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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Just a heads up. I have 3x Beta's, 5x SMS Beta's, and 4x Kite Beta's left. I won't be able to get any more alpha's or Beta's in before Christmas, so this is it for now. Good Luck!
  2. This seems pretty shady: "Hello, This is an automated message from Glowforge Owners Forum to let you know that your account has been temporarily placed on hold as a precautionary measure. Please do continue to browse, but you won't be able to reply or create topics until a staff member reviews your most recent posts. We apologize for the inconvenience. For additional guidance, refer to our community guidelines.". I have never posted on the forum, but I was sent this shortly after canceling my pre-order with them. I suppose they don't want people to see how many others are canceling. Can't post or comment.
  3. I would have been better off buying a Made in China laser cutter from eBay at this point. I'll look at the link. Thank you.
  4. Glowforge forums are ablaze. Glowforge isn't being very clear as to why the sudden need for another lengthy delay. Lots of apologizes, but they had "we are on track" statements the week of Thanksgiving. If they were ramping up to deliver 1,000's of units by the end of December, they would have known about this most recent delay awhile ago. I have lost faith in it.
  5. I received an email this morning stating the laser cutter will be delayed another 6 months. This is the third such delay. I have canceled my order with glowforge. I am looking into alternatives. I will look into ordering another batch of Alpha's.
  6. I apologize for any inconvenience, but even if you waited until after the sale it will be worth it to get Alpha's cut by me vs me ordering more now. That image you posted with the valks you are wanting to display makes sense for an Alpha.
  7. They are currently sold out, and I am trying really hard to NOT order more from the vendor. I am expecting my laser cutter to arrive in late December. There have always been issues with the thicker 9mm acrylic cut from my vendor. Quite a bit of wasted product, and I end up paying for most of it. Might I ask what you would like to display on a YetiStand? The Beta's work quite well, and I have those in stock.
  8. I love the brownies! That is an awesome price, too!
  9. Pretty neat having them on a stand together. Man, the 171 has a fiddly transformation. Now I remember why I had left it in battroid .
  10. Thanks! I am going to look at again later this week. Should be up on the webstore within the near future.
  11. Don't mind the duo-tone adapter. I keep the flunkies, and this batch ran out of black filament towards the end.
  12. I often scratch my head at the terrible placement they come up with.
  13. Yeah, pretty flush. I might be able to get something around the legs. I'll let you know.
  14. If you want, I could probably recreate that piece and put it on shapeways. Has anyone else had their neck break like that?
  15. I will look again. As I recall, the belly of the 17 is pretty flush.
  16. Thanks for the write up! http://www.yetistand.com/product/brass-rod-adapter-for-model-kits
  17. You guys have it right. I made it by request.
  18. Whew. Awesome! Mind telling people what size bit you used?
  19. Wait....you already have an Arcadia VF-4g, and a YF-30? It would be very charitable for you to trade. I would not do it.
  20. YetiStand Gear Rack is up for sale! http://www.yetistand.com/product/yetistand-gear-rack
  21. You will potentially get very biased opinions on this one, one way or the other. For a lot people on here, the VF-4 has been a holy grail. YF-30 has got that "new hotness" going for it, but both valkyries are so disparately different they are hard to compare 1:1. I have a YF-30, but not a VF-4g. Quality-wise, my YF-30 is awesome. Built extremely well. I have not heard of any rampant QC issues on the VF-4's (Yamato or Arcadia). Maybe do a trial run with your friend for a week or whatever? If he is a good friend, and lives close I don't see the harm in it, unless they are ham-fisted.
  22. http://www.yetistand.com/product/gundam-model-kit-5mm-square-hole-adapter
  23. Yes. I will be doing an acrylic order this week. I CAN NOT WAIT FOR MY LASER CUTTER TO ARRIVE!
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