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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. That looks identical. Is there a nub on the end of the male tab, or is that flashing from the mold?
  2. I bet they are the same thing. So, the stand is male, and the valk adapter is female? Unless someone wants to send me a SV-51 so I can make a custom piece for the valk, I can try and make an adapter for the adapter based on the Arcadia stand. David, are you actually in Iowa? I could ship one to you so you can test fit on the actual SV-51 piece. Edit: I just modeled this. I will print it shortly and see if it fits. I used a 12 faceted cylinder, but I am not sure if it will carry through the print.
  3. Do you have an Arcadia VF-1S? Is it like these little guys?
  4. I was just looking at that. I am thinking it will not work for the SV-51 unless I make a specific piece for it. Does it have an adapter for the Yamato "tab"? Will it fit in these slots? If the adapters don't have the tabs, they won't work with what I currently have. Does anyone want to send me a SV-51? This will work with any Yamato valk that came with the tabbed stand adapters. I have already made custom adapters for the YF21/VF22 Battroid modes, and the YF19/VF19 Fighter modes. This will fit the Yamato/Arcadia v2 VF-1 releases. I do not recall if the Yamato v1 VF-1's came with stand adapters. $51.50 for the base YetiStand, and $54.00 for the pegged YetiStand. Just a few posts up
  5. Can you post a picture of the adapters that the SV-51 came with?
  6. I will adjust the for sale lingo to "YetiStand comes with 2 adapters of your choice". Is that better? I will not, however, remove an adapter in order to reduce the price of the stand. If you only pick one adapter it will still be $51.50 for the base YetiStand, and $54.00 for the pegged YetiStand. Edit: I have heard back from the laser cutter. They are going to look into a possible issue with the 9mm acrylic not getting a straight cut. This could just be how it is going to be. I told them the slot does work, but I want to make sure I am not selling something that is going to get stress cracks now or over time from the tight fit. As I said in the update video, the revised stand seems perfectly fine. I just had to use some force to get he base pivot seated. Edit: Just how it is: "Thank you for your patience. We noticed that you are using the 9.0 mm Acrylic Clear for this design. When using thicker materials, the results may vary. Here's a little bit of an insight into how laser cutting works with thicker materials: The laser beam is normally focused and intensified by a lens or a mirror to a very small spot to create a very intense laser beam. In order to achieve the smoothest possible finish during contour cutting, the direction of beam polarization must be rotated as it goes around the periphery of a contoured workpiece. Because the laser has to travel a farther distance on thicker materials, these materials have a tendency to skew the beam and may sometimes produce slightly different results. If you want to make sure that you have a better fit, we suggest using a thinner material like the 5.6 mm Acrylic Clear." I am awaiting a response as to whether or not they think the amount of force needed to seat it will be an issue. And no, I do not want a thinner material. I like the substantial nature and weight of the 9mm hexagon base.
  7. At this point it is just me in my home office. If you would have asked me a month ago if YetiStand would be were it is now, I would have laughed. Once it becomes more established I will hopefully have better avenues for distribution. By the way, YetiStand is now patent pending!
  8. Did you read my posts? I will be offering international shipping now.
  9. Correct. Those outside of the USA, does this sound correct? Is this typical?
  10. USPS is not being very clear on interantional shipping costs. I am going to be stopping into a main branch later today, or early tomorrow. I am not going to delay the first run in hopes that I can get international shipping figured out. It may just have to wait till the next run. Hopefully right after this first one.Edit: I am going to allow international shipping. Cost is going to be $62 flat rate. Even the USPS worker thought that seemed high. Before she looked it up she thought it was going to be around $25. I can't promise anything, but when I am at the point of dropping them off to be shipped if there is a disparity in this quoted cost of shipping I will refund the difference.
  11. Just waiting for an email from my acrylic vendor. If everyone is comfortable with what I explained in the latest video, I could start taking orders now. I'd rather err on the side of safety. Edit: "On the shelf" picture that doesn't really do it any justice, but I wanted to share. The downside of this stand is now I want more valks!
  12. M&M's just arrived. They seem much tighter than my Gamlin. Is hat common?
  13. Me, either! It has been a productive morning!
  14. The good news is the Ghosts fit nice and secure in the peg hole. The bad news is the base pivot does not fully seat in the base. It looks like the laser did not cut straight through the base. It is at a slight angle making the base pivot unable to fully seat. Edit: I was able to seat the base pivot. Video will be available shortly.
  15. I am not currently taking orders, but today is hopefully the day! Tolerance is either tight and good to go, or there will be another delay. The pieces are out for delivery as I type this. For each YetiStand you purchase, you will get a pair of DX YetiStand adapters, or YA YetiStand adapters included in the cost. At an additional cost, you can add each of these for $5.00 a piece. Budget accordingly, and please be reasonable on quantity. I may have to cut off availability on extra adapters if demand is too high. I do not want to delay shipping the actual stands because I am backed up on printing adapters. Ordering extra adapters will bump you to the bottom of the to be shipped list, as I will be printing the extra adapters after regular orders are filled. This will all be reiterated in the eventual "For Sale" thread. DX Banking Adapter DX Standing Adapter YA Banking Adapter YA Standing Adapter Yamato 1/60 YF-21/VF-22 Battroid Stand Adapter Arcadia 1/60 YF-19 Fighter Stand Adapter (haven't gotten around to modifying for Yamato VF-19's. It is still possible I will have that available as well).
  16. He has seen too much.
  17. I fixed the ankles on my VF-19s by putting a few drops of future polish in the ball joint over a few days. Future is self leveling. Have patience. You can always add another drop.
  18. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41509
  19. Comparisons of balance.
  20. Sounds like they are going to repaint the prototype. Pictures incoming, I hope.
  21. Houston, we have pickle. Still waiting on my M&M 22s's
  22. Others have mentioned wanting a replacement for the fighter mode craddle on the DX's. I am going to have to decline adding it as an option. I am going to be stretched pretty thin in what I am already offering. I may work on one and show progress, but I won't be able to produce another adapter in quantities for order. Edit: Bulk order of rubber washers arrived today Edit: 400 bolts, 400 nuts, 800 metal washers, and 400 rubber washers. All bagged up and ready to go.
  23. Thanks for the kind words, and support. I will be offering the 21/22 battroid stand adapter, and the YF-19 fighter stand adapters as paid extras. Anyone who buys a YetiStand can add them. I will also have an option to add extra DX, or YA adapters to your stand order. Each addon piece will be $5.00. Remember that buying a stand gets you a set of adapters of your choice included in the cost. As for the YF-19 stand adapter, I have attached it and removed it a dozen times. No paint scratching, or damage yet. As this is a very tight fitting piece of plastic, and it is in direct contact with the painted diecast spine of the YF-19, there could eventually be an issue. It seems to be fine, but I can't subvert the physical properties of these things. I believe this is correct, but I only have 1 VF-19s. Do all of the VF-19S/F/P's share the same design for their diecast spines?
  24. The Arcadia YF-19 Fighter stand adapter I made does not fit the Yamato VF-19s. I'll try and figure something out tomorrow.
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