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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Well, USPS never came by to pick them up. I just dropped them off. I hope they get to you guys safely.
  2. Check your PM's. I need some extra info from a few of the international orders. Other than that, you should have tracking for your order.
  3. Thanks. Anxious to get feedback. There will not be another run directly after this one. I need to find a new acrylic vendor, or come up with a different design for the base.
  4. You will start seeing tracking numbers tonight. I will be dropping the boxes off tomorrow.
  5. There is still going to be a minuscule variance in every base. I have already printed the base pivots, so nothing saved in not shipping them. I am routing off an averaged amount on the base pivots. It seems to be about .4-.5 ish mm is the ticket. Some fit, and some need a little persuasion. Before attaching the feet, try inserting the base pivots from both sides. One side will be tighter than the other. Same goes for the pegs in the pegged base. Test the holes before you decide which way is "up". If you get yours and you feel that the base pivot isn't as tight as you would like it to be you can use the printed base pivot, or apply an acrylic solvent to the two acrylic pieces. It will bond the 2 pieces of acrylic together for a very solid fit. I would advise against using super glue as I have not tried that yet. I apologize for the delay. I want to make sure you receive the best product I can currently produce. I am hoping to start shipping out orders on Friday of this week.
  6. Plummeting margins, but back on track:
  7. As it turns out, the table router I got is a little unwiedly for the size of piece I am trying to work on. I am printing some pieces to help with that. I will probably be able to update on progress later tonight, or early tomorrow. Edit: Mods, this has turned into more of a Workshop post. I would understand if it gets moved.
  8. I am assuming they are purchasing large acrylic sheets. The protective paper on the acrylic has a different company name on it. If anything this is pushing me to take this further. I am going to either invest in a laser cutter, or push for injection molding again.
  9. I compared the acrylic I had previously ordered to the new ones. The new ones are up to 1mm thicker. This is also affecting the fitment issue. I just picked up a table router. I think I can fix the base pivot pieces so you don't have to sand/file anything. Edit: I just heard back from the vendor, who has basically told me "tough luck". I will set up the table router today, and hopefully be able to fix the fitment on the base components.
  10. I am currently trying to come up with a different method for the base. Injection molding would solve this problem. Laser cutting is largely a 2 dimensional process. Tab A in Slot B sort of thing. It should be repeatable. "Turn and lock" wouldn't be feasible with laser cutting.
  11. What is the issue? -Inconsistent craftsmanship on the laser cut acrylic causes the base pivot to not seat properly in the base plate. Wasn't there a fitment issue on the first sample of laser cut acrylic? -Yes, there was. The dimensions I gave the vendor where exact measurements for the slotted base, and the tab on the base pivot. These did not account for the acrylic loss due to the laser cutting. I measured the remainder and redesigned the cuts to take into account the material lost through the process. How can we be sure your revised design was correct? - All of the pictures I have taken since than were of the revised design. What is the solution ? - All of the arm components came out perfectly fine and as expected. The only issue is with the base plate, and base pivot. Over the next couple of days I will be printing base pivots that fit into the slot that was cut. This is a component that will be included with every YetiStand free of charge. I will also be including the acrylic base pivot. If you so desire, you can file down the acrylic base pivot and base until they seat snugly. It took me approximately 15 minutes on one stand to do this. The picture posted at the top has a printed base pivot on the YetiStand holding up an armored YF-25. This works. The printed components I have been making for YetiStand are essentially solid ABS. I am disappointed to have to make this compromise, but I believe my solution is fair. I have not heard back from the vendor. If they can not come to an agreement for the errors in this order, I will not be using them again. I am already looking into purchasing my own laser cutter. It is difficult to trust someone else to care as much about this project as I do.
  12. Inconsistentcies in the cuts. Inconsistencies in the thickness of the acrylic. Both possibly due to the vendor rushing the order and not paying attention. Possibly miss aligned machine. They have been quick to respond before. No response yet.
  13. I expected to receive the same quality from the stands I have already ordered. This is not what I expected.
  14. Acrylic was just delivered. I have some issues with how it was cut. These are not as consistent as the small batches of samples I had ordered. I am not going to be shipping anything out until after I hear back from the vendor. I apologize for the delay, but this does not meet my expectations. I will keep you updated. Edit: I am pretty livid. Trying to think about a solution. It looks like with a little bit of sanding these would work fine. The biggest issue is with the base. Free of charge to those who have ordered, I am willing to include the acrylic base pivot, and a printed base pivot if you want one for each stand in your order. That way you would have a working stand with the option of sanding the base to fit. This could change after I hear back from the vendor. Hopefully they will make this right. They just look sloppy. Nothing like the samples I had ordered. Too hot, and too fast. It is really dissapointing. This only effects the base. The arms and elbows look fine.
  15. That is the idea. Pay for them the same way as the rest of your order and I will drop them in your box.
  16. I am also expecting more black ABS filament today. If anyone wants to add a couple brick adapters, I should be able to accommodate without delays. I have a 2x4, and 4x4 designs. $5 a piece.
  17. Update: Bulk order of acrylic is still on track for delivery tomorrow. I should be able to ship everything out by Monday at the latest.
  18. Bringing it back on track. Some of you had weight concerns. If the Millennium Falcon doesn't do it for you, than this should. I don't have a VF-25s yet, but I did snag a set of armor.
  19. Not the UCS. Set number 7965.Just got the new b-wing. I realize some of you might not care for Lego. Let's just assume it can hold similarly sized brick building sets like what I have shown.
  20. I don't have that set, but:
  21. Will do.
  22. My advice would be to buy the sets that are intended for each valk. And if there is an exclusive set that gets released for a valk you don't have, but may want in the future, you should buy it at release or risk paying through the nose even months after release.
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