the VF-4... And I'm definitely not getting it..... so am I getting a Dragon II instead, or a refund... Sorry, but I really can't rememer. Thanks for the update Rob!!
  10. Great pics man!! THANKS! The Monster looks great.... Can't wait to get one of those.
  12. FARSCAPE!!! I'm so happy they made this miniseries.. I went to the Farscape panel at the SDCC... They showed a kick arse trailer there... Not to mention the charm of Claudia Black gracing the stage.... I'm really looking forward to this!! BTW - Box Set: Season 3 should be on sale in the next couple days!! WOO HOO!
  13. I have a PRE-3000 issue of the Alpha, and all I have is a loose arm and that pesky problem of the arms not wanting to stay locked together in fighter mode... Other than that, it's pretty darn good... My issue number is: 16XX for the record. I think that maybe they did some tweaks to the assembly line post 3000 units, but it doesn't seem to have helped 100% of the minor problems... I think a lot of people here are also overly-bitching about this toy since it's a Toynami piece... I'm not trying to defend Toynami, I'm just stating my opinion that the Alpha is not being judged as objectively as I had thought it would be... I know you all remember the VF-11B leg fiasco... And Yamato doesn't offer direct replacements... I have 2 VF-11Bs that have broken legs... Luckily someone here was nice enough to send me a couple extra fuselage parts to fix them... I know some of you may say... "we have a right to bitch"... and I will be the first one to agree with you... However, let's keep it in perspective... Yes, Yamato does build a superior product overall, but in comparison Toynami didn't so such a bad job on the Alpha as it's being made out by some when put next to the numerous flaws in some of Yamatos pieces (the above mentioned -11B, the 1/60 line (specifically, the Ostrich and Elintseeker chest plate issue, the floppy head of the Super VF-1J, and the loose hip joint issue that plagued almost the entire line), the YF-21FP that no one was really thirlled with, etc). And yes, I also agree that for the money, and the claim of this being a "collectible" that there should be a higher standard for this toy... I'm just asking for a bit more objectivity...
  14. OOOOOOOO.... wow, that sucker is SAHWEET!! I may just have to get two of those and break my "one of each" tradition.
  15. None has been announced, though I personally doubt it. Still, you never know. That is so freaking stupid... Why go through the trouble of sculpting a detailed cockpit, and then leave it without a freaking pilot!!!??? I really love Yamato products, but their thinking here is boarderline Toynami.
  16. how do you fire phasers and photons??... The buttons don't seem to work.
  17. Oh please don't misunderstand... I'm not asking why you are doing this... I'm just expressing my astonishment in your abilities to put this thing together in paper AND make it transform... simply incredible.
  18. I can't believe you are actually doing this... I cannot fathom how this works out of paper... simply amazing...
  19. Cabon nanotubes will provide the means to create a great many things... For example... The Space industry has a group currently working on the creation of the "Space Elevator." Arthur C. Clark was quoted about 20 or so years ago saying; "the space elevator will be developed as a cost effective means of getting people and cargo into orbit about 10-15 years after people stop laughing at the idea." And at the very foundation of this invention is the carbon nanotube... They are projecting that if they can mass produce the nanotubes they can use them to construct the tether or "ribbon" needed to get from a ground based unit to a satellite base station in Geosynchronous orbit... Then a "crawler" would be used to climb the ribbon into space... This would reduce the cost of payload to orbit from $10,000 US per POUND to about $100 US per pound... Also.. And this is for all us computer geeks out there.... The nanotubes can be used as conduits in "Molecular" or "Quantum" computers... which are speculated to be not 1000 not 10,000 times faster than todays desktop, but ONE BILLION time faster than todays desktop... Of course development of such a computer is probably decades away, but there is speculation of something in the molecular range of computing sometime around 2050. Nanotubes rule.
  20. Monkey - don't worry about it man... Just do what you can, when you can... It's appreciated... I just post about once every month and a half or so just to vent my frustration.... Let us know when you have something.... Thanks again.
  21. Hurin - those displays are REALLY GREAT! I think putting the pictures with the valk like that looks very nice indeed... I wouldn't be surprised if we see some people here following this trend... In fact I may do this to a couple of my shelves... Nice work.
  22. I have ONE Roy 1/48... Got it when it came out... 1st edition... I'm happy I have it, and I love it.... And it will always be my squishy.....
  23. Well, here we are almost an entire month later, and still no word, no models and no restitution... This is the most ridiculous situation I've ever had with purchasing anything from anyone... As I'm sure that if anyone had any information they would have posted it... but.... does anyone have any information?? THanks.
  24. Is there going to be a Max figure to pilot the Max Q-Rau??
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