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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. That is awesome. Great work. Do you matte coat a lot of your valks? Any issues with transforming them (chipping, scratches, etc)?
  2. Wow. Three makes for a stunning display.
  3. Sorry to hear that. That sucks. I was hoping this thing would be QC free. A few people on here have mentioned issues.
  4. I know. I was worried about that with the forearm gunpods. Wondered how I could get at the swivel joint if they loosen over time.
  5. The folding wing sections are on a double hinge. My right one is a little bit tighter/harder to line up, but it is doable.
  6. Keep an eye on amiami.com hlj.com cdjapan.com nippon-yasan.com - All based outside of USA. 2am CST, I think. I do not know of a USA based site that can offer pre-orders. Direct all of your hate to Harmony Gold.
  7. Looks like more people are getting theirs!
  8. Not surprising. Kawamori worked on Armored Core.
  9. Fellow board members are also really good about posting when orders go up again after the initial storm.
  10. If your retailer does exchanges, definitely take them up on it. QC rng is no fun.
  11. I ordered the super parts as well. I must say I am disappointed that it doesn't come with an alternate pod, and missiles for the hard-points. I don't care about the cost as much as having to track down a bunch of add-ons if the plan is to piece meal exclusives and drag it out.
  12. That is pretty rough. I only have the one to look at, but I do not have that issue.
  13. I want Bandai to tackle the VF-22 from Delta. Kick one out with this quality. Would be so drool.
  14. Thanks! This thing is NOT a YF-30. No extra braces need. Nothing floppy. Ratcheted hips and ankles. Tabs, covers, and locks where needed, etc. Kudos to Bandai.
  15. I think I am hooked. I was only planning to get one VF-31, and one SV-262. The 31 is done so well, I might get the whole squadron. As for the 262, I'll have to wait and see.
  16. New site looks awesome! So far so good.
  17. I got mine just before Christmas. Best DX Valkyrie yet! Only issues I have had have been with the head. It is a bit finicky to transform going both ways. Other than that, this thing is awesome! Nice, confident joints. Tabs galore. Really locks everything down in each mode.
  18. Just got a payment request from amiami.
  19. http://www.yetistand.com/product/yamato-1-60-vf-17-adapter
  20. Please don't have loose joints. Please don't have loose joints. Tight ankles all around! Please.
  21. I believe he his talking about the real thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_YF-23
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