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Everything posted by rocco_77

  1. Stupid, stupid, stooopid costume... That is the worst Catwoman I have ever seen.... And I thought Catwoman was a blonde vixen? No offense to Hally, but come on! LAME..
  2. rocco_77

    1/48 VF1J

    I think I'll do the same as you Jesse... and get the FP version.... Just to have one of each... Don't really care about having the different boxes.
  3. I usually buy one of each varient... Although I have 2 VF-19A, 2 VF-11B and 3 VF-1A CF... They are my only duplicates currently. As far as Destroids... if the quality is good and the price is in line with what Yamato has released to date, then I will get one of each.. including the Monster 1/60.
  4. Very nice stuff guys! B) s_i_t_h.... looks like you have your work cut out for you... Would you even be willing to post some screenshots of the modeling done in LightWave? Can't wait to see that thing in progress.
  5. cool pics man! Thanks for sharing.
  6. I would really like to get the Monster myself... But I hope they make the other Destroids in 1/60 too. That would be a selling point for me being the completist that I am.... I'll probably just put that one on the credit card and pay it off in chunks.
  7. rocco_77

    Macross Plus Toys

    I for one have always said that I would like the 1/48 line to be reserved for "special" and "rare" valks.... BUT... I really love the M+ valks, and would definitely not mind seeing the YF-19, -21, and -11B in 1/48 scale. Reality or Fantasy??? Who knows... Maybe Graham, but he can't talk unless he wants to be assasinated by a Yamato Ninja.
  8. Welcome, And yes, you did find a really good price on those... You said the supplier had two more? Would he sell them for the same price? If so, then I would buy them up and resell them on ebay for some extra cash.... B) (is that a bad thing to do? ) As far as your question though... It appears you have the answer. Man I LOVE that valk... got two myself... paid $60 for one and $50 for the other... Have fun here!
  9. The first valk I got to play with was a Jetfire. I also played with two of the original Gakken Alphas... None of these were mine though... A kid on my block had them, and use to let me "borrow" them for a few weeks at a time. So my first Valk that I ever owned? Was the Rick Hunter MPC. Then I found Yamato, and the Hikaru 1A was the first one there. After that, it's all a blur.
  10. I need more money before I can order some... I want two sets I think... maybe three. Hey s_i_t_h.... Your stand there has two different size rods... Did you buy some 6" and some 4"?
  11. Would anyone care to comment on my post above? And just for the record... I haven't had any problems with my PS2 thus far, and it has gotten some really heavy use from myself, my roomates, and friends.
  12. So is this price drop a good thing or a bad thing for Nintendo? Do you guys think it means that they are just trying to grab more of the market share, or maybe releasing a new version and they need to get the old ones out? (like someone else said) I mean for $99, I might just get one, but I don't want to miss a better version of the console a few months down the road... Any thoughts here?
  13. I voted for the Blue Rose.... But that Thunder Hammer.. OOOOO..... That is BAD A$$!
  14. That's a new one. I have heard people say that they like the MPCs... Myself included.. BUT, I've never heard anyone say they like them better than the Yamato 1/60s. But when the Alphas come out?.... hmmmm.....
  15. Yep, I'm still waiting for my VF-4. Jesse is still on top of things, but it has taken a REALLy long time to complete this order. But I have hope for a positive outcome.
  16. Do you have the transformation guide that came with the toy? I know it's in Japanese, but the pictures are usually pretty good. I don't have the FP version of the -11B, but I assume the transformation is the same as the regular one. The only parts that I felt I had to be really careful with were the shoulders, and the hips. The arms swivel around at the shoulder where those long metal bars are. The tension there is pretty tight, so just swivel the shoulder holding it close to the joint instead of pulling on the forearm. I don't exactly remember how the fuselage becomes the chest and back off the top of my head. My -11Bs are in the boxes currently. But I know that once you get the fuselage apart, the legs should just swing down. I know I'm probably not much help here, but when I get stuck on transformations, I just stop and really examine the toy for a while, and I can usually figure out where things go. Study the pictures of the finished modes either on the box, or in the booklet to get a better idea of which parts should be where for each mode. Like I said, the only parts I think you should be extra careful with though are the shoulders and the legs. I hope someone else can provide better assistance.. Good Luck.
  17. NICE... Thanks for the heads up Tom.
  18. 1/60 without a doubt... I don't see the need for a 1/48 Destroid... Plus, my main reason would be.... COMPLETE THE 1/60 LINE.... please. Enemy mechs and all!
  19. Hikaru Super 1J!.... it's such a pretty thing.
  20. rocco_77

    Your Valks

    I also purchased three of the stand from Sith... They are truely awesome... I don't have them displaying anything now though... I didn't realize they had the six inch ones! Is there a way just to order the 6 inch rods to interchange with the 4 inch? It would have been cool to pay a little more for each stand and get a set of each length rod... Any chance of this happening?? Please??
  21. I will admit to having all of the MPCs released thus far... I must have gotten lucky with my Rick Hunter, cuz I don't have any really bad issues with it. It's "pretty" tight, (no floppy leg), and the paint only has one little spot of overspray. The Ben MPC was a definite improvement thought... THEN, I honestly think they took a step BACK when they released the Roy MPC. The first one I got was really loose, and seemed to be made of two different colored plastics! Specifically, the little hatch where you put the head through when transforming was a "whiter" plastic than the rest of the chest plate and back plate. So in fighter mode it looked ridiculous... So I sent it back. I got another one, and it was much better, but IMO still not as good as the Ben. The Max and Miriya on the other hand were pretty flawless as far as the MPCs go. They are most definitely the best made ones by far. So there ya have it.
  22. The only reason I wanted XBox was for Halo anyway.... Are the Halo games on the PC as well? If so, then I will take your advice and skip the XBox... Well, with that said, I may have to just get one of those GCs instead, get F0 for it and shut the hell up.
  23. You know theres a better way of asking the same question then the way you did. The way you asked, not only did you slam the system the game is on, but you also slammed the game itself without having played it. How do you expect ppl to react? And by the way... while you may not get a kick out of playing the GC version... I would defenetly look for the arcade version of F-Zero. B) No problem Abombz!! But I think you guys could lighten up a bit... I didn't slam the game, I only referred to the GC as "kiddie." It wasn't meant to get anyone pissed. I thought some people might see the humor in it... but I guess not. So, sorrys all around... and let's move on. NICE Screen shot from F0... WOW, the graphics are pretty good. ARRG! This topic needs to go away. I don't want to buy a console for just one game... How many of you guys here have all three consoles? I only have PS2, and I'm trying to justify buying an XBox too. Can anyone talk me out of this?
  24. Sweet! Thanks for the update Tom, I look forward to getting these... Looks like I have some cleaning to do on my Aphas. B)
  25. Cool topic! Great job on the stats. Well I didn't make the top buyers list, but I think I'm pretty close to having a problem... Curse this economoy!! I NEED MORE VALKS! B)
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