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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Nice. I am almost done with my PG GP01.
  2. Sounds like you are looking for someone to say it is worth it. It is not. Compared to the Arcadia for sure, and probably the Bandai vf-19 advanced, Yamato's first crack at the 1/60 YF-19 is lack luster. Keep an eye out for the VF-19 Advanced come pre order time. You'll snag one from one place or another.
  3. There are 2 bulges on the diecast spine of the VF-19, and the tabs seat around those. The curved part of the adapter should be on the cod piece. Send me a pic of how you have it attached through pm, and I'll try and help you sort it out.
  4. That is sweet. I really like the diving VF-11b with the chasing YF-19.
  5. I'm glad you like them. They are very versatile. Lots of options. Are you going to adhere the feet?
  6. Nice.
  7. Thanks. Hopefully people will post pics of configurations I haven't considered yet.
  8. Pictures without the super parts attached, too. I didn't need any more convincing. Now we wait.
  9. I am glad they are starting to show up. Remember to peel the protective paper!
  10. Pretty tricky time of year for packages and ETA. I hope they reach their destinations unscathed.
  11. Looks like stands may arrive today for some people. Happy holidays!
  12. But, do you have a VF-19 Advanced?
  13. Now imagine leaving it on the flightpose stand for months, or years.
  14. ^ Yep ^
  15. Tooling.
  16. I need to order some more hardware to sell what is left over. Due to the holiday, I might not get it till next week.
  17. Regardless of how embarrassed you may be by your picture taking ability, I hope to see lots of photos when you guys get around to setting up your stands.
  18. Tracking sent through PM's.
  19. I didn't have any issues putting the armor on the YF-25.
  20. I am getting a lot of PM's with a similar sentiment. I did order some extra stands this time around. Once I get the preordered stands shipped, I will make a post with left over quantities.
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