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Everything posted by rocco_77

  1. This ridiculous thread is here again?? Come on man.... really, what motivates you to post such nonsense? And on topic... what would motivate people that produce CARTOONS to start conspiracy? Sheesh... ok, enough time wasted here. Anyone have a time lock to put on this subject? Set it for "Never Open Again Ever." A most excellent quote... however, unfortunately it doesn't apply here.
  2. THanks man! Hey, why the name change?
  3. I graduated from the Art Institute of California in San Diego... I would love to do a BlowSuperior Cyclone.... Someday I will pick this up again... yep... second try... my first try was sonic the hedgehogg... lol... Thanks for the compliment! So here is the desktop screen I made for myself of this.... If you want it bigger just email me... The original is 1600 x 1200 (I have a large monitor...) but I didn't want to post that size here and get yelled at ...
  4. Thanks for all the great compliments! Peter Maxx huh? He's one of my favorites... Very cool.... Must be the colors that remind you of his work.
  5. oops... you're probably right.... I know there are a few Mospeada fans here though.
  6. I was cleaning out one of my closets and ran across an airbrush project I did while at the Art Institute. This was my second attempt at using an airbrush... and unfortunately, I haven't picked one up since... Looking back at this, I think I should try my hand at this again soon. What do you all think?
  7. My girlfriend and I watched the re-broadcast of the mini-series last week, and then watched the new premier... VERY GREAT SHOW!! We both loved it... We will be watching religiously... I'm still having issue with a female Starbuck... and a Cylon Boomer, but eh.. I can get over it since the show is just great. I love the cinametography in the space scenes.. very unique, and very realistic looking... Showing such a large ship as the Galactica from far away to make it look tiny next to that nebula in the mini was awesome... the way it really gives you a good perspective on how vast the universe is... Oh... a little to philosophical... LOL!
  8. Got myself an early tax time gift.... The Monster... That sucker is really cool... One of my new favorites.. The rest of the return will undoubtedly go towards debt though...
  9. Man that was bad AZZ!! But streaming video SUCKS!
  10. Damn Armor... you are my Gundam hero dude. That's really looking cool... You know me, I like the "fresh-out-the-factory" look, cut I can fully respect the work that goes into your battle-worn creations... nice job man!
  11. Man, you guys are a tough crowd... Hasn't it really only been 5-7 years since we've seen a fully bi-pedal robot at all? I thought the demo was pretty sweet actually.
  12. Thanks for the update Kev... I'm not getting this as a gift for anyone, so timing isn't really a factor for me.... Although I was planning on wrapping it and putting it under the tree and pretending it was from Santa...
  13. rocco_77

    Macross Jack

    That is funny as hell... great job man... LOL!
  14. Wow Man! Beautiful baby! Congratulations!
  15. No.... they don't.
  16. Man, I really don't like the way the Alpha looks from the side in Fighter mode... It looks like it has a back problem ... It SAGS! The Rook in the picture appears to sag worse than my own Scott type does... That kinda sucks.. As for the Shadow... I wonder if that is just a painted prototype... I thought they WERE going to sculpt an accurate shoulder? hmmm...
  17. This is most excellent news.... Summer 2005.... very good, I can save for it..
  18. That looks cool! Is their a reason you didn't paint the main part of the plane white?
  19. You guys that just got an Alpha... Are you talking about the Scott Bernard variant, or the Rook one that just released?
  20. Make your girlfriend buy her own damn Jamba Juice....
  21. rocco_77

    Who spends more?

    I buy few models.... Mostly Gundam MGs and PGs. I buy a lot more toys.
  22. There's so many mods to this thing already, I would be afraid if you add a sliding cockpit, the entire thing would just crumble to pieces... LOL! I really look forward to the finished piece...
  23. Hey Wheels.... What number was your Scott Type Alpha?
  24. I can see that being a major factor... I guess it helps to have an office at home... I'm lucky that way for now...
  25. It saddens me to see so many of us losing the excitement.... I'm just not one of them... I LOVE my collection, and it stays with me forever... I still get excited when a new item comes out... Right now they go straight to the storage closet, but that will change as soon as I have constructed a suitable display case to proudly show them off... I don't care what anyone says about my collection.. I'm 34 years old, and I love those little suckers, and anyone that thinks it's wierd, that's ok, because I'm sure that they have something about them that other people think is weird... Keep the stuff coming Yamato!
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