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Everything posted by rocco_77

  1. I think it's pretty neat looking. Plus it is a different VF-1. I'll probably pick one up if I can find a good price on it. I like the colors.
  2. The title pretty much sums it up. I just bought the Perfect Edition DYRL Movie from Kevin. But he Macross TV series he carries says that the subtitles on it are just "fair." So where do some of you suggest I go to get the original TV series on DVD that has "great" or "really good" subtitles? Thanks a lot guys and gals.
  3. I'm going home to hide my collection of Klingon weaponry.
  4. I listen to a lot of Metal... no time to list them. I like alternative rock too... my favorite band here would be LIVE.... they are just an amazing group of musicians. I really like House and some Techno. Classic rock has a big spot in my music selection. I don't like Rap of today.. I used to listen to a lot of it back in the 80s though.. Don't like Country. CAN'T STAND the poppy bubble gum CRAP. (don't get me started) Punk is WAY overrated, almost all of it sucks ass.
  5. rocco_77

    YF-21 FP

    The -21 FP is a huge pain to transform... I have the biggest problem getting the legs in and out. I can't really think of how I did it when I think about it. I remember struggling with the legs, and then they would just pop in or pop out and I would scratch my head and wonder how in the hell I just did that! Also, does anyone know an easy way to get the gun pods out of the armor? One of mine is REALLY tight, and actually I got it out once, put it back in, and now it's stuck again. As for the backpack. You have to just transform the whole thing to battroid, and then secure the back pack to the small pins on the back of the fuselage. If you try to secure it first, it just falls away when you are messing with the rest. And I still really haven't figured out how the legs are supposed to snap in in battroid. I think I got it right though. There is a clip that they are supposed to snap into. But then when I tried to get them out to go back to fighter, it was pretty tight, and I was affraid I was going to break the clip. Graham: Do you think you might have time to do one of your video transformation seminars for the -21 FP?? That would be really cool.
  6. I don't understand the people that don't open these things. If you are buying them with the hopes that they will be collectible and worth lot's of money some day, then ok... But if you buy them for yourself to keep forever, then what is the point of keeping them in the boxes??? Personally, I have bought ONE of each varient, and I have opened every one of them... I'm REALLY careful when I open the boxes, and until I get a display case, they are back in their boxes, and I can guarantee that if you were to see one of my valks in the box that you would not ever be able to tell that I opened it and took it out. I don't put the stickers on, so the book and stickers are in the bag and still stuck to the bottom of the box inserts. The only tell tail sign I have opened mine is that the seal tape has been cut carefully with an exacto.... I'm even careful not to bend the little flap on the box lid. I think eventually I will have to flatten out the boxes to save space though... arrg.
  7. rocco_77

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    EXO, you have been redeemed.... that smile posted by bsu WAY surpasses the other one. LOL! GBP! THis is very exciting... I'm getting this even if it is bundled... Then I will patiently wait for the 1/48 version!
  8. wm cheng, you are just amazing..... That is one beautiful job on the -21. THANK YOU for not making it PURPLE! I love the shading you put into the wings and rear stabilizers. The striping effect really adds a wonderful detail to the finished piece. And you are right about the front shot. VERY menacing! Just amazing work. B)
  9. That's a good point... I didn't really think about that. Sorry, I meant no disrespect. Mods, if you would like to delete my previous post, that may be in the best interest of this thread for now. Sorry guys.
  10. rocco_77

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I REALLY hope that GBP is just an armor kit. I would hate to have to buy another 1J.......But I would! I hope you are right about the shoulder Kam... It would suck if you couldn't remove the armor and still transform the sucker.
  11. It would be REALLY REALLY sweet if someone would offer up a Cats Eye for someone to recast... Anyone interested in doing that?
  12. Wasn't really the only difference the color?
  13. Well Jesse, I know you would have posted here if you had any info, but man this is really a big bummer that we don't have this done yet.... I've been checking this thread everyday to see if there is any news, and ....... nothing. Well, I just felt like griping about something today I guess..... don't mind me.
  14. I have to agree with this statement.... I have never made a poll here, but even I know that rule. Won't be getting the new Roy.... I think the first issue (the one I have anyway) is just fine.
  15. I found all three on ebay from one seller who was only auctioning one of them off. I asked if he had the other two, and we struck a deal for all three... they are REALLY cool, and I believe the production run for those was around 5000 - 10000. (I think) They are pretty rare. I found mine about a year and a half ago. So if you look I'm sure you will find them. Good Luck. Here's a pic of mine, just to taunt you.... sorry, I just had to.
  16. As I think the head sculpt is really good, but does anyone think the head itself looks a bit small on the Battroid?
  17. It's actually the composition of the plastic itself that causes yellowing over time.... If you try to keep your valks relatively clean, don't smoke in the room with your valks in it, and try to limit their exposure to direct sun light, then you should have nice shiny WHITE valks for years to come.
  18. I spent $700 for three Gakken Alphas (Legioss). One of each color, all accesories included... Stickers were applied though... Can't wait for Tom's new ones. Got them at the San Diego Comic Con 2 years ago.
  19. Hey that was pretty cool. Thanks for the read. I love seeing the backstory stuff, especially when it describes the creation of the mecha.
  20. rocco_77

    1/48 VF1J

    YOUR BABY?! WOW, didn't that hurt a bit?
  21. rocco_77

    Rubber tires

    I don't understand you saying that the proportions look off on the 1/48 -1S and then say the -1J looks great.... They are from the same sculpt, so if the -1S is off in your opinion... the -1J should look that way too. What proportions are you speaking about? Legs, head, arms, hands? The 1/48 is a spectacular toy, go and get one.
  22. Wow... I can't believe this thread went (EDIT: 4) pages. I for one am completely happy with my first issue 1/48s... The improvements made are pretty minor, and as long as all of the ones I have take the Fast Packs... I could care less about the minor improvements. My -1S is just fine... Little bit of a head seam, and the Skull Emblem is SLIGHTLY out of alignment... big deal. It still looks amazing to me and that's the bottom line.... I'm happy. And I hope everyone will just be happy too.
  23. rocco_77

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    The CFs did go on sale a while back and I picked up two more. It would be cool to have them on sale again though.... I wouldn't mind having a total of 5 or so. 1/48s for 70% off.... good luck.
  24. I didn't realize that Tamiya paint was "fragile." Does it chip or peal easy? Wouldn't a primer help that at all? So if Tamiya is the most fragile paint, then what is the most durable? And can it be sprayed through an airbrush? Sorry for all the questions, but I am going to get back into modeling as soon as my house is remodeled, and it's great to have all the research done before I start... Plus you guys are some of the best modelers I've seen and I trust your judgements. Thanks.
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