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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Thanks! Yes, laser cut acrylic. YouTube is chewing on the video as we speak!
  2. I am going to take what I have and look at some local places. Perhaps I can get the price down. I don't want to scare anyone away yet.
  3. YouTube is still processing. Should be good shortly.
  4. 1/24/2015: I now offer these stands through my webstore at www.yetistand.com Hello all, Hopefully I have not overstayed my welcome, and mods bump this post someplace else if need be. I am posting in the Toys section because YetiStand is about 90% ready to be sold. I have some tolerance issues to look into, but this thing is looking good! Please watch my rambling video and let me know what you think.
  5. Thanks, guys. It is great to see something like this finally start to come together.
  6. Yes! Editing video as we speak.
  7. Pro=Saburo. What was fixed?
  8. Let's just turn this into a picture request topic. If you have a specific armor variation with the tornado parts you would like to see, ask the pro for a photo!
  9. It is nice. Very solid. Excited to set it up in a stand with the ghosts.
  10. Sounds like an issue with connotation and denotation. Bootleg ≠ Custom.
  11. I don't handle it much, but I love the YF-19. I was pretty blown away by it when I first saw Macross Plus. I watched the initial releases of the Yamato 1/72, and 1/60 Plus valks and couldn't convince myself to sink money into one while trying to finish up college. A few nit-picks aside, Arcadia did well.
  12. Keeping them warm for Ozma. Should the intake covers for the 25s super parts be different from the VF-25a's? They don't have the clip that clips into the intake like the stock intake covers. They just clip around the intake. Edit: Just looked it up on anymoon.com. Looks like this is correct.
  13. I have charitable intentions with my multiples.
  14. Not sure if you are serious, but let's hope there isn't a god that cares about whether or not we get fancy molded plastic. He/She has a lot of other work to do that they have been putting off before they decide who does, and who doesn't get a VF-25s.
  15. OK. I had seen the vid showing the official transformation on the monitor, but I hadn't seen this one yet. No brace shown, but the nose was drooping. Not as bad and floppy as the other video shows where the guy kept trying to hold it up.
  16. Has this been posted?
  17. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-118410
  18. This is the most I have ever seen active in a thread. PLANET DANCE!
  19. It is Roy...I mean Ozma.
  20. Yes it did. I was successful.
  21. Craziness. I ended up grabbing a YF-30 as well.
  22. I almost tried for 3.
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