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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. I picked up a Gamlin VF-22s as a proxy for a YF-21 awhile ago. I liked it so much, I got max and miria as well. Never did find a decent YF-21, though...
  2. Now I want to see a YF-19 fold in Battroid. Do you keep it displayed with the pickle like that?
  3. That is impressive.
  4. G1 Sixshot, and MMC Terminus Hexatron.
  5. Perhaps you could look up a local clock smith, jeweler, or machine shop. I have removed larger automotive bolts with extractors before, but nothing this small.
  6. The armor parts make it for me. It is an all right plane on its own, but it is a beast with the added arsenal.
  7. I am expecting delivery of the acrylic on Monday. The web store is up and active. All orders should be placed through the website moving forward.
  8. I like it! It is just too expensive to arrive broken, brouken.
  9. I was able to back mine out with a pliers. I measured the screws and am guessing they are metric 2mm x4mm machine screws. I ordered 100. Let me know what you end up doing with yours.
  10. I had the same issue with my brand new alto 171. Screw was snapped. Posting hear for future reference. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40095&page=77
  11. Yes, it is the same bolt. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41128&page=17 It is worth noting that there are no threads to strip. It is simply a square hole the at the screw seats into. No need to rethread. Not sure if that helps mommar.
  12. Well, first impressions are this thing is really annoying to transform.. I do not understand the small tuck away triangles under the shoulders. I am positive there is a better solution for that tiny detail they wanted in fighter mode. All three modes seem nice and solid once transformed. I did notice one of the hips to be incredibly loose. Having tightened up a few of my VF-25's, I decided to take apart the hip and see what the issue was. The top most screw was missing its head. There was enough to grab onto with my sog pliers, and I was able to back it out. I found a source for the replacement screw, and I will soon have 100 or so tiny screws (not going to pay to ship just one). I was too pissed off to take pictures before I removed the broken screw, but here is where it was: It is sitting in fighter mode now. I put the armor parts on, and it does look pretty slick. I just hate QC issues on stuff this expensive. Yes I can fix it, but I shouldn't have to.
  13. Decided to have at least one 171 in my collection.
  14. I could have a gallery where each photo is captioned with what components are used in the photo. It is not setup to push those items into a cart, you would still need to add those items. Each caption could be hyperlinked to each item, though...
  15. Good to know. Thanks!
  16. The adapters I made attach to the same locations as the stand that came with the v2 thundercracker.
  17. Possible? Yes. Practical? Not really. I can't print clear. I could model replacements for all of the stand adapters bandai included, but the cost to print clear through services like shapeways would not be attractive for what they are. Perhaps someone with casting experience could come up with something cost effective.
  18. This is sweet!
  19. I found some pictures online. The stand looks extremely similar. Since you are the first person to ask, I will send you a pair of the masterpiece seeker adapters for the cost of shipping if you'll let me know if they work on the v1's. PM me for details.
  20. I hear you. I am not sure if I can get the website to do that much hand holding for adding adapters with the current shopping cart service. I can definitely add pre-built set-ups as a purchasable option (dual arm), but all one needs to do is add a dual arm to their order to the same effect. What is the "Mirror Image" setup? This feedback is welcome. I will play around with the back end some more and see how much flexibility there is in the cart.
  21. I have the v2 Hasbro thundercracker. If the attachment points are the same for the v1 it should work. This is something I have considered. What is most beneficial? A dual arm setup? Ideally I want the "system" to make sense. As some people have commented, it wasn't until after they started assembling the components that they understood the possibilities. What would help?
  22. Whew. That would have been awkward.
  23. Look like two standard length, one dual arm, and an elbow. Which can all be found here.
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