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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. You are forgetting that Isamu is the main focus of Macross Delta. VF-19 advance will be heavily showcased. End dream.
  2. Thanks. It is getting there. Hard not to tinker.
  3. I am still messing with it, but I just launched the YetiStand web store. Stands will show up as coming soon. Still waiting for product to arrive. Arms, and adapters are available. Hopefully the cart works well. Any and all feedback of the purchasing experience is welcome. I am hopeful that this will be less cumbersome than threads and pm's.
  4. Repaint from Arcadia? Maybe. Repaint from Bandai? Most likely. How about a Skull leader repaint?
  5. VF-25G is the one I am missing, now that I have the ozma reissue.
  6. Nice setup Saburo. I really like the double-decker configuration on the YetiStands. That is how I have a few of mine.
  7. Look like the 4g is diving out of the way!
  8. It looks like the upper body part needs to be unpinned before you can get to the screws. Let me know what you figure out.
  9. When you figure the pins out make sure to test fit them with the replacement piece before assembly. It may help to drill the holes to size. I think the printed surface topology on a piece this small may effect fitment.
  10. I believe this happened to someone else recently. If a replacement isn't already available, I will model something and put it up on shapeways. Might not be till tomorrow. Edit: Or now, I guess. https://www.shapeways.com/model/3018985/v2-messiah-cracked-hips-replacement.html?li=aeTabs There is a tiny cosmetic detail that I didn't add. For a piece so small, I didn't want to compromise its solidity. I hope it works. I measured the piece on my v2 VF-25F with a digital caliper. I did not test fit. Mine is not broken, and I want to keep it that way. Let me know if it fits. If it doesn't, it wont be a big deal to revise. Took me 5-10 minutes for this one between walking to my computer to uploading. Test print on my FDM printer. Looks like it should work.
  11. Nice! Still waiting for my Cherno to arrive. The legs on my Gypsy are looser than [insert crudeness] on new years eve. How are the leg joints on Cherno?
  12. I would like it if you were my in-law.
  13. As I groggily scrolled through your pics, I thought you bought a car. Especially the interior. That is a nicely detailed bit of kit.
  14. I will have more available in a week or so. Ready for purchase. No prepay and wait.
  15. Nice! Flying high and proud, I see.
  16. I'd buy one for $80ish shipped. That sounds about right for the QC people have reported. At $80ish fixing it up isn't that big of a deal. I wonder if that price will continue to be common on eBay.
  17. You bought both from pre-orders? ...I think you made the right call
  18. 2 VF-4g's on one stand. There is a scenerio I didn't think I would ever see.
  19. I can't wait. Who is gonna post it first, you or Saburo?
  20. Just got confirmation from HLJ.
  21. Goodnight, and good luck! CDj and HLJ worked for me.
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