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Everything posted by rocco_77

  1. I'm rather glad at this point that we are not being crushed by a bunch of new products... I really need to take a break... I'm still behind on a couple of the current releases.... The Ostrich for example... and I can't afford to preorder the 1/48 1J FPs yet.... So a little breather is just fine with me.... Oh, and for those who still want new news...... (I know this may be taboo, and if someone has commented on this then sorry, but.....) HG and Toynami have just announced a preorder for a REALLY UNIQUE AND RARE ITEM..... Are you ready? BOOKENDS!!!!! WOOO HOOOOOO Bookends to hold your MPC books...... And for a mere $150 they can be yours!!! But hurry! There are only 300 pairs being produced WORLD WIDE!!! So don't delay.... Get what just may be the collectible item to have out of everything being released.... Woah.... my sarcasm mode kicked in without warning.... I'm ok now.
  2. rocco_77


    Welcome !! And be prepared to spend your retirement dollars early.
  3. My number one choice about 5 years ago was F-16 Fighting Falcon Now I would have to say F-22 Raptor, or the F-35 (don't know the name) w/ VTOL. I still love the old F-16 though. Oh, and for Prop driven... The P-51 Mustang hands down.
  4. The conversion is approximately 119 yen to 1 US dollar.
  5. rocco_77

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    wouldn't bother me a bit if the shoulder armors were slip-covers. Just adds to the bulk. I agree though, I hope it will be able to hold a gun pod. I'm pretty excited about this release. Can't wait to get one.
  6. Man... Hollywood is sure getting pretty desperate. Berry has never done anything for me... I don't understand what the hype on her is all about. I see beautiful women everyday, so I don't understand the fuss about celebrities at all. That costume is just plain awful. I made the same comment in the other thread... What is up with the open toed shoes?? All the bad guy has to do is stomp on her foot! Hell even a REAL CAT retracts it's claws!
  7. rocco_77

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I had already said this two pages back in this thread.... GEEZ! no one listens to me here.... "Is this thing on??!!" *tap, tap*
  8. I gotta say that thing is pretty ugly... I'll give the guy his props for what I'm sure was a lot of work for him though. And what gives with the astronomical price? What would make that thing worth that much money?
  9. SWEET NSJ23! Thanks for the Good Lookin' Out! (GLO) BTW, this IS the AnimEigo remastered version with the really good subtitles right?
  10. rocco_77

    1/48 Line

    I will still maintain my opinion that the 1/48 line should be reserved for more rare valks of all different types... Custom color schemes and the like.... and complete the 1/60 line with Destroids, and Enemy mechs.
  11. rocco_77

    Yamato Destroids

    I agree with haterist.... give them all to me now my virgins! The 1/60s MUST BE COMPLETE!
  12. LOL! I can kind of understand what you are saying, but I think that there are other factors that determine what Yamato charges then our humble board of fans.... As I'm sure they are here from time to time to read our feedback, I'm not so sure that they set prices based on our opinions or statements about price... Plus, I think there are just as many people here that say they can't afford a 1/48 at current prices then there are people who say they are willing to spend $150 or so on one. Does that make sense?
  13. true, but Bandai it seems has stopped producing the varients. I haven't seen a new Badai valk in a while, but Yamato keeps pumpin' out some really nice stuff. ... Hence, Yamato is king right now.
  14. wm cheng.... someone here suggested you consider writing a modeling manual... I think this is a REALLY GREAT idea if you have the time or the inclination. I'm sure you could sell a ton of them here for sure... I would buy one! Would you think about something like that? It would most likely be one of the greater contributions to this community, and who knows... you could get it published and make some good money.
  15. I don't wear surgical gloves when handling my valks.... but I do wash my hands before touching them to keep as much oil and dirt off of them as possible... "ISN'T THAT VIERD!"
  16. rocco_77

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I wonder if the slip over shoulder thing was also added for stability, and to keep the shoulder armor nice and straight. If you just slipped the armor over the existing shoulder, it may not attach very securely, so the slip over shoulder may help the armor stay on better.
  17. all 3 for me! I was kind of surprised at the poll results. I figured the 1/48 only choice would have outnumbered the all 3 choice, seeing as how the 1/48 is so popular now.
  18. rocco_77

    YF-21 FP

    I think the slider thing for the legs is supposed to be pulled down in battroid. I didn't actually know that it did that either. Thanks for the tips Valkyrie Nut.
  19. I for one hope they keep releasing them... I just got one set from Kevin, but I need to save more to get at least one more set.
  20. rocco_77

    YF-21 FP

    Yeah, I know I sound pretty stupid, but on mine it just seems like maybe my gunpod don't collapse all the way. I'm a really mechanical person, and don't ever have any problems figuring stuff like this out on my own. So basically I'm wondering if anyone elses gunpods sit in the armor really tight like mine apparently do. Maybe I should try expanding the hole in the armor just a bit? I think that would be better than trying to file down the tip of the gun pod. I also had to take one of the gunpods apart because there was some extra glue seepage when the gun was put together that prevented me from extending it. This has been fixed though. I think mine just has a few minor issues. Thanks for not insulting my intelligence...
  21. Hey Duke, why don't you chill out a bit. If you read my above post... and in it I quote: "I would really prefer not to get the bootlegs though. I would really like to have great subs, and also support the real stuff..." I fully intend to go with the AnimEigo product. What I'm asking is if someone that has it might not want it anymore, or may need some extra cash for the holidays and wants to sell it to me. The only reason I would consider getting bootlegs of anything is if it wasn't available through a retailer. So now that you know my stance on bootlegs. Let's be like two little Fonzies. B)
  22. good stuff guys, thanks.... I put a topic in the Wanted section here too in case any one here wants to off load some Macross stuff. But I will check the links you guys provided. If anyone has a really nice set for sale with great subs, then let me know... I will pay any fair price for them.
  23. Ok. cool guys thanks. I would really prefer not to get the bootlegs though. I would really like to have great subs, and also support the real stuff... (no offense Kevin ) Maybe I'll put a topic in the wanted section to see if anyone else has the set they would like to sell. Thanks again! rocco_77
  24. rocco_77

    YF-21 FP

    That is what I meant. the back clip to the front of the torso... I've only transformed it once, so I really didn't remember correctly. Ah.... The tip for the legs here is helpful. thanks! I really couldn't make that out from the instruction booklet... I wish I could read Japanese. what about the gun pods though... Is there a trick to getting them out of the armor??
  25. Well if you don't put stickers on, what's the point of opening it? I really don't mind the clean look of the valks without the stickers on it. I really just haven't got around to putting them on. So to answer your question, I open them to transform and display them..... OF COURSE!
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