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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Diamond is: 1 YetiStand 3 Dual Arms 2 XL arms 1 Elbow 2 Banking Adapters 2 Standing Adapters
  2. I missed the yamato 1/48 VF-1 specific adpaters in the for sale thread. I have edited the post to include them.
  3. A lot of people are PMing me questions about what they should order for a specific configuration. I will gladly answer your questions as I can, but the whole idea of the "kit of parts" is for you to be able to customize them the way you want. You may have to just try things out until you get a configuration that works for you. I will have some extra parts after the orders are fulfilled in case people want to order different arms or what ever they may need. -YetiStand Alpha can hold one valk, as is. -For every Valk you want to add to the stand you need to add a dual arm. -XL arms help spread things out when you are attempting to display more than one valk on the stand. You could theoretically have 10 arms for valks on one stand. I would not advise this. I think the 4 stand configuration will be cumbersome for anything but the 1/60 yamarcadia VF-1's.
  4. I understand. The easier for me, the better.
  5. A little bit of everything.
  6. Yes. That would be easiest.
  7. Of course. I mentioned that anyone who was in the first run is more than welcome to order components.And people, please format your orders in the way the for sale thread describes. It makes fullfilment a lot easier.
  8. I do not think so. The Arcadia YF-19 has more in common with the Yamato VF-19/S/F/P/K. For those asking about a "Diamond" formation. I came up with this, but it will most likely only be desirable for a squadron of yamarcadia 1/60 VF-1's. I only have Roy, so I had to improvise. It would work a lot better with fighters of the same size and mounting point.
  9. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41843
  10. I would recommend having a couple XL arms on hand. Not sure how 4 valks will all fit, especially with super parts.
  11. Glad it helped.
  12. I can do that, but it is a kit of compatible parts. It doesn't have to be put together in any way specific other than what works for you. Again, this configuration only exists because I spent all of 5 minutes attaching the pieces together. Hopefully this helps in clarifying how the components can be assembled so you can order the parts needed to make the stand you have in mind.
  13. I can understand the confusion. There are a lot of options, and extras to consider. For this stand: You would need to purchase the following to display 4 yamarcadia 1/60 VF-1's. YetiStand Alpha: 1 Extra YetiStand Arm: 1 YetiStand Dual Arm: 3 YA Banking Adapter: 4
  14. It is always late somewhere on the planet.
  15. I will be posting the for sale thread in 10 hours from now. First come, first serve.
  16. Still waiting on one of the hardware vendors to get back to me. I'll post the for sale thread when everything is squared away.
  17. Ha. Just saying, at some point gravity wins.
  18. Gravity... I would say gravity is the limit.
  19. Looking at how the elbows would fit, I think they would be a little off center. Not a perfect diamond.
  20. Yep. Just need to add a few elbows.
  21. Clearance looks good. You may want to purchase some of the xl arms just in case. I only have Roy, and no super parts.
  22. whipped this up quick. You could have some pretty neat formation flying going on.
  23. I would have no worries putting 4 yamarcadia 1/60 VF-1's all on one stand. Very doable.
  24. I believe one set has hard points.
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