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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. I tried to write the for sale post as clearly and concisely as I could. Please PM or post any questions, and I will answer them ASAP.
  2. List updated 23 still available.
  3. They are going pretty steady. 6 hours, and over half are spoken for.
  4. For FFF 3d printing. Typically anything more than a 45 degree angle gets droopy. Edit: I did find an SV-51 Ivanov on Mandarake. I am in the process of buying it. Hopefully it is still available.
  5. Yes. It sucks. If you buy 1 stand, international shipping is $62. If you buy 10 stands international shipping is $62. This is exactly how I feel. I keep convincing myself that I need to "test" out the valks I don't have to see if the work with YetiStand.
  6. I hope you pine for them when everyone starts posting pictures.
  7. How much do these weigh, and what does the stand look like?
  8. I need to stop... Just picked up an SV-51 Ivanov on Mandarake for 19,000 yen. I have been having good luck with Mandarake lately. http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-122247.html
  9. I could print you some. They are surprising expensive to produce, though. Edit: Just got back from supper. These are moving faster than I thought. I updated the list.
  10. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41543
  11. Does buying batteries count? Click if it isn't animating for you. Just a gif loop.
  12. I will be posting in "For Sale" at 6:30pm CST this evening. Edit: Changed time to give the Australians a chance, since they should be sleeping now.
  13. I modeled mine using the Arcadia pieces as reference. I would rather have it be a little tight versus a little loose.
  14. Up on eBay? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Renewal-DX-Bandai-1-60-Macross-VF-24A-from-a-YF-19-VF-25S-VF-171-parts-/261561264470?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item3ce6442956
  15. I always end up having to iterate here and there. I had to rotate the peg 15 degrees to match the stock piece. It was hard to tell which way it should go until I had the first one printed. The printed piece fits just as snug as the stock stand piece.
  16. Here is a working YetiStand adapter for the SV-51 adapters.
  17. I am very tempted to just green light it, but I should hear back in the morning about what the vendor thinks the possibility of stress cracks on the base is. I want to ship the best possible product. Hopefully they agree there shouldn't be an issue and I will start taking orders.
  18. "Enjoy" -Saburo 13-8-2014
  19. Provisional patent for now. I would have to wait for official findings to see if I can get a utility patent, but definitely a design patent. That would at least protect the molds if I go that route. An initial patent search has looked promising for utility. Filed pro se for now. I have a patent lawyer I have met with, but I am going to hold off on the $27,000 until I know this is going somewhere.
  20. Yep. Printing now.
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