There are a few issues with using someone as a distributor. Firstly, my margin as it stands is miniscule compared to a high quantity product that is manufactured through traditional means. If I use a distributor you can say goodbye to $50 stands.
The second issue, and this one I am still struggling with, is quantity of adapters. Since I am 3d printing these I don't have to worry about stock. I have a hundred or so of each of the basic bandai and yamato adapters, but very few preprinted of the Valkyrie specific adapters. I just print a batch of those whenever they are ordered. I don't have a logistical plan for how to get an assortment of adapters to a distributor. I could upload all of them to shapeways, but they would be more expensive and create a secondary shipping fee.
I am still working closely with an injection molder to get things moving down that direction. Although the upfront cost is large, it will plummet the cost per part. This will give me a margin that will allow for packaging, wholesale, and overhead to continue growing the product. I am beginning to consider the kick starter route again to cover the tooling cost. I have attempted to engage other collecting communities and the loudest response is that these are too expensive.