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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. I suppose it does now! Modeled an adapter, and it is compatible with the included stand with arcadia's vf-1s as well as YetiStand. Are there other yamato's that don't have a stand adapter to facilitate a specific mode?
  2. Good idea. Let me think about that.
  3. Politely limit yourself to 10 or fewer. I am not going to begrudge someone who orders all 100, but it would be helpful to spread these out in the wild. And don't be a dick and scalp them. I will make more.
  4. $50.00 unpegged, $52.50 pegged plus shipping. Choose either DX adapters, or Yamarcadia ones.
  5. Am I missing a piece, or do the VF-22s's not come with a tab style Battroid stand adapter?
  6. What are your plans for the 25F's? Just a multiples kinda guy?
  7. I second this. Don't let him pass you by. For some reason the 25a, and YF are my favorite to play with. Could be because of how new they are. Very tight, and crisp. The deco on the YF is awesome. Don't be fooled. Edit: I just realized the grip on the YF-25 gunpod is gunmetal and not purple like the others.
  8. Nice catch. That's a lot of plastic awesome you have.
  9. Everytime I hear this sentiment I thank my wife for being a rational adult.
  10. Turntable arrived today. Pretty weak motor. It would not turn with a valk on it. I am gonna have to modify it for it to be useful. Just have to find a better motor. Possibly print a new bracket for it to fit.
  11. Added drawings to initial post. You can configure the stand in a number of ways.
  12. I could just do a flat rate international box, but it is a different cost for each country. This is acrylic. I haven't successfully shipped one down the street yet. I don't think the wait will be unbearable. I'll do the 100 run domestically, and if all goes well I can most likely do another 100 right after. This could go one for awhile until I figure something else out. If demand is high, I will have to look into other forms of production.
  13. Do you collect these? Are the slots for the stands all the same standard size, or are they different for each plane?
  14. I am excited by the prospect of getting my hands on a VT-1 without having to take out a second mortgage on my house. As far as the Super/Strike parts go, I hope they make a lot. I am sure there are people out there that need 10+ sets.
  15. These look nice. More pics would be great. Every mode, parts by themselves, etc. Don't feel like your pics aren't good enough. We want to oogle.
  16. I apologize for the inconvenience. Let me figure out domestic shipping first. It is not a slight against anyone. I just want to make sure I bite off what I can chew.
  17. I know, I was looking for 1/60 diecast airplanes, and came across lots of 1/72 scale. Came painted as is. Almost entirely metal. It also comes with a bunch of different payloads and covers. Pretty nice. http://www.hobbymaster.com.hk
  18. Correct. Pegged base has 6 5mm holes for attaching 5mm things. Presumably the RVF-25's ghosts.
  19. That is nice.
  20. Trust me, I don't mind. This is a pretty nice bit of kit. I want a few more. Maybe an A-10.
  21. Just received a Hobby Master 1/72 F-22. Gonna be nice to have a little delta wing party when the YF-30 gets here. And yes, I specifically bought this to see if I could print a stand adapter that would fit.
  22. If that is a question, than the answer is yes. Although, I can not guarantee the tightness of the YF-30's hip joints. I did post pics of Isamu's YF-29 with a similar spread eagle pose.
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