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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Nice! 3 more to go!
  2. That could be doable. Shoot me a pm.
  3. Fighter and gerwalk are covered.
  4. The 1/48 adapter is working well. The fitment is good, but I am going to give it a round of edits.
  5. Sure does
  6. This should be a new standardized test for figure articulation in reviews.
  7. I don't think you failed. That is a sweet m.
  8. Nice. Does that mean you want 2? Y was taken. It's a nice try, but lets have the people who ordered the stands get a chance to grab one of the 9 freebies first. These will be available next time around.
  9. Not that you would need my permission, but I think that is a great idea. What I do not want to have happen is for someone to buy them and than hike up the price.
  10. What is the consensus on the extending hips? I don't see a lot of people using them. Not required, but let's you splay the legs more.
  11. Not sure about the best way for battroid. Still working on that.
  12. Need more than vowels. Will print and test after the current batch of adapters is done printing.
  13. It is a better T than Saburo's. Saburo is demoted to I, unless a better I shows up.
  14. Pick one.
  15. "...if you post a pic of your YF-30 in a pose that makes a Y, E, T, I, S, T, A, N, or D silhouette."
  16. A few things. 28 out of 35 people have already paid, which is pretty cool in its own right. If the few stragglers that have not paid yet don't pay by Friday I will order the acrylic anyways and hold their shipment until they pay. I don't want any delay's that can be avoided, but this is a bulk order. Not paying means I am paying out of pocket to get them to me. Bandai decided to change up how the connector for battroid attaches to the stand on the YF-30. They put ledges on either side of the female end. I took this picture with it the other day. It seems to hold fine, but "fine" doesn't sit well with me, or YetiStand. I am going to be modeling a YF-30 battroid specific adapter for myself that will fit between the ledges. To celebrate the launch of the YF-30, and to thank you guys for buying into YetiStand, I will include one for free with your order if you post a pic of your YF-30 in a pose that makes a Y, E, T, I, S, T, A, N, or D silhouette. If someone posts a Y, it is taken, and you need to pick another letter and so on.
  17. Ha. Correct. I am taking the pictures on my table. I was just showing a different configuration for the stand. Everything is in flux. I am constantly moving stuff around while doing this project. Edit: USPS just delivered the shipping boxes. Kinda surprised they didn't send them in a box.
  18. Lots of payments coming in. Hopefully everyone can pay up before the end of the week.
  19. I have Ikea Expedit shelves everywhere I can in my office. I am liking mixing up the stands in different configurations. Ones with the arms, and ones without the arm and just the elbow and appropriate adapter for the valk. Lets me stagger the display and get more in each shelf. I am interested to see how others configure their YetiStands for their own setups.
  20. It would have bothered me to my grave. I can't stand that sort if thing. Easy fix.
  21. Nope. There is a groove where the paint is suppose to go. No need to take anything apart. I just removed the error and repainted.
  22. I caught this little QC issue last week and finally got around to fixing it. Testors Flat Black enamel paint pen, and some isoprobyl alcohol.
  23. Finally got here through SAL shipping. The problem with SAL is not the wait, it is the not knowing. Fighter to battroid and back again. Battroid does not need brace, on mine atleast. Gerwalk does need the brace if I want to swing the hips down. The YF-30 is very sleek. I smiled when transforming the arms both ways. They are so perfectly integrated. I love how the hand covers seamlessly collapse into the leg when out of fighter mode.
  24. Thank you to everyone for your encouragement and enthusiasm. All invoices have been sent. The sooner everyone pays the sooner I can submit the acrylic order. Edit: PLEASE BE SURE TO PUT YOUR ADDRESS IN THE PAYPAL MESSAGE WHEN SENDING PAYMENT AS GIFT. Thank you.
  25. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=39877
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