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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Those look pretty cool next to each other. Very white knight, black knight. I'll take another look at my 29 as far as adapter replacements go.
  2. I do really like the 30. Bandai did some nice things with the engineering on this one. Re-paints would be welcome.
  3. I did notice that. It also looks as though the stand adapter on the new Arcadia VF-0's are going to use the dodecagon post like the SV-51 versus the Yamato tab stand adapters.
  4. Well, it is a good one. Definitely pining for Arcadia to reuse this mold.
  5. Nice. Excited for the D.
  6. Sweet!
  7. I would like to add a customer gallery to the webstore. Please send your pictures of YetiStand displays to yeticubed@gmail.com. If you would like your pictures to have a by line or link, please include that in the email. Thank you!
  8. The launch arm is always connected to the fast pack, right? Even though the old Yamato stand "attached" at the bottom?
  9. It is the one off to the left.
  10. Hopefully that is a dull blue. It is under the Shin VF-0D poster. Trade show lighting could explain the gray glare.
  11. Was Arcadia showing anything else?
  12. With missiles? Looking pretty sweet.
  13. I apologize for putting it off for so long. Someone messaged me about it through the web store, and I filmed it last night.
  14. Maybe it has something to do with mold changes needed to accommodate the anal fin antenna?
  15. For those that have asked about using acrylic solvent:
  16. That looks great. How much sanding/ filing did you do? Any issues with painting?
  17. I would have a stroke.
  18. You might not get why, but that means a lot to me to hear. I take criticism to heart, and just want to make sure I put the best thing out there that I can. Your agreement with reality is reassuring. Hopefully this breaches the cost/volume barrier at some point and I can really start moving them.
  19. I'm down for a low viz scheme. Ozma's would qualify. It'd be interesting to see what mold changes they would do. Probably just a new head.
  20. No worries. Trust me, I get it. I am not making much money off of this venture yet. My reward is seeing people enjoy my product. I want to make these as affordable and available as possible. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later.
  21. First and foremost I am a collector.
  22. Just tampo Ozma's skull on the back and make it a two-seater. Let the great debate begin over who sits in front. Isamu, or Ozma.
  23. There are a few issues with using someone as a distributor. Firstly, my margin as it stands is miniscule compared to a high quantity product that is manufactured through traditional means. If I use a distributor you can say goodbye to $50 stands. The second issue, and this one I am still struggling with, is quantity of adapters. Since I am 3d printing these I don't have to worry about stock. I have a hundred or so of each of the basic bandai and yamato adapters, but very few preprinted of the Valkyrie specific adapters. I just print a batch of those whenever they are ordered. I don't have a logistical plan for how to get an assortment of adapters to a distributor. I could upload all of them to shapeways, but they would be more expensive and create a secondary shipping fee. I am still working closely with an injection molder to get things moving down that direction. Although the upfront cost is large, it will plummet the cost per part. This will give me a margin that will allow for packaging, wholesale, and overhead to continue growing the product. I am beginning to consider the kick starter route again to cover the tooling cost. I have attempted to engage other collecting communities and the loudest response is that these are too expensive.
  24. It is nice to get them in flight. Any way you can.
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